The Quest for Barbari Bread

The Quest for Barbari Bread
by Sargord Pirouz

I've been craving Barbari bread for years now. I've asked for it at every Persian food restaurant and market I've come across here in California. No success. So I started asking at Afghani restaurants. No success. Yesterday an Afghani restauranteur actually tried to describe Naan to me. I was insulted. (Hate it when my personal sense of Persian uppityness rises to the surface--my late Iranian dad's doing). Worse, I was disappointed. No Barbari bread. 

A couple of years ago on the internet I found an Afghan bakery that makes it. But it's an hour away from my location, in both directions. Don't know if it still exists or how good it is.

I started eating Barbari bread when I was a teenager in Tehran. My grandmother--bless her heart--would bring it home and I would smear it with Laughing Cow cheese before gobbling it down while still fresh. It was wonderful. Fond memories.

My quest continues...


more from Sargord Pirouz
Sargord Pirouz


by Sargord Pirouz on

good one, Darius.

It's raining here today and the rest of the weekend, so I'm stayin' in. Sure wish I had some freshly baked Barbari bread and Laughing Cow cheese like the old days.

Darius Kadivar

Oh SPink Jaan Here I fetched you some fit for your pedigree ...

by Darius Kadivar on

The Barbarians (1987): Best Scene

PS: By the way No One told you  they actually do have them only they don't serve them to Extra Terrestrial Bee Vatan's like you  ... 

ET The Extra Terrestrial HD ( filming location ...