طرح جديد برخورد با بدپوششي در تهران آغاز شد
Fars News Agency
14-Jun-2008 (5 comments)

ه گزارش خبرنگار اجتماعي فارس، بر اساس اين طرح با زناني كه از مانتوهاي كوتاه و نامناسب استفاده كنند، برخورد قانوني صورت مي‌گيرد.
همچنين بر اساس طرح مذكور مأموران پليس پس از مشاهده زناني كه پوشش نامناسب دارند و با كسب اطلاع از آنان، به مركز خريدي كه اين افراد پوشاك خود را خريداري كرده‌اند؛ مراجعه و بلافاصله نسبت به پلمب آن مركز خريد اقدام مي‌كنند.

recommended by Parham


Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

I see Fatollah and Parham

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

seem to lack a sense of humor. By the way Parham seems to be the expert on sexual advice Mr. Fatollah. Take a look at his blogs.  I am sure that you will learn much on the subject.  Consider this free advertising for you Parham.

Sex With Iranian Women

Sex After Marriage Stops

Fatollah what does this mean: "Do noy assume!"

I would not want to assume your meaning. :o)

Solh va Doosti


PS: Just because I don't comment on your blogs, does not mean that I do not read them. :o)


Dear Ms. Alvarez, you seem

by Fatollah (not verified) on

Dear Ms. Alvarez, you seem to comment and give advice to people from 15 to 65 years here on Iranian.com! What makes you an expert on the subject(s)? Do noy assume!



by Parham on

If you're talking about my news item, yes I'm sure it hasn't been posted 3 or 4 times before.

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Are you sure?

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

Are you sure that this has not been posted before like 3 or 4 times already? Sounds like the same criticism of Islam that is always going on this website.

You do realize that I can't read calligraphy to save my life and that I read your comment to sadchicagodad. (sarcasm in its most twisted form)

Solh va Doosti



The gift

by ISLAM-4-YOU (not verified) on

This is the gift of islam to you. Enjoy it.