Hooman Majd by Hassan Daei

Hooman Majd by Hassan Daei
by Hooshyar Samii

From the Shah's ambassador's son to Ahmadinejad's interpreter, Hooman Majd has transformed from a sucessful film and music producer to an adviser to two Islamic republic's presidents. He is now the toast of the Washington celeb circuit. Hassan Daei explains how:



Who said anything about the war Arastoo?

by anglophile on

The issue with my opponent, the Islamic regime and all its apologists, Mr Majd being one, is about the thirty three years of unprecedented theocratical tyranny in my homeland, in our homeland if you agree, that has brought about unimaginable grief, loss and misery to millions of Iranians inside as well as outside of their country. Mr Majd does not seem to have any issues with that. Neither does Mr Parsi and his organisation. Ironically I agree with Hooman Majd that no war is likely to solve this issue. No American adminstration to date has worried about the issue of human rights in Iran any more than their own geopolitcal interests in the area. If they go to war with the Islamic regime their main objective will be to secure such interests, irrespective of whether a regime change is to be effected as a side product or not. By bringing the question of war into the fore, Hooman Majd and you (if you accept to be his proxy) are muddying the waters. It may be the most important issue in the States and for NIAC and its members but it is not for the people of Iran who are going to be left with the same  brutal regime minus its nuclear facilities after such a war.  If Majd and Parsi had any care in the world for the people of Iran who have been taken hostage to this regime for three decades, they would have exposed their crimes through their organisation and their creative writings! Instead they muddy the waters by reassuring their prime time TV audiences of the peace loving Ayatollahs who beg to differ. 

G. Rahmanian

"Anti-War" Posturing!

by G. Rahmanian on

The "anti-war" posturing is only a worn-out ploy used by IR's apologists in their attempts to divert Iranians' attention  from the real issues they are dealing with.

By now, it has become obvious that the idea is to defend NIAC cult leader, Ttita Parsi, no matter what. Some even pretend not to have a clue what the likes of Majd or Parsi are about. Perhaps they ARE clueless and are not pretending, anymore.

If what they are doing is not blatant defense of the tyrannical regime In Tehran, then what are they doing defending Hooman Majd and Trita Parsi?

Is not/was not Majd an advisor to IR's president? And what do advisors do? Do not they help shape a country's politics? Are not IR's policies hurting Iranians?


Ari, Hassan Daei did an excellent job here

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Majd is not just saying going to war with Iran is a bad idea.... he is also saying the current fundamentalist, theocratic religion in government tyranny & dictatorship is a good to support for Iranians.  He is a IRI appologist for all sides of the regimes apparatus.

Daei on the other hand is for secular democratic government, this is also what most Iranians support, regime change is what most iranians demand and with support they can bring this about without a war, the real power within iran among the iranian people not only oppose the IRI they feel their parents generation betrayed the country.  War is no solution for Iranians and sadly is what the USA will eventually pursue, not to help iranians achieve democracy & freedom, but to make certain they don't.



by vildemose on



How convenient: anyone who

by vildemose on

How convenient: anyone who is telling the truth about Tp and HM is automatically pro-war, zionist, MKO??

Being anti-war does not change the fact that these two entities are dishonest, opportunistic, and factually incorrect about Iran if not all of the time but most of the time.

A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.


Dear Anglophile: I had an

by vildemose on

Dear Anglophile: I had an incling that might have been the case. So, on top of being opportunistic, this outfit also acts like bullying gangaster. Tabrik be hamayeh NIACIa...

A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

You are quite right that my focus stays on a comparison of Majd and Daei's approaches to discourse, not the merits of their politics. Here's why: we know what Majd stands for; he has made it public. For example:

"Nothing that the United States or the West can do -- not even war --
will solve the "Iran problem" to its satisfaction. In fact, it's what
the United States and its allies don't do that might be the key to the
issue -- and what may also give Iranians looking to effect domestic
change some badly needed breathing room."

So Majd is clearly saying that going to war with Iran is not a good idea.

Daei needs to step into the ring with his own clear views before there's a contest to be won or lost on the political front. If you wish to step into the ring as a proxy for Daei, please be my guest. Here's a starter question: Why do you (Daei) think going to war with Iran is a good idea? And arguing that you are pro-war because anti-war people have promiscouos mothers loses Daei debate points. Also arguing that you are not pro-war leaves us wondering where you are actually taking issue with your opponent. That loses Daei debate points as well.  


Dear Vildemose

by anglophile on

In one your earlier comments you asked a very relevant question:  "Why is Mr. Daie should be the only one to be outraged about these two?" My answer is that becuase such campaigns as Daei is running require financial and politcal support. The chances of being sued by the "exposed" person is high as it happened in the case of Hassan Nemazee (fund raiser for Democracts and an ally of NIAC) who was in the process of suing Daei but jailed for fraud before getting anywhere: //articles.nydailynews.com/2010-07-15/news/27070023_1_bank-fraud-million-ponzi-scheme-hassan-nemazee. Daei may not be lucky next time around.  


یار کودکستانی هم


You would think that these two have learned a lesson from their idol Khatami and the Reformers and how they are being treated by the regime.

There seems to be a pattern here of people who did not spend their childhood in Iran but were raised in the west and in boarding schools. They have a genuine dislike of the west and a false understanding of Iran and Iranian people. Who knows what happened in those dormitories.

They should write about it.


جناب انگلوفیل


تشکر از توضیحات . البته با اجازه ی جناب مهربان ، در اشعار تاریخی ایران، این نسخه هم وجود دارد:

شعری در مورد خانواده ی فطن الدوله  مجد

فطن الدوله   ، دختری دارد
که جهانی برند بر او رشک
همه گ .. ند و ما نگا ... یم
ما نگا ....ایم ، یعنی کشک !!!


Thank you for avoiding the question Arastoo!

by anglophile on

In my "warts and all" comment I did not mention the name of Mr Daei once. I asked questions on whether you agree with the factuality of Hooman Mjad's commentary in his video clip and the overall image he projects of the Islamic regime to his American audiences. Instead you changed the focus to Mr Daei and his fuedal mindset (which as you alluded I possess it too) and not a single reference to Mr Majd's alleged distortion of facts. Thanks for your (not so careful) avoidance.


 Majd's open style

by vildemose on

 Majd's open style attracts a democratic audience, Daei's shady style scares them.

Style trumps the truth because democrats are anti-war. Concealing the truth might work in the short-term but eventually the truth will be discovered as it has already. Both Majd and Parsi are irrelevant at this point and their "style" (benevolent deceit) has not paid off. It has discredit them both.

A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.


Dear Mehrban

by anglophile on

If it is of any consolation to you All-Iranian's poem was not related to Mr Majd's mother (whether it was intended or not) but I think it was meant to be a poetic humour which as I discovered was written about a totally unrelated person. For your information the piece that I wrote in respose to All-Iranian was not my personal knowledge but the information which is currently in the public domain. I hope this explanation puts the matter to rest otherwise I agree with you that the debate should not be personalised beyond the publicly available information.



by vildemose on



by vildemose on


Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

I would go less far than Majd regarding Iranian culture's strong separation between the public and the private dulling the edge of government repression. Yes, folks do drink alcohol in their homes and do hold mixed compnay hejabless parties, and this does to some extent keep them from feeling as though they are living in a 600,000 square mile Evin. However--and Majd my agree--this can't be called adult freedom with dignity, but more like teenagers smoking in the closet to hide from their parents.

In this blog I don't debate the merits of each opponents political viewpoint. It is their method of public outreach that is of interest to me. Majd's open style attracts a democratic audience, Daei's shady style scares them.


Vildemose: I was born October 1953. 



Hooman the Chameleon

by divaneh on

Thank you Mr Daei for showing this IRI apologist for what he is, a multi faced opportunist.

I think attacks on Mr Daei equate to nothing but shooting the messenger and shows a weakness in dealing with his message. I think he has proven himself a very good investigative journalist. To brush him off as a loner and ignore his success in the press and his regular appearance in the VOA as an example, is a sign of unfair or ill-informed judgement.



I find the assault on Majd's mother in the poem

by Mehrban on

posted by All-Iranians absolutely disgusting.  I wish All-Iranians had not lowered the discussion to that level of vulgarity.  


درباره نام خانوادگی مجد


با سپاس از جناب جمیع ایرانیان 


بسیار از قطعه شعری که مرقوم فرمودید سپاسگزارم. همانطور که مستحضر هستید نام خانوادگی مجد در  اغلب شهرستان‌ها وجود دارد.تا  آنجایکه من مطلع هستم مهمترین آنان از مازندران می‌آیند که بزرگ ایشان محمد علی‌ مجد معروف به فطن السلطنه که مالکین بزرگ آن دیار می‌‌بود و چندی هم استاندار و اگر اشتباه نکنم سناتور نیز گردید. بدنبال اصلاحات ارضی مقادیر زیادی از املاک خود را از دست داد ولی‌ همچنان به پهلوی دوم وفادار ماند. پسر ایشان محمد قلی مجد می‌‌باشد که خودرا موّرخ می‌خواند و به کین خواهی‌ املاک پدری بر علیه پهلویها کتاب و مقاله می‌‌نویسد و البته با مقامات رژیم اسلامی نیز روابط حسنه‌ای دارد. 

دیگر شمس الدین جلالی ملقب به فطن الملک از رجال اواخر دوره پهلوی اول میبوده که اصلا تفرشی میباشد و در وزارت داخله و دارائی مناصب مهمی‌ داشته است. قطعه شعر جنابعالی به احتمال زیاد در باره دختر این شخص سروده شده است. 

هومن مجد از منسوبین نزدیک خاتمی رئیس جمهور سابق از طریق پدرش (از اهالی اردکان یزد) که سفیر شاه در ژاپن بود می‌‌باشد و از طریق مادرش نوه آیت‌الله سید کاظم عصار که از معممین میانه رو عصر پهلوی و استاد دانشگاه تهران می‌بود هست.  به قول شاعر:


نژاد از دو سؤ دارد این نیک‌ پی‌!!!



I have a bad feeling about H. D.!

by Disenchanted on


  Albeit this Majd guy seems to be quite a character!

One thing he has going for him is that he speaks English much better than many Iranians or Iranian-Americans I know.

   Seems like he is best put in the amphibians category likes of which are Amir Ahmadi & ...!

G. Rahmanian


by G. Rahmanian on

What's the "honor" in defending the Islamist criminals ruling Iran? What's the "honor"  in sitting on the fence and shifting sides every several months or years?

Also, I found the part you wrote about Karzai's case extremely hypocritical. Why twist facts, dear Ari. You, of many defenders of NIAC's policies, have an impeccable grasp of the languages you use on this site. Did you really mean what you wrote? Or was it to score a point against Mr. Daii?

You know very well that Mr. Daii was not criticizing the job Mr. Karzai had before becoming president. Rather, it was about his ability to run a country which, I would think, is way beyond running a restaurant.


Another Hassan Daei example of kicking IR apologist ass

by Simorgh5555 on


Bravo Hassan Daei!

by Simorgh5555 on

Haassan Daei's analysis is faultless. I am less concerned with who Dai is but what he says. 

Daei sussed out the charlatan Trita Parsi by exposing the documents proving he was lobbying on behalf of the IR lobby. This was all down to Daei's brilliance.


Ari: How old are you? you

by vildemose on

Ari: How old are you? you sound like my 75 year old mother.

Article of clothing does not equate having a progressive or honest intentions.

A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.


Ari jaan, why don't you twist it a little more

by Mehrban on

then you can call Rahbar Modern too.  

He (Majd) says in his book something to the effect that ....Iranians have total freedom in their private domain.... Now if this is not pure fiction I don't know what it is.   He maybe a good fiction writer but as a political analyst......

I just checked the biography of Reza Aslan, he is an associate professor of "Creative Writing" too.   Amazing!




Daei is MEK propagandist


Honor is not in their dictionary.

G. Rahmanian

Is It The Italian Wardrobe?

by G. Rahmanian on

Is it the Italian wardrobe that makes Mr. Majd "modern?" I didn't think one even needed any articles of clothing to display "modernity!"

Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

I would like to see Daei describe his point of view in positive terms, as Majd tends to do. Majd does not attempt to persuade by mudslinging; Daie does nothing but. The manner in which we present our point of view is more fundamental to democracy in Iran than agreement or disagreement on specific political issues . As they say, the medium is the message.

If Daei likes MEK, he should write his own book, M & M Rajavi beg to differ, showing us that the MEK isn't the monster that we all think it is. Perhaps he too can show us the human side of MEK. As it is, he tries to make his position stand out not by showcasing its human elements--its good, bad, and ugly-- but by denying he belongs to any organization and character assassinating other opinion holders who have had the courage to say where they stand. Daei is feudal, Majd is modern. 

Daei does not behave honorably (using a feudal term possibly within his grasp), hiding his own position. Majd behaves honorably, letting us know where he stands knowing full well that it exposes him to criticism. Americans admire a guy who takes chances for what he believes in-right or wrong. Which is why Majd is popular in the U.S. and Daei is popular only among a feudal few in the diaspora. 



Jenab Anglophile

by All-Iranians on

You are right. We think Ari does not know much about the Majd's family. He may like to view this poem written by a patriot long long time ago

شعری در مورد خانواده ی فطن الملک مجد

فطن الملک ، دختری دارد
که جهانی برند بر او رشک
همه گا .. د و ما نگا .. د یم
ما نگا .. ده ایم ، یعنی کشک !!!



Goebbels and Goerning were

by vildemose on

Goebbels and Goerning were excellent writers too. Nazi Germany produced many "high quality" literary work.

What does having a good writing skill has to do with honesty and truth??

I admit, Mr. Daie is not a good propagandist and doesn't know how to market himself to the American Media because perhaps he speaks English with an accent?? I don't know..

But I wish others who are not affiliated with neocons or MKO would do the same thing and expose these two wretched, unscrupulous opportunists. 

Why is Mr. Daie should be the only one to be outraged about these two?

A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.