به خدا که این عربها از ما خیلی بیشتر غیرت دارند. نزدیک سه هفته است که در مصر دست از تظاهرات بر نمیدارند. بیشتر از ۳۰۰ نفرشون رو هم کشتند، نزدیک ۱۵۰۰ نفرشون رو هم دستگیر کردند و شکنجه هم دادند. تانک و توپ هم گذاشتند جلوشون، و هنوز هم نه تنها از این میدان کنار نمیرند، تازه بیشتر هم ریختند تو خیابونها. مردم ما چهار تا بسیجی که تو خیابون دیدند قایم شدند تو خونه و رفتند دنبال چلو کبابشون. چند روز پیش یک جلسه در این انجمن ایرنیها در شهر ما بود. درباریه تظاهرات ۲۵ بهمن صحبت شد و یک نفر پیشنهاد کرد که بلکه ما هم برویم جلوی ساختمان دولتی اینجا همبستگی خودمون رو با مردم ایران در اون روز نشون بدیم. همشون فوری ساکت شدند. در همون لحظه فورا یکی صحبت رو عوض کرد و کشوند به جشن چهار شنبه سوری و اینکه چطور بتونند اونروز چلو کباب درست کنند برای مردم. یک ساعت بعدش درباریه انواع و اقسام چلو کباب و دستگاهایه مربوطه صحبت شد. بعدش هم همه جول و پلاسشون رو ورداشتند و رفتند خونه. حتی ایرنیهأی هم که اینجا زندگی میکنند هم بی غیرت هستند. مگر مازیار بهاری، اون گزارشگر معروف نبود؟ چند روز انداختنش تو زندان، اومد مثل بلبل در تلویزیون جمهوری اسلامی آواز خوند و گفت که جاسوس هزار کوفت و زهر مار بوده. بعدش هم دمش رو گذشت لای پاش و فلنگ رو بست و از ایران در رفت. آخه مرد حسابی از چی ترسیدی؟ میخواستند چکارت بکنند؟ خونت از ندا و دخترهای هیجده ساله که تو خیابون بودند رنگین تر بود؟ چه بی غیرت!! ولی نگاه کنید این جوان مصری سهام دار Google. انداختنش زندان. نه تنها نیامد بگه "گوه خوردم"، بلکه تازه رفت تو تلویزیون بد و بیراه به دولت مبارک گفت و بعدش هم رفت وسط تظاهرات. به این میگن شجاعت. دلیلی که جمهوری اسلامی هنوز تو ایرانه بخاطر فرهنگ ماست. یک مشت ملت بی غیرت، ترسو، نون به نرخ روز خور و چاپلوس. حتی تو خارج هم میترسند جیک بزنند بر ضدّ جمهوری اسلامی که یک وقت تعطیلات تابستونیشون تو کرج به هم نخوره. واقعا که این ملت بی غیرت لایق همین جمهوری اسلامی است. تازه حالا یاد گرفتند که هی بگن "اصلاحات، اصلاحات." آخه آدمهای تنبل ترسو مگه رژیمی که مردم رو سنگسار میکنه و پشت سر هم آدم با جر ثقیل دار میزنه "اصلاح" میشه؟ مغز خر خوردید؟ جمهوری اسلامی مبارکتون باشه. خلایق هر چه لایق!
Recently by Khers | Comments | Date |
حالا هی خودتون رو جر بدهید برای فلسطین | 6 | Sep 08, 2012 |
آیا ایرانیان اعراب مسلمان را با آغوش باز پذیرفتند؟ | 4 | Jul 02, 2012 |
واقعا که مردم ما یک مشت الاغ هستند | 25 | Jun 11, 2012 |
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
The way to change a government is for the people to change.
by Mohammad Ala on Fri Feb 11, 2011 09:24 PM PSTWhen I worked in the USA, I stopped socializing … Iranians had money to take $200 ski trips, but would not contribute a dime towards a worthy cause… In Iran, on daily basis, I pick up trash in streets… when I see someone I say 2500 years of history.
THANK YOU Souri jaan, incognito jaan, and divaneh jaan. Thanks for your comments.
While observing the events which took place in Tunisia and Egypt, here is my quote:
"The people get the government they deserve. The way to change a government is for the people to change."
Group of Egyptian
by vildemose on Fri Feb 11, 2011 07:31 PM PSTGroup of Egyptian protesters call on Iranians to revolt against Tehran govt
Divaneh gerami
by Anonymous Observer on Fri Feb 11, 2011 07:20 PM PSTYou do raise really good points. I still do think though that we're dealing with the X-Box generation here. Not enough devotion to the cause.
As an aside, I don't think that lack of leadership is a problem, even though that is a distinct issue in Iran. Just look at Egypt. No real leadership there either. But they still got the job done.
Dear AO
by divaneh on Fri Feb 11, 2011 06:57 PM PSTI see it differently. I believe that nations have memories. We can't consider any generation detached from the experiences of the previous generations.
I do agree with you that more resistance would have brought the regime to its knees, but if we are to compare Iran with Egypt let be fairer in our comparison. Egypt did not unleash the same brutality on people that was the case in Iran. Let me remind you that the demonstrations were hit in the bud when the police and armed forces dispersed any small group of people to prevent the snowball effect of such demonstrations. An economy based on tourism such as Egypt is very careful of its image, whilst an oil based economy such as Khalafat Islami does not give a monkey about its image. There are many more differences but I don't wish to take so much space in this blog.
Finally, as I said, in Iran people need to believe in the cause and then there is no shortage of brave souls. This is another generation of the same nation who has fair share of revolutions.
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Fri Feb 11, 2011 06:43 PM PSTMay I ask: how many mine have you cleared? How many dictators have you overthrown? How much have you done for Iran?
All I hear from you and your ilk is Iran hating. I am sick of it.
Divaneh Jaan
by Anonymous Observer on Fri Feb 11, 2011 06:24 PM PSTI see that"Khers" has stirred the pot of self-criticism here. Good for him / her. Give that animal some honey!!!
Divaneh Jaan,with all due respect, the generation of Iranians that you talk about is no longer relevant in terms of what happened in Egypt. Uprisings such as what we have been seeing in Egypt are initiated and carried out by the youth, which comprises roughly 2/3 of the Iranian population. That generation has not been involved in wars, mine clearings, revolutions, etc. It’s an absolute clean slate for them . While I wouldn't approach the subject in a categorical way as Khers has done here, I would agree that our youth, and our people in general, could have shown a bit more resiliency in 2009. Of course, this is easy for me to say, sitting in my comfortable home here, but I think that a bit more resistance—even afterwards (for the past two years) could have really brought the regime to its knees.
Mehrdad Jan
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Fri Feb 11, 2011 06:11 PM PSTWith all due respect 3/4 of what you said is in Tazi. Why do we insist on using that vile language?
Iran hating
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Fri Feb 11, 2011 06:09 PM PSTback in force! I thought with the not too late demise of Fesenjoon we got rid of this ***. But the mantle of self hatred and Iranian bashing had to be picked up. I say one thing: the new breed of Iran haters are just as bad as the Mollah is their own way. Shame on you Khers.
Gheirat my foot! It is not even a Persian word. VPK
Childish Complaints
by divaneh on Fri Feb 11, 2011 05:57 PM PSTExcuse me if I call your whole blog a childish complaint but as someone else pointed out reality bites. The nation that you have pictured coward in your blog is the nation who has fought many wars and seen more revolutions that perhaps any other country. This is the nation whose young men ran on mine fields and sacrificed their lives for their country. They just need to believe in the cause. That is where your ill thought self criticism comes short.
I ask you one question, can you assure any Iranian that if sacrificed his/her life, we won't end up with another dictatorship. 30 years is a very short time and this nation is still scarred from the blood that was poured for the cause of freedom only to watch its achievements stolen by yet another dictatorship.
آقا خرسه
ahang1001Fri Feb 11, 2011 05:28 PM PST
فکر کنم کمی بی انصافی بخرج دادید
البته کمی هم نه...خیلی
Amir where can I download your picture?
by Immortal Guard on Fri Feb 11, 2011 05:27 PM PSTAmir where can I download your picture? It is the picture of a Sassanian King! Is that true?
حقیقت تلخ است
BavafaFri Feb 11, 2011 05:20 PM PST
آنچه عیان است چه حاجت به بیان است
SamSamIIIIFri Feb 11, 2011 05:05 PM PST
خود واژه يست عربی به چمه واژۀ عربي"حسود" که اينجور که بوش مياد ما "غيرت" را هم از عربان اموختيم. کنون شما هم ميهن گرامی "غيرتي" بکار ببر و :
يک: از واژۀ پارسی رشک يا مردانه بجای "غيرت" بهره برده
و دويوم اينکه: عمو ما که از زبونمون گرفته تا الفبا و نام و دين و ايينمون از ناف عربه . تو رو به دست بريده ابولفضل العباس اين روولوشنتو بزا ايرونی بمونه و دستور پخت و روبرش(سرمشق) رو از عربا نگير. همينو کم داشتيم, يه اپوزيسيون عربی بره به جنگ رژيم عربي. عرب اب داد. زبان داد.عرب نان داد.عرب نام داد . عرب روولوسيون داد.
و سوم اينکه: محمد منير رو بگيد بياد تو پارتي 25 بهمن تو دوبي. شنيدم اغاسي مصره ..وليک سلاما يما ياما ياما يا عمرينا هلی سوء هلی سوء هلی سوء.
چييرز و چاکر عمو خرس
Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia
آقا خرسه،
ImtheKingFri Feb 11, 2011 03:48 PM PST
سوری خانم اینجا راست میگه:
ما ایرانیهای خارج از کشور اگه واقعاً مبارز بودیم، که توی همون کشورمون مونده بودیم.
اصلا با حرف شما موافق نیستم
SouriFri Feb 11, 2011 03:36 PM PST
دوست من، چرا اینقدر ملت خودتو دست کم میگیری؟ ایرانیها غیرت داشتند که انقلاب کردند، اونهم ۳۰ سال قبل از این مصری ها. حالا صبر کن ببین، همین مصریها (و عربهای دیگه به قول شما) وقتیکه ۳۲ سال تمام بد بختی کشیدند و مبارزه کردند و از خونشون خاورانها ساخته شد، آیا باز هم توانی واسشون میمونه که دوباره بیان و کشته بدن و از جان خودشون و فرزندانشون باز هم مایه بگذارن ؟
سعی کن انقدر بی انصاف نباشی. ملت ایران، چه قبل از انقلاب و چه بعد از انقلاب همیشه در حال مبارزه بوده. شما نباید مبنای قضاوت خودت رو، این جمعیت ایرانی خارج از کشور قرار بدی. ماها اگه واقعاً مبارز بودیم، که توی همون کشورمون مونده بودیم.
درود به روح پاک همه قربانیان راه وطن.
مشګل تنهای اینها نیست
Amir Sahameddin GhiassiFri Feb 11, 2011 03:28 PM PST
ما مشګل داریم مشګل تمامیت خواهی مشګل خود بزرګ بینی مشګل اجتماعی نبودن مشګل رفیق بازیها ی مادی مشګل حسادت مسګل عقل کل بودن و مشګل بی انصافی و بی تفاوتی حالا البته بسیارش هم تقصیر محیط است و نداشتن تربیت درست و مدرسه های درست تعصب های ریشه دار خرافات و توهمات و دوست نداشتن دیګران تنها برای خودشان ؟ و بالاخره فشار سیستم بیهوده و بی عدالتی و بی انصافی که منجر به بی تفاوتی و یا ظالم شدن میشود.البته من هم جدا از دیګران نیستم و قربانی همین سیستم هستیم. از همه مهم تر نداشتن اتحاد است که تا یکی را میګیرند دیګران فرار میکند.
well said my friend
by Siavash300 on Fri Feb 11, 2011 03:19 PM PSTDamet garm. This is true.
Like our Team Melli
by sobh on Fri Feb 11, 2011 02:02 PM PSTYou know our politics is like our football (Soccer), we start good but we don't finish it well.
This is exactly true for both our politics as well as our national soccer team!
We are not good at finishing things well!
THX Khers, truth always hurts!
Demonstration 2 Saturdays ago in Union Square, San Fran
by Anahid Hojjati on Fri Feb 11, 2011 01:34 PM PSTWhat a joke, what a shame, I was so upset that I did not feel good to go to Hamed's concert later that night. Number of people who showed up was less than 30 and some of them were non Iranian friends. then like you say, they are all ready to go to jashn and let me add concert to it. They plan for their concerts weeks in advance and god forbid, if they miss one. But when it is turn to go demonstrate for political prisoners, they don't show up but they write on IC, I will be there.
Hagh Talkh ast
by jasonrobardas on Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:57 PM PSTtruth is bitter
I burst in laugh with so much ignorance of reality
by Kooshan on Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:42 PM PSTIf you want to know where IRI is going whatch mokhtar nameh:
all the episodes:
خدمت همهٔ کسانی که کامنت گذشته اند
KhersFri Feb 11, 2011 12:13 PM PST
سپاس فراوان. نکتهٔ نخست این است که بنده خودم را هم شامل کسانی حساب میکنم که ازشان انتقاد میکنم. من هم ایرانی هستم و جزو این فرهنگ. نکتهٔ دوم اینکه آقای روزبه فرمودند درست است. این فرهنگی که ما داریم بخشی از آن نتیجهٔ ۳ دههٔ حکومت مزدور و "تقیه" پرور جمهوری اسلامی است
سرکار علیه خرس،
incognitoFri Feb 11, 2011 12:05 PM PST
بنظر میاید که یک نکته مهم را از قلم انداخته آید. اینکه وقتی هم که بخود جرات میدهیم تا از دیگران انتقاد بکنیم، خود را پشت اسامی مجازی و اواتارهای از خود درآوردی قایم میکنیم مبادا که گربه شاخمان بزند. آین هم شامل شما میشود هم من، دیگران که جای خود دارند. از قدیم گفته اند، "یک سوزن بخودت بزن، یک جوالدوز بدیگران."
Khers, good blog, thank you.
by Roozbeh_Gilani on Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:38 AM PSTI am quite a little less pessimistic about this subject than you are. I dare not mention Iranian people, who have chosen honourable death to kissing the rear end of the dictator, because I'll be called a mordeh parast. I believe these negative characteristics you rightly mentioned are the result of centuries of brutal dictatorship, rather than a defect in our Iranain genes! Once the dictatorship is gone, when people do not have to lie or kiss somebody's rear end just to make the ends meet, then we shall start seeing a gradual departure of these nasty traits from our collective character.
"Personal business must yield to collective interest."
by afshinazad on Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:25 AM PSTYou are complaining about people don't want to gather to support Iranian in Iran, that is old news, almost 5 million Iranian live in western countries we could donate or collect $10 dollar each of us and built satellite TV and 24 hour news and programs we could show to our nation what are these monsters doing to our nation. we are not doing it because still some people with old mentality of left and right and center and other groups don't want to see each other’s shadow and yet all these people they think they are doing for good of nation and the country, they are divided because they don't believe in democracy because they want to hold the power and they want to dictate to people what is right or wrong, when RP was asking and still asking for united assembly to work for one goal and that is free IRAN and by my information no one was interested and yet every chance they get they will ask for united front but they are not interested in such a unification in realty and it is all lies and if they are asking for united front and assembly, why they were not responding at first place because only person whose hands are clean is RP and rest of them and majority of them have a very dark past and it is not easy to clean them up
Khers Jan: Damet
by Kamran Ramyar on Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:10 AM PSTKhers Jan:
Damet garm! Gol gofti. Khoda pedaretoh biamorzeh!
by MRX1 on Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:03 AM PSTAll hocus pocus and hot air! I have been saying that for so long now We need a drastic shift in culture and resurection of real Iranian identity otherwise forget about it. 3000 years of history and best they can say or do is to go on the roof and yell "Alah o Akbar".
Talking from the Heart
by Demo on Fri Feb 11, 2011 09:25 AM PSTYou said from the heart & said it well. Missed to mention how "Dow-ghol & McCar" most Iranians are. A real shame & regretful 4 what we really are. We also had a "Revolution" that never happened.