MKO ringleader 'arrested' in Jordan
12-Jul-2008 (10 comments)

Leader of the Mujahedin Khalq terrorist Organization (MKO), Mas'oud Rajavi, has been reportedly arrested in Jordan.

According to an al Jawar website report, Rajavi and many other members of the MKO had left Iraq and fled to Jordan after the Iraqi government issued arrest warrants for the terrorist organization's leaders.

Earlier in June, Iraq's government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh blamed the cell for meddling in Iraq's internal affairs, adding that the government would activate judiciary petitions against the members of the terrorist group.

This is while US Vice president Dick Cheney stated earlier that Rajavi had taken shelter in one of the Middle Eastern countries.

The MKO has been blacklisted as a terrorist organization by many countries and international organizations.

The terrorist group targeted Iranian government officials and civilians in Iran and abroad in the early 1980s. The group also attempted an unsuccessful invasion of Iran in the last days of the Iraq-Iran war in 1988.

The MKO was also involved in the massacre of Iraqis under the former Baathist regime of Saddam Hussein.

recommended by Shiny Head



Re: Khiyalet Takht (To: Anonymous1111 )

by Malekeh_ on

can you please provide the link? I could not find it.





Khiyalet Takht

by Anonymous1111 (not verified) on


I searched the Press TV's site under al-Jawar and got the following disclaimer from the Minister of Information:

Iran dismisses MKO leader arrest
Sun, 13 Jul 2008 19:59:41

Intelligence Minister Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Eje'i has dismissed reports of MKO ringleader Mas'oud Rajavi being arrested in Jordan.

In a Sunday statement, Mohseni-Eje'i rejected an al-Jawar website news report, which suggested that Rajavi and many other terrorists from the Mujahedin Khalq Organization had been detained in Jordan after the Iraqi government issued arrest warrants for them.

He also refused to confirm reports of the Jundallah terrorist group killing two more Iranian police officers.

"The accuracy of the report has not yet been confirmed. We hope that the report is not true," he said.

He asserted that the Islamic Republic and Pakistan are taking the necessary steps to secure the release of the captured men.

Jundallah terrorists abducted sixteen police officers during an attack on a checkpoint in the southeastern Iranian city of Saravan on June 12.

The abducted law enforcement agents were later transferred to neighboring Pakistan.



Re: Khiyalet Tkaht Press TV, Massoud Rajavi is Soro Moro Gondeh!

by Malekeh_ on

I hate to break it to you  "Anonymous500"

But the source of this news according to PRESSTV is a web news source in Jordan. They mention the source if you read their news carefully.

I hope this is a correct news. That misearable bastard must die the worst possible way.  and I also hope you are not an MKO member, because that will make you VERY UNHAPPY.




I hope the story is true and they kill this traiter

by Mani 321 (not verified) on

He belongs in the deepest recesses of hell. The sooner he (and his couple hundred idiotic supporters) get there the better.

PS: I am NOT a Hezbollahi


Khiyalet Tkaht Press TV, Massoud Rajavi is Soro Moro Gondeh!!

by Anonymous500 (not verified) on

To Khomeini Supporters on this BB and that comical Press TV:

:-)) Azizan, Sarvaran, Az Maa Behtraan!!! Ey Keh Haftad Shod O Dar Khabbid!!

This news item is what we may call a regurgitated LIE with three horns on top of it.

The source is THE NOTORIOUS Press TV, CHAKAHATOUR, which operates from Tehran, Iran, and wants to act like the civilized version of the IRI's Official News in diaspora. People in Iran, thanks God, have no access to this "Bongah-e Jafang-Parakani"

It tries to imitate the Al-Jazeera with a big difference: Al-Jazeera has become a world wide reputable news organbization, whereas this Press TV, run by a bunch of Anglicized "Bache Akhunds" and newly Muslim converted British Abji Hezbollahis, has become the laughing stock of the reputable journalists.

It is almost beyond belief that these Bacheh Akhunds think that any one with an ounce of brain would buy this recurring lie; from 2007 to present perhaps six times Press Tv has regurgitated this lie about both Massoud Rajavi and Maryam Rajavi of being arrested togethers by this or that authority, the latest one being the Jordanian. Why? because both Massoud and Maryam are fleeing from Iraq seeking a place for assylum. This is despite the fact that Maryam, since 2000, if I am not mistaken, has been in France. As to Massoud, if he were to be arrested by any one in any part of the world, it would be the top news of the day, not left to these Bache Akund vulchers.

Not only there is no such an event having had ever taken place, in fact it is now the other way around: the IRI regime is now in much crisis in Iraq. Take a look at this news item and gauge for yourselves if you could believe this scenario that this ABLAH to its core Press TV is presenting with regard to the PMOI in Iraq.

On a daily basis the IRI regime is being reported by the world media as having got caught left and right for sending all kind of terrorists and weapons to Iraq to destabilize the country. It is just at this juncture that once again we hear the dated patehic lie that Massoud Rajavi has fled Iraq and now has been arrested by the Jordanians.

Ironically, it is the Vice President Dick Chaney who has supposedly arranged for Massoud's assylum in Jordan. But the Jordanian Gov in in love with Emam Khomeni's heritage of peace and freindship in the rgeion has given a big "BILAKH" to Dicky and has areested Massoud.

Why? Because we all know that the American forces in Iraq have no "power" to shield Massoud against arrest in Iraq and that is why Dicky has asked him to seek assylum in Jordan. Even there, he has been arrested!!!

Yah!! And my name is Chelsie Clinton, a tad chobbier!

یكی از فرماندهان نیروهای چند ملیتی در عراق گفت فردی را از یك گروه شبه نظامی ویژه دستگیر كرده‌اند كه امكان دارد در ارتباط با این بمب ها باشد كه اخیرا شبه نظامیان از آن استفاده می كنند.
بمب جدید از یك كپسول گاز حاوی مواد منفجره تشكیل شده كه با استفاده از یك موشك 107 میلیمتری ساخت ایران پرتاب میشود. این سلاح معمولا از پشت كامیون و بصورت كنترل از راه دور شلیك میشود. تاكنون 21 نفر و از جمله سه سرباز آمریكایی بر اثر شلیك این سلاح جدید كشته شده اند. مقامات ارتش آمریكا گفتند با توجه به اینكه موشك های 107 میلیمتری ساخت ایران را در محل انفجار پیدا كرده اند نتیجهگیری میكنند كه اجزای این سلاح از ایران وارد عراق شده باشد. اثرات تخریبی این سلاح بسیار بیشتر از سلاح های قبلی و از جمله بمب های كنار جاده ای است.
همچنین روز پنجشنبه ارتش آمریكا اعلام كرد كه در جریان یك عملیات امنیتی در منطقه شعله واقع در غرب بغداد سه تن از اعضای گروه های ویژه وابسته به رژیم ایران را دستگیر كرده اند كه یكی از آنها در ایران آموزش دیده است. یكی از سركردگان گروه های ویژه مرتبط با رژیم ایران نیزكه به عنوان ستوانیار در بخش حفاظت از تأسیسات وابسته به وزارت كشور عراق مشغول به كار بوده است، در انجام عملیات ترور، مسلحانه، آدم ربایی، تجاوز، سرقت و تهدید از منصب خود سوء استفاده می كرده است، توسط ارتش آمریكا مستقر در عراق دستگیر گردید.
از سوی دیگر ژنرال مایكل مولن رییس ستاد مشترك ارتش امریكا طی گفتگویی با فاكس نیوز در باره اهداف رژیم از مانور موشكی اخیر گفت، این استراتژی رژیم ایران است كه یك دولت شیعه ضعیف در عراق حاكم باشد تا بتواند به دخالت خود در این كشور ادامه دهد. ژنرال مولن افزود: عوامل رژیم ایران افراد گروه های ویژه به عراق میفرستد. رژیم ایران، این را در خاك ایران آموزش می دهند و آنها را به عراق می فرستند.
جواد بولانی وزیركشور عراق نیز در تأیید دخالت های تروریستی رژیم ایران در این كشور، گفت: اعترافات و دلائلی وجود دارد كه ارتباط میان گروه های ویژه مسلح در عراق با رژیم ایران را اثبات میكند.
تلویزیون رافدین عراق با انتشار این خبر گفت، وزیر كشور عراق ارتباطهای خاص این گروه های ویژه را كه علیه نیروهای دولت عراق و نیروهای آمریكایی در عراق دست به تهاجم می زنند افشا كرده است.
بر اثر این دستگیریها و ضرباتی كه به شبكههای تروریستی رژیم وارد آمده، بهنظر میرسد وضعیت امنیتی جنوب عراق، بهبود یافته است، چرا كه به گفته استاندار بصره بیشتر شبه نظامیان در این استان، به ایران فرار كرده اند.
محمد مصباح الوائلی استاندار بصره گفت: بعد از پاكسازی عناصر مسلح، وضعیت امنیتی بصره تحت كنترل كامل می باشد و انتخابات آینده در فضایی آرام بر گزار خواهد شد.
در كنار این موارد، اقدام جنایتكارانه توپ باران مناطق شمال عراق و روستاهای مرزی، كه رژیم آخوندی به صورت علنی به آن مبادرت میورزد نیز به طور مستمر ادامه دارد. بر اثر این توپباران ها، شماری از مردم این منطقه آواره و بی خانمان شدهاند.

Shiny Head

Re: Is Rajavi is looking for a fourth wife?

by Shiny Head on

I heard he is screwing children of iranian refugees in Iraq (those refugess who fled to Iraq with him in the 80s --  their children are now in their 20s and 30s). Apparently, he is like a cult leader. Whoever he wishes, is put on the plate and handed to him to scew and he is using his title and position to scew as many as possible. I also heard Maryam Khaoom has openned up her panties to Europeans. So it seems like a "balance" relationship!


Is Rajavi is looking for a fourth wife?

by Ali reza (not verified) on

My guess is that he is already bored with Maryam and is looking for a new wife there:)Live Love Laugh


MKO participated in Iraqi Killings ....

by Malekeh_ on

During Saddam's time MKO participated in Shiit killings in Basra and Baghdad. I would not be surprised that the new Iraqi government wanted to prosecute them and they "fled". They were under US protection in a house in baghdad (their members in Ashraf). Now that US is forced to pack and possibly leave Iraq, it is possible these MKO blood suckers are not feeling safe and "under US protection flee to Jordan or SA or somewhere else".


its not a real event. ..

by Anonymousssssaw (not verified) on

more regime propaganda, they have reported his capture in the past as well, not true

they have lied many times about his arrest,

the regime is getting desprete these days. ..

Darius Kadivar

Hope they Keep him there ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

I heard that Jordanian Prisons are hospitable at this time of the year ...