M. Saadat Noury
06-Oct-2009 (3 comments)

As the late Dutch scholar and author Corrie ten Boom (1892-1983) wrote, “Memoirs are the key not to the past, but to the future”.

M. Saadat Noury
03-Oct-2009 (4 comments)
Mehregan or Mehregan Feast (in Persian: Jashn-e-Mehregan) is an ancient Iranian autumn festival, observed on the 8th or 9th of October >>>
M. Saadat Noury
03-Oct-2009 (2 comments)
Why We Lost 17 Cities of Caucasia to Russia? >>>
M. Saadat Noury
01-Oct-2009 (3 comments)
In this article, the First Iranian Figures and War Materials in the history of the Iranian army and a short note on the establishment of the modern army in Iran are studied and discussed. >>>
M. Saadat Noury
29-Sep-2009 (2 comments)
This is one of those stories that I try to remember correctly >>>
M. Saadat Noury
28-Sep-2009 (one comment)

دراین هوای دوزخی شهر/هر سوکه می روم نفسی خوش نیست/هرآشنا وغریبی که می رسد/ گوید درین دیارکسی خوش نیست

M. Saadat Noury
23-Sep-2009 (24 comments)
In history,  a hero or heroine is a person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life (e.g., war hero, and national hero). >>>
M. Saadat Noury
22-Sep-2009 (2 comments)
Beautiful homeland, my own dear homeland / Deep in my heart dwells a love for Thee evermore >>>
M. Saadat Noury
22-Sep-2009 (2 comments)

هیچ کشوری قا در نیست نیروی لازم برای ثبا ت ا قتصادی و اجتماعی و سیا سی به دست آورد مگر آنکه برای افراد خود به مقدار کا فی غذای مناسب در اختیار داشته باشد

M. Saadat Noury
18-Sep-2009 (3 comments)

ای سرزمین من/ ای جان آ فتا بی روشن/ من ما ندگا ری مفهوم عشق را/ درذره ذره ی خاک تو یا فتم/ درقطره قطره ی آ ب خلیج فارس

M. Saadat Noury
15-Sep-2009 (14 comments)
I asked myself to find out clearly
Where and whom I love most dearly?
M. Saadat Noury
14-Sep-2009 (3 comments)
In this article the methods of identification in early civilization, the early history of fingerprinting (in Persian: Angosht Negaari), and the first Iranian record on fingerprinting will be studied and discussed. >>>
M. Saadat Noury
14-Sep-2009 (one comment)

دانیم که روزگار بگردد به کام_ما/رنگ_شفق زبرهه ی خوش می دهد نوید

M. Saadat Noury
10-Sep-2009 (5 comments)
In this article the life story of Arjumand Banu Begum as the First Iranian Woman who became the Famous Empress of India will be studied and discussed. >>>
M. Saadat Noury
07-Sep-2009 (4 comments)
In this article the life story of Bozorgmehr together with some various names of modern backgammon and most important facts about backgammon will be studied and discussed. >>>