Iranian president: We have psychic technology


Iranian president: We have psychic technology
by Fesenjoon2

Some things just never change. On the good side, we will always continue to be family oriented, mystically minded, spiritually natured characters in love with our food, heritage, envioronment, architecture, and poetry. Even if our country is balkanized and split into 10 little countries, our culture will survive another millenia.

On the downside, we will always look up to someone to save our constantly mourning asses, be it Mahdi or Soshyant. We will always kiss ass to the one supreme authority, whether it be the King of Kings, the Ghebleye aalam, or Vali-e faghih. We will always be fighting amongst eachother, and looking for the easy way out.

Some patterns just dont change. Some habits are just so hard to break. Call it determinism, call it genetics of the inevitable. The perrenial traits are there.

Take this fine example:

The president, the highest (supposedly) elected official representing the country of Iran is on record here saying:

"Let me give you another example of Iranian science and ingenuity, so youll know how advanced we have become. Right now, we have a person in Iran, who looks at the ground, gazes at the shrubs and surface vegetation, and tells you exactly what ore deposits and minerals exist below the surface of the Earth at that spot. And he guarantees it. He tells you there is metal here, manganese there, etc. This is a form of science, and we are using him right now to search for precious metals."

So tell me, is this not a re-occurence of scrying with the Cup of Jamshid?

Do mind that I'm not judging anything here. I'm just saying that some patterns seem to be repeated over and over again in certain societies. For better or worse.

I'll leave the interpretations of that up to you.



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by Demo on

Thnx for your straight 'NO' response. Answering 'No' to your question as well. Saving your 'NO,' however, for your upcoming blog about the 'GOD' whom you do not believe exist! GOD forbids!

Anonymous Observer

No Demo

by Anonymous Observer on

Again, can't speak for Fesenjoon, but I do not believe in that tale either.  It's a good story, and fun to read but that's all it is: a story, and a figment of some creative mind's imagination.  

Now, you're not going to tell that this invalidates the entire Persian history, are you?!!   


Yes or No Question?

by Demo on

Just asking a very simple question from AO & Fesenjoon. And you both are refraining to answer that!

Fine. That is your call & respecting that. Let's try it this way now with a simple Yes or No question & asking You Two Your Honors to respond, please:

Do you believe in the legendary divination of the 'Cup of Jamshid?'  Yes or No. Thank you in advance for your responses. Regards.

Anonymous Observer


by Anonymous Observer on

I can't speak for Fesenjoon, but I'm an atheist.  I believe in science and evolution.  I believe that all religions are creation of the human mind so that it can answer question to which it has no answer.  But in this day and age, religion is obsolete.  We don't know everything, but someday we will.

Anonymous Observer


by Anonymous Observer on

Dawkins is THE BEST.  Here, watch this video, beginning at minute 16:30, especially to minute 21.  It shows the evolutionary process in the formation of the laryngeal nerve in giraffes.  Asbolutely awesome.  


Dude, I've seen the Daily Show exchange.  That was a great one.   


ei baba

by Fesenjoon2 on

Stop beating around the bush, Demo. If u have something to say, say it. 


Attn: AO & Fesenjoon2

by Demo on

Why is it when 'amirkabeer4u' asked the blogger about his/her belief in 'Cup of Jamshid,' the response was 'Tell me your belief first. I'm interested to know.?' Would AO & the blogger state their 'beliefs' or their opinions about that cup before getting into the 'cup of dawkins?' Thanks. 


AO, you gotta see this

by Fesenjoon2 on


Dawkins is always fun to watch

by Fesenjoon2 on

Heres another Dawkinsian moment with muslims:


Anonymous Observer

Nice video from Dawkins Fesenjoon

by Anonymous Observer on

I hadn't seen that one despite being one of his biggest fans.  I agree with you.  More than anything, Islam is a political / military doctrine with a slight infusion of recycled relgious ideas from Chritianity and Judaism, both of which were simplistic, patriarchal, trash philosophies to begin with.  Garbage in, garbage out in that sense.  

The roots of Islam's emphasis on political and military doctrines obviously had to do with the internal power struggles of the Arabian tribes at the time of Mohammad.  He, of course, was able to consolidate power in his person by cunningly using his "religion" and Khadijah's wealth. Quite telling that his own ucle, the man who raised him, never converted to his religion.  The man knew something, and had principles.  I have the utmost respect for him.  

And the other video is just outright scary.  Seeing that sea of people cheering the notion of cutting people's heads off.  But I'm sure there's a Zionist conspiracy there somewhere.  The video is probably a fabrication made in Israel. :-))) 


One thing about Dawkins

by Fesenjoon2 on

One things about Dawkins is that he recognizes that Islam is actually more dangerous than Christianity, if compared side by side.


Islam, unlike Christianity, was designed to be a political ideology. People like Demo can deny all they want, but at the end of the day, this will always be the face of Islam:



Anonymous Observer

Seriously, Fesnejoon

by Anonymous Observer on

Religious fanaticism is a disease that has plagued Iran for millennia.  Someone should force our people to watch this video--for starters, at least:



Demo 2

by Fesenjoon2 on

I'm not even concerned with AN. We know he's a big fan of the occult and crazy conspiracy theories.

My focus is rather on the goosfands that are always sitting there in the audience listening to him with motefakkeraneh looks on their faces. 



by Fesenjoon2 on

Those Imam Naghi jokes are really funny :-))



by Fesenjoon2 on

Tell me your belief first. I'm interested to know.


Demo joon

by Fesenjoon2 on

The movie 300 was a crappy piece of fiction IMO. Disfigured women and post-apocalyptic punk kings. Are you kidding me?!

But I also noticed that Hollywood silently tried to rectify that film by making "Prince of Persia", which cast a positive light on ancient Iran. As expected though, most Iranians ignored it. We have a habit (as Iranians) of seeking and seeing the empty half of the cup. Somehow, we are always attracted to the negative part of things. We are a constant siyaah-poosh culture. Which is what this blog is about. 


ای فسنجون: اول ایمان بیاور!


دوم: نگاه کن این پایین، ببین  چطور این آقا زده میخواد رد گم کنه و به خند!

سوم: یک حدیث در باره این گفتار ملیجک دربار خامنه‌ای هست، به این شرح:

امام نقی (ع) با الهام از ائمه پیش از خود، تنها با یک نگاه به سبزه های مزبله (زن زیبا رو در خانواده بد)، معادن جواهری که زیر عبا و برقع پنهان داشتند کشف و شناسایی می فرمودند.
ایمان بیاوید!

Anonymous Observer

Yeah dude, I did notice that

by Anonymous Observer on

Pretty funny.  They should have gone all the way back to his prehistoric ancestors.  I mean the guy must have crawled out of the water at some point.  They should have just continued with the genealogy with something like Ibn triceratops, Ibn coelacanth, Ibn protozoa, Ibn basic amino acids... 


AN Knows Nothing But Lies!

by Demo on

Nothing new about AN's lies. He is a professional lier & nothing new about that. But besides the Cup of Jamshid story, please let us know your own opinion about the 300 movie's tale. Fiction or real?



by amirkabear4u on

Tell me do you believe in Cup of Jamshid?



Did you count the number of

by Fesenjoon2 on

Did you count the number of ibns in his title? The guys in blue jeans are also funny.

Anonymous Observer

Dude, check this out -

by Anonymous Observer on

this is what a country's official news agency "reports:"
