For Mona

by Roozbeh_Gilani

I had no idea who Mona was, until I was out of Iran, in England , as a student in late 1980’s. I heard about her from a Baha'i classmate, whom I met only because I was offered to share a room with him at university dorms (or “halls of reseidence” as they call them over there). I was very reluctant to share a room with him once I learnt he was a Baha'i, but that is another story for another time perhaps.. Suffice to say, I only agreed to share the room with him because renting a room outside college dorms in Central London would have been a very expensive proposition, even during late 1980’s.

Well, I never became a Baha'i. In fact I became an athiest, but that's another story..... But my attitude towards baha'i folks changed forever.

For now, I’d just like to share this video clip Of Mona with you, which explains to some degree my later change of attitude towards our Baha'i compatriots.


Recently by Roozbeh_GilaniCommentsDate
Islamo Fascist Paedophiles in London.
Dec 01, 2012
For Sattar Beheshti
Nov 06, 2012
For a fist full of Dollars, For Syria!
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more from Roozbeh_Gilani

This isn't about questions or his blogs

by Truthseeker9 on

It's about spamming most blogs with the link to a blog that people haven't been to, except his own multiple IDs. Most people write blogs, but they don't turn the site upside down with attention seeking and disruption. This is why some call it disturbing behaviour.

But this is to MaryamJoon: how sad that your obvious hate for these people controls your feelings and life to the extent of making a fool of yourself with multiple IDs and spamming the site. How about creating a life that revolves around you, instead of people who don't care about your existence? Isn't that the real problem, that you are being ignored? Your behaviour does you more harm to you than the Bahais. But you know what they say - more often than not, hate is strongest when it comes in the place where love once was.


Action Jackson can do anything!

by Faramarz on




He can do it because he is Action Jackson!



MaryamJoon a/ka/a Jackson, etc.

by Onlyiran on

Since you'ree good at asking everyone questions, let me ask you one:

Do you have a job?  You can't possibly!  You're here on this site 24/7.  You churn up two blogs a day under MaryamJoon, and various other ones under your other user id's.  And they're not short ones.  You have photo collages, links, etc.  You also post news items where you manipulate and fabricate headlines.  You're on every thread commenting.  So, how can you make a living?  Unless you receive a check every week from the IRI embassy where you reside.  You just cannot possibly have a job.   



by Jackson on

Iranian government officials and state-sponsored media routinely accuse
groups they dislike of committing crimes and posing security threats.

 they do it routinely in israel too and


  Memarian wrote the

by vildemose on


Memarian wrote the following article, which was published on openDemocracy:

In late September 2012, the United Nations in New York will host Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for his annual visit as president of Iran – the last such occasion, since the election of June 2013 in Iran will see Ahmadinejad’s successor take office. Much attention will, understandably, focus on Iran’s nuclear ambitions and the danger of an armed attack on Iran. But it is important also to register the current conditions inside Iran, including the condition of human rights in the country, an issue that has been relatively neglected since the widespread protests against the declaration of Ahmadinejad’s victory in the election of June 2009. The Iranian official media regularly features news of the discovery by the regime’s intelligence forces of international crime-rings and nefarious anti-government plots. The headlines suggest these are law-enforcement victories, something for all Iranians to be proud of; but read further, and evidence of wrongdoing is hard to find – for those arrested were targeted because of their ideas and identities – as intellectuals, secularists, evangelical Christians or members of the Bahá’í religious minority, gay people, feminists, or communists.

Iranian government officials and state-sponsored media routinely accuse groups they dislike of committing crimes and posing security threats. Over many years, such charges rarely have proven true, yet Iranians have also tended not to challenge these narratives. Today, a cultural shift is visible, as discussions within civil society about human rights increasingly contest the old, dominant perceptions.

Read the full article here.



All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


Mamoor joon

by MaryamJoon on

Speaking of the Bahai leaders ... Did you know some of them were born with different (non-Iranian) names?  

Yes it's true.  Bahalluah was one of the first to change his name.  He was born Mirza Hossein'ali Noori.   Now a lot of guys that were born with different names are choosing Persian names.

I once met a Bahai local leader at a book fair and the first thing I said was: "You don't look like a Farhad!"  And he said, "I'm not ... I changed my name."

God business is big business:

God Business is big business: Bahai Leaders confirm not caring about Followers 


Maryam joon, I googled them

by مآمور on

your daily reminder of those 9 got me run a search on internet. 5 out of 9 have some sort of Iranian traditional first and last name

5/9= .55, 55% of the assembly are iranian(so called), that is to say 45% are not, Bahai faith, good or bad, has lost its roots in Iran and it is finding them in some other places in this world!!

good luck to our bahais compatriots who are searching for their compatriots outside of Iran!! that is the way to advance their religion and I personally have no objection to that!!

I wear an Omega watch


Foad Manshadi is Iranian too ... however ...

by MaryamJoon on

Most of the MILLIONAIRE-BANDIT-BAHAI-LEADERS sitting in their Versace suits in Haifa Israel cashing in on Foad's suffering are not Iranian -- Those 9 Bahai "Leader" cowards need to answer questions directly to reduce the chances of more 'Foads' suffering because people are suspicious about their organization's activities.  But I guess the 9 cowardly leaders get more publicity and cash-contributions when there are people like Foad.  Versace corrupts.  

God Business is big business: Bahai Leaders confirm not caring about Followers 


"I am an Iranian too". By Foad Manshadi

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Those who are not filled with hatred for our Baha'i compatriots, those who respect life and liberty will enjoy watching this video clip by Foad Manshadi, whom I believe is quite a popular singer amongst younger Iranians. The style of music is not quite my own cup of tea, but the massage of Unity is just great




"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Mamoor Dear

by MaryamJoon on

These 9 gentleman-leaders of the Bahais (mostly non-Iranians) have a fraud case: They need to explain why they continue to make millions of dollars off of Iranian Bahais reputations and suffering while they won't hold an open answer-&-question meeting with their skeptics to reduce distrust and better protect their followers.  I guess when the Bahai leaders put on Versace suits, they forget how to speak.  Maybe when there are more victims they get more publicity and contributions and can buy more Versace business suits and other things.   I hope I didn't interrupt their BBQ and hot tub party in Haifa Israel.  

God Business is big business: Bahai Leaders confirm not caring about Followers 



any body with a fraud case here??

by مآمور on

the credential of those who mock the believes of billion people and growing, that is 'they' . are as good as the criminal records!!

Sam Bacile is a leading blogger in this site, he needs to use different user ids to fool FBI!! Sammy, the fake Iranian, u better change user ids as many time as u can!! FBI is after u, not for your BS but for your credentials!!

I wear an Omega watch


Demonic Verses!

by Faramarz on




I had a conference call with God this morning and she said that she is on our side (the "We" side!)

You really have to change your evil ways, Demon!

Otherwise, my best friend Lucifer, the black cat will put a curse on you and you will be hearing Carlos Santana's song all the time, even while you are doing your Namaz thing!



The Betraying Mouths of 'We'

by Demo on



'for simply writing a blog on Brave Mona, says quite a lot about how weak and terrfied is our enemy, the islamist Regime,  and how strong we, the people of Iran are.'

The people of Iran are anything but the 'We,' i.e. the traitors, liers, wolves in sheeps clothings, Bahais' & Pahlavis' worshippers, fake lefties, Israelis' spies, and many alike.

Shame on 'We' to betray Mona's name to advance their hidden agendas. A BIG SHAME.

And may GOD never allow that 'We' to succeed with their evil plans against our beloved country. Amen. 

Mardom Mazloom

روزبه جان،

Mardom Mazloom

از اینا توقع زیاد نداشته باش: از وقتی که ساندیس ناب خر علی دیگه خوب به مغزشون نمیرسه؛ بالا کله را کمپلت اجاره دادند!


Well. this blog is not about "baha'i Leaders"

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Which seem to be keeping you going on this site 24/7.

This blog is about Mona the 17 year girl who was murdered by the Islamist regime,  because she refused to denounce her religion.

Now if you have something to say about the blog itself, say so. Otherwise, please leave and dont make a bigger fool of yourself than you already have. 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Michael Jackson = Tina Turner = Freddie Mercury

by MaryamJoon on


God Business is big business: Bahai Leaders confirm not caring about Followers 



by Onlyiran on

Wahid = MaryamJoon  = Frashogar's (now blocked) new incarnation.



No hate ... no anger ...

by MaryamJoon on


God Business is big business: Bahai Leaders confirm not caring about Followers 


Wow! The Hate and Anger, use of Profanity, personal attacks...

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

for simply writing a blog on Brave Mona, says quite a lot about how weak and terrfied is our enemy, the islamist Regime,  and how strong we, the people of Iran are.

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."



by Truthseeker9 on

Don't worry, I'm sure they love your parents too. 


someone should write a book called

by Jackson on

bahai and the mona industry


Yes they love Mona

by Jackson on

because they get to milk Mona forever while never having to answer questions like the ones you asked

how low can you go hiding behind a dead girl's shroud to cover and deflect from having to answer questions


The Bahai leaders love Mona

by MaryamJoon on

... They are praying for a few more Monas so they can put a couple of more million dollars of donations into their Israeli bank accounts.  


I wish u the same

by مآمور on

but a wish coming true immediately, U cant wait any more!! 

U want a job and U want it now!! not after toppling the regime in Iran, not after US election, not after Israel bombs Iran.........RIGHT NOW

u need to get away from this site and let your brain rest!!!


I wear an Omega watch


They are still terrified of 17 year old Mona!

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

 Truthseeker9: This behaviour to be expected  of all murderers being reminded of their crimes. But these islamo fascists are a particularly cowardly kind of Murderers. More than 25 years after murdering this brave Baha'i Teen ager, look and see for yourself how the mere mention of her name leads to the crazed howls of profanity and hate coming out of the froth covered mouth of their low ranking  cowardly cyber attack poodle  who keeps coming back using all his/her user ID's trying to silence the voice of truth!

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


دروغگویی و کم حافظگی!


روزبه سرخ است در روز و منکر به خدا
شب هنگام  عابد است و آمین در دعا

بسی دروغگویی و فحش و تهمت نابجا چه در کلام اول و چه در وسط و چه در انتها!


It speaks volumes about this site & Administrators

by Truthseeker9 on

that the "cha-ching" comment and its disgusting content about the executed Mona, made by "MaryamJoon" has stayed. Shame on those who make money out of such material and attacks on executed innocents.


آقا / خانوم دمو


شما با هر نام قلابی  که برگردید برای نقل و نبات پراکنی به این بلاگ، جواب من به شما همین بود که پایین به شما ارسال شد. پس لطفا دوباره مطالعه و کیف بکنید!   

حرف آخر به شما: امیدوارم که بعد از سرنگونی رژیم منفور، فاسد، دزد و آدمکش اسلامی، خدا به شما کاری جدید بدهد که احتیاج به این همه دروغگویی، بی‌ شرمی، بی‌ شرافتی، بی‌ حیثیتی و وطن فروشی، آنهم در دیار غربت،   برای چندر غاز نداشته باشد.




آقای روزبه


 سوال خاتمه این بلاگ ، شما وقتی میگی قلابی آیا هیچ به ستاره سرخ خود نگاهی کردی؟ یا همش چشمهایت گذاشته روی ساعت من؟؟
زیادی هم جو سازی نکن ، دمو را من خوب میشناسم هیچ مشکلی با هیچ اقلیت و اکثریتی ندارد!!

I wear an Omega watch


My Baha'i story

by Rea on

It goes back to the end of eighties.

Was living in NZealand at the time, doing my MCom. A new lecturer, oriental looking, came on board. We knew she was Iranian and we all assumed it was the war that had driven her out of the country.

Then things started turning nasty in the ex-Yu and I started getting restless. One day she approached me and asked about what was going on in my home country.

As we spoke, she said she was Baha'i. I suppose she'd expected me to understand. But I didn't. Prior to talking to her, I'd never heard about Baha'is.

Her beautiful eyes have stayed with me ever since, I still remember their sadness.


Thx @RG for this timely blog.