US can paralize Iran in 48 hours!


by Kamangir

When it comes to the very likely possibility of military confrontation with Iran, the US won't have any trouble paralizing Iran's defences and military in less that 48 hours. The American air power is mighty and few could resist its wrath and sofisticated weaponery, much less Iran, with its very obsolete and insufficient defence system and air force. US has tested and improved its latest weapons in the last 4 years in Iraq. The latest air defence system Iran bought from Russia won't help much, simply because Syria had acquired the same Russian system and last month Israel breached it undetected and knocked out a nuclear plant. Besides, the American or Israeli raid can take place from several directions at the same time. Knocking out Iran's air force would be matter of hours, as Iran has a very limited number of old planes. During the first gulf war more than 140.000 members of the Iraqi army were killed only in 8 weeks. Their sofisticated and large military infrastructure was destroyed completely and all that was done without much effort. Same thing applies to Iran. Some Iranians claim that Iran has 8 years of war experience, forgetting that Iraq had the same experience and above all ignoring that the US military and specially air power might is something of another dimension, something to be avoided at all costs. Chances of such attack on Iran are extremely high and realistic and can happen any time. I guess the IRI is caught in a dead end road, with no exit. The only people who can avoid such attack and the ones that so far have stopped Bush's administration from doing so, are the heavy weight senior military generals and leaders in the US army who are opposed to such action as they consider this will have bad consequences for everyone. It goes without saying that the regime really wants and needs such a attack as that is the only way they manage to stay in power. In this case you would have an injured animal, much more agressive and wilder than ever that won't hesitate to squeeze and crush even more, the Iranian people. Others claim that very massive and intensive air srikes could eliminate part of the IRI stablishment, but an attack of such scales and magnitude would only be comparable to what happened to Germany during second world war, which would lead to the desintegration of Iran. None of the military options seems good. For more details as per how the attack on Iran will be carried out check: //


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siyah bazi.....

by maziar58 (not verified) on

unfortunatley both sides are buying time
IRAN deserves to be.....
but what about the Iranian themselves high rate of inflation ,unemployment,poverty,fessad
addiction,schizophernic popolation...
however Iran need to fix these issues not haghe mossalam mast!
yes america can...
But will not., U.S.A & Europe brought these profitable thugs to power for its own benefits,checks and balances showing
profit for all G-8 members.
bichare ma dar inja,va no where togohaye irani dar Iran. PAYANDH IRAN.


Both sides................, both sides?

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

The Mullahs who misuse cruelly domestic population as human shield count 70 Million. that is the number of iranian population now. all of them are fanatic mullahs. that is an important reason to be aware. they give not even one drop oil without getting paid for it and the nuc-energy? well they mean it is their natural right to have and to us its benefits for their daily life.
The human shield would not act passiv if some condolence or some other bushy bushy do ever a damn thing against their country. Forget it and do not worry, be instead happy. Greeting



by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

Since Iran and a number other countries do not accept Dollars in foreign handle the Dollarvalue is "down in basement". Not only against EURO. this is only one of the concuerries of the KUKH NESHINAN in the world against great satan. Hezhmonie emrica as beyn rafte. dont worry, be happy. Greeting


siyah bazi.....

by maziar58 (not verified) on

unfortunatley both sides are buying time
IRAN deserves to be.....
but what about the Iranian themselves high rate of inflation ,unemployment,poverty,fessad
addiction,schizophernic popolation...
however Iran need to fix these issues not haghe mossalam mast!
yes america can...
But will not., U.S.A & Europe brought these profitable thugs to power for its own benefits,checks and balances showing
profit for all G-8 members.
bichare ma dar inja,va no where togohaye irani dar Iran. PAYANDEH IRAN.

Jahanshah Rashidian

Both Sides Are Warmongers

by Jahanshah Rashidian on

Mullahs cruelly misuse domestic population as human shield. Widespread of nuclear facilies among civil population will result into carnages if an air strike happens.


Maybe instead of such an immoral attack, oil sanctions can be the last means to confront the the IRI.

 But if a war breaks out, we, Iranians inside our outside the country, should condemn both warmongers and in the meanwhile never forget that the main enemy is already inside.


What a dillusional analysis!

by Mardan (not verified) on

With such a smart political prophacy, why don't you start your own campaign!


America is finished

by Raha (not verified) on

tajrobeye Lobnanihaa dar moghaabele arteshe "Esraaeel", tajrobeye Araaghihaa dar Falujah, khalaaf ino saabet mikone. doreye jang-haaye conventional kheyli vaghte ke tamaam shode.
doroste, shaayad oonhaa zarfe chand rooz Iraano saaf konan, vali in faghat shoroo'e kaar has.

khoshbakhtaane hezhemoniye Amrika dar haale az beyn raftane! Amrikaaye saale 2009 baa amrikaaye saale 1990 kheyli baa ham fargh khaahand kard!
jange baa Iran, beonvaane ye katalisaator amal mikone ke be naaboodiye Amrikaa sor'at mide.