Misguided anti-Bushism and what it cost us


Farhad Kashani
by Farhad Kashani

The recent revelations from Bush about his beliefs in evolution are interesting. Because of popular culture beliefs, and because of all the leftist propaganda mumbo jumbo of the last few years, one would not expect Bush to say things like those. However, the truth is coming out. What he recently said will be the start of a series of events that will lead to the realization on how leftist media brainwashed many of us to accept a picture of Bush that is not true of him.

If we analyze the effects of the “Bush mischaracterization” culture in the U.S, we will see that since this is a democracy that can absorb these types of misleadings, the consequences were not that bad to the democracy of this country, but the case is not the same among us Iranians and when it comes to the situation in Iran. The mischaracterization of Bush has had disastrous consequences for the cause of freedom in Iran.

All of this off course does not change the fact that Bush is one of the most incompetent presidents in American history, domestically speaking. Personally, I did not vote for him either times and am not even a Republican; that’s not to say that whoever voted for him or Republicans are any less “intelligent” than the rest of us.

But at the end of day, he was a democratically elected president, and he was the leader of the free world, and most importantly, he reversed the trend in the fight against Islamic fundamentalism which is led and inspired by the IRI, by launching a political, cultural and ideological offense against forces of Islamic radicalism (although he made horrible strategic mistakes doing it, including the Iraq war) where as in the last 30 years since the Islamic revolution in Iran, it was them who launched an ideological and guerilla war battle worldwide to destroy civilization and human rights values as we know it, and the last point is where we got it wrong.

Popular culture and leftist media painted Bush as a “religious nutjob and a cowboy”. They didn’t talk about his incompetency, or the bureaucratic hurdle in the government, or his incompetent cabinet, or the Republicans in Congress not checking his powers.  Many of us actually thought that his policies were based on those two factors! It is important to mention here that there is a point here to be made which is that there were two types of Iranians who bought into this: 1- Genuinely had concerned about where the country was going and didn’t know better. 2- The IRI supporting leftist individuals who used and abused the anti Bush rhetoric in favor of the Islamic regime in Iran and against the interest of America as a country. The second group is the one who we need to be aware of and watch for. Those anti Iran, anti U.S, undemocratic, uncivilized, obsessed with Israel individuals who have been engaged in destroying Iran for 30 years now.

The reason that blind anti Bush-ism caused damage to the freedom cause in Iran is simple. After 9/11, the world, not just Bush, realized the horror of Islamic fundamentalism represented in IRI and its mini-alike groups like Al Qaeda and others. Up until the Iraq war, the world was united against Islamic fundamentalism, however, after that event, the leftist forces saw an opportunity. They painted the Iraq as a part of Bush’s “crusade” and intentionally tied it to the Afghanistan war (which was supported by the world) as being part of that “crusade” . After that, any mention of Islamic fundamentalism, and any mention of the atrocities committed by the IRI and its Islamic fundamentalist “clones”, were confronted with the misguided argument that “Islamic fundamentalism is a response to Christian fundamentalism represented in Bush”, “We should defend IRI because Bush is a cowboy and loves war”, “Bush hates Islam that’s why he attacked Afghanistan and Iraq”, and things of that nature. As result, IRI got stronger and its propaganda machine got gutsier and its policies got more brutal, and at the end of the day, Iranians who saw a hope after 9/11 that the world is finally beginning to realize the horror of Islamic fundamentalism, saw themselves stuck under the savage rule of IRI with no lights at the end of tunnel. Off course we hope with the election of Obama that would change, and support for Iranian people’s struggle grow, but we lost valuable time in the last 8 years blindly listening and following propaganda by people who have proven over and over again, that they couldn’t care less about Iran and what happens to it, and that applies to people both in the Iranian left and the American left. Calling Bush a hypocrite or an incompetent is one thing, calling him a “crusader” is another. Let’s not have the un-Iranian Islamic Socialist propaganda machine fool us again.


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more from Farhad Kashani

Very poignant and timely blog

by Zion on

Thanks Farhad. You've said it very eloquently, and it has hit the right spot. That's why you hear all the howling from the usual rabble.

Anyways, your article set me thinking. I actually see a similarity between the way Bush ahs been handled and this BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome) and the way Shah of Iran was treated by the same types in society. You know, demonstrations in Western capitals against the Shah for his alleged crimes started even before vilification of Israel became fashionable. Very interesting topic to think about for me.

Of course, American free market liberal democracy is much more powerful and deep rooted than the almost nascent Iranian one was back then, but damage is definitely done here too. This will continue until America awakes again to free itself of this decease. Let's hope Iran will free itself of this filth too and a new strong alliance is formed.


Listen to what Marge is preaching in this site????

by Curly (not verified) on

Marge is saying:

""If they want change, they can do it. Stop insulting them. The truth is, lots of people are dependent on the regime and have made a life there. They have businesses, real estate and other vested interests. That's why people are not restless in Iran.""
OH , so it is nice and dandy in Iran ???? How do you know these facts, without seeing Iran???
Very interesting??


Irandokht....once again emotional appeal rather than logic..

by Parthian on

If I say sky is blue, Irandokht will respond, Parthian wants war on Iran, therefore sky is not blue, because in my view, Parthian is a warmonger and wrong on Iran. Nice logic.

Second, don't put everyone supporting Farhad in the same group. I am the only person who has advocated attacking IR militarily (not Iran, I have always said, military, and cleric palaces, parliament positions only, not even the nuclear positions). Because unlike you, I am not emotional about it. I don't see an attack on IR as an attack on Iran. I see it as attack of one occupying force (much better) on another occupying evil force. It would be the same as Hilter Germany getting attacked by United States. History has a long list of such intervention which if they had not taken place, most people would have remained in shackles. In my opinion, internal reform is been given ample chance. It started with Bazargan, to Bani Sadr, to Rafsanjani as the pragmatist, to Khatami as the reformer, and guess what, we are back to square one with antari joon. Time to take the cancer out before it kills the host.


Farhad jan

by IRANdokht on

it's a shame to see how the names of your allies in this fight against the rest of us, include the ones who are always advocating military attack on Iran. You seem very proud of their contributions too...

Maybe we really don't see eye to eye about what's best for Iran as much as I thought we did.

This was really an eye opening experience. Thank you! 


Farhad Kashani

Kaveh jaan, aziz I

by Farhad Kashani on

Kaveh jaan, aziz I couldn’t agree with you more. You are right on the money. Like you said, many of these hate were ideologically motivated, not fact motivated.

That’s very obvious.


Thanks dear and keep speaking out.

  Parthian jaan,  

I agree with you aziz. Some folks are trying hard not to understand, and some understand it, but are engaged in propaganda, so they will keep denying it no matter what, and some are unfortunately still consumed by that “culture” I talked about. But we have a duty to speak out and tell the truth. And you and Kaveh and samsam and Fred and Zion and all the other guys have done a tremendously great job so far. Lets keep it up. Its not easy, lets be real, we are facing the greatest propaganda machine of all time: the Islamist Socialist machine. But we, the Iranian people, are winning. We are winning, and the world stands with us.


I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

Farhad, you are wrong. What Bush promised was not true

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

I can't believe we are intellectually lazy because Bush failed. What Bush promised, not only bush, his 100's of advisers and war architects (who now regret the war, one has gone on the record Richard Perle I believe), was a lie. That is intellectually lazy, to lie. No one here is lying. You called me names, lablled me as an IRI supporter and other BS. Well that's lazy too. Talk about the subject, not me. You're doing it because it's easy.

Actually, everyone was hoping Bush was right. He was re-elected for god's sake. So whatever Kaveh is saying is wrong too. The title of your blog is wrong.

The title should be : WHAT BUSHISM COST IRAN DEMOCRACY. It's funny, this guy Saddam was showed to us as HAVING weapons of mass destruction. Ok we said, go to war. Well, jesus, then Kim Jong Il and Iran were starting up their nukes just when we found out Iraq had NONE. That is not the anti-bush people's fault. Also, those far far left people you are talking about don't get mainstream attention. If Bush wanted to do anything, he did it. Including wire-taps, etc...Including eastern european interrogations and the rest of it. 

So please, don't give Iran or those far left/libretarian people so much credit. Bush is the one who had the best opportunity and squandered it. You're attacking the wrong target, including ME based on what you wrote earlier, but it's the Iranian way. IRI this Basij that and other freakish creative attack names by Samsam111111111. Leave me alone samsam, unless you have something other than names to call me. Be original, just try to talk about the topic for once instead of me. 


Farhad jan

by IRANdokht on

I am sorry I made you frustrated, that was not the intention. I guess we're talking about different things here and that's why we're having a hard time understanding each other...

first of all, my reason for using the word "insult" was a refrence to the news super titles I saw from you about a week ago that called us idiots and morons or something in that regard because we think Bush is a fundamentalist and don't approve of him. You seem to use very harsh words in blanket statements and I take them as insult because of it.

Now lets go back to your reply to me which I assure you is much appreciated. Now I understand where you're coming from, but I am not sure why you think I am blaming "everything" on Bush? 

When I spoke of GWB administration's criminal records and wrong-doings, did I even name any of those elements that you mentioned?

UBL did declare war against Americans: lets go back and find out who gave him his arms and his training and his militia in Afghanistan...  Was it Islamist fundamentalists that gave him free reign against the soviets or was it US? No it wasn't GWB, it was another republican.

When did I blame him for the Israel/Palestinian conflict, he didn't help it but he didn't start it either.

Global warming was a big political issue for a long time, but it wasn't until last year that finally Bush acknowledged there is a "climate change" and he has done nothing to make up for the years that he neglected it. But as important as the gloal warming is, I never suggested that he'd be put on trial for his negligence.

The crimes committed in Iraq, the killings, rapes, tortures etc... they're GWB fault.  I know you have already agreed there. Those crimes alone are enough reason for me not to side with him, not to defend him if anyone criticize his actions and that has nothing to do with who that "critic" is.

Unlike you I don't care what IRI supporters (as people here keep calling everyone) say about Bush. I know what he's done and I will not take side with him. My attention span is adequate enough to criticize Bush for his crimes and criticize IRI for theirs. I don't need to pick one or the other and I don't need to side with one to criticize the other. "Criminal" is not a relative term. 

Please try not to get too frustrated and if you think you don't want to keep revisiting this issue with me, I understand. But I also ask you, since I took the time to see what you mean to say, would you please try to see what I am asking you too?



Farhad Kashani

I have the crush,   I

by Farhad Kashani on

I have the crush,


I am anti Bush, so how can I blame anti Bush people? I blame the “false culture” created based on a misguided view on Bush. That’s not the same as being anti Bush. Please try to understand. Look, example, as much as I hate the IRI, I’m not gonna blame them for things such as global warming, or the rise of communism, or the Uganda genocide. Because they’re just not involved in those things. That being said, I still think they are, by far, the greatest threat to civilization as we know it. That’s not saying I am defending the IRI. That just saying I am being objective. That’s not saying IRI should get a free pass, I’m the last person on this planet that will give them a free pass. That’s what happened with Bush. Media created this pop culture that faulted everything on Bush, and lot of it was ideologically motivated, believe me. Leftist media had lot to do with it. And we just bought into it blindly. We totally lost track of what was important. Media brainwashed us that we couldn’t even understand how government works. We never faulted Hillary or all the other Congress members of approving Iraq war, we never faulted IRI for starting a culture of fundamentalism that caused 9/11, we never faulted we never faulted German intelligence’s obvious feeding of information about Iraq’s WMD programs, but we faulted CIA and Bush! We never faulted Iran’s undeniable interference in Iraq by promoting Shite fundamentalism that caused genocide against Sunnis, but we blamed Bush. We never faulted Spanish or Italian governments’ assistance with the renditions, but we blamed Bush only! Bush, Bush and Bush only! It became an obsession, became a culture, we lost of track of what the real truth is, and who the real enemy is, and now it’s fading away, and we are still left with the same issue that were there when Bush came to power: Islamic fundamentalism, global warming, dictatorships, Darfur, IRI, N Korea, Israeli – Arab, ..all were there when Bush came to power. All of them.


Please try to understand!


Farhad and Kaveh jaan

by Parthian on

I agree with Kaveh on this one. No point in trying to pursuade these folks of facts. What I have realized about people like Irandokht, Q and many of the Bush haters is that they are intellectually very lazy. They operate based on their emotions, and love or hate this or that guy. First of all, in a democratic system, I have a hard time accepting that people can actually  "LOVE" or "HATE" a politician as if they know these people deep down.

The war in Georgia was a good example of intellectual laziness. All these folks were blaming the United States for the invasion of Gerogia by Russia instead of looking at the facts.

George Bush and Dick Cheney have made many many huge mistakes; there is no doubt about it, but don't forget that by the very definition of democracy, those leaders are not exclusively liable for the actions that their county take. Don't forget that majority of senators, including Joseph Biden voted for the war authorization in Iraq. Don't forget that Bush had a 90% approval at the time. This is a not a dictatorship where Bush is been in power for 30 years with no voice of opposition allowed. Now that things are going bad, they want to put these people on trial. This is pure hatred of the man rather than analyzing his actions.

Secondly, from a purely legal point of view, war was declared on the United States on 9/11/01. I don't know, but when you blow up two major structures killing 3000 people in the biggest metropolitan area, you are bascially declaring war on a country. Saddam had refused to abide by 16 resolutions in the 1990s. Given the conditions, United States had every right to prevent another attack on its soil. What these people refuse to accept is that United States is the major power in the world, it is responsible for over 95% of humanity's scientific advancement in the past century. Its economic power equals the next 15 countries ont he list combined. Why should this country, whose people have worked, and work very hard, whose leaders are rational, and use rational thought to formulate policy treat a backward, 9-year arab boy savior loving third world country such as Iran equally? Why should U.S not use its competitive advantage to preserve and protect its interest? You can bet your hard earned dollar that Irandokht would not give an inch if she had an advantage over someone else, but these people want the US to treat afghanistan or Iraq equally! I ask why?

These people are about to be highly disappointed. Yes, the same people who hate Bush, but LOVE Obama, as if Obama will bring about utopia. As already seen, most of the important cabinet positions are old guards, and that whole campaign phrase "change" is been thrown out of the door. I bet Obama will continue to protect, and advance the US interest, and yes at the expense of IR, Iraq, and Afghanistan, not because he is a bad guy, but because unlike the dime of dozen hypocrites on this site, he is expected to do so by the citizens of the United States, or he will be thrown out of the office.


JJ & moderators if there is an ounce of decency

by samsam1111 on

You would know 1st hand that I did not leave any comments here either as anonymous or under my own identity , so why is it that this ommati hajieh is addressing me here ?

JJ from all the people knows full well that who ever left comments earlier (not that I necessarily disagree) is not me & he keeps quiet about it . stop dragging me into these ommati parties .

My policy as always is not to acknowledge idiocy but I will say this,  That,s not ethical . Unless ofcourse they have JJ,s backing for fun at my expence .

I gather the site had always had contempt for my views on Iran & Iranic heritage but playing these juvenile games is pretty desperate.. ha moderators !!!


Farhad Kashani

IRANdokht aziz,  

by Farhad Kashani on

IRANdokht aziz,


There is no way that I would blame the issue of Islamic fundamentalism on anyone besides the IRI. Again, listen to what themselves say. They are proud of the fact that they introduced this version of Islam. They don’t deny it, why should we? Criticizing Bush is one thing, blaming him on things that are not his fault is another. Lets get real here. Are we gonna blame global warning, Israeli Palestinian conflict, Islamic fundamentalism, genocide in Darfur, and ….issues that have been around for years and decades on him? Come on now! When did Khomeini declare war on U.S and the world in the name of Islam? When did UBL declare war on U.S? when did the Israeili Palestinian issue occurred? When did people start taking about global warming? I mean let’s be objective, please. I mean definitely you can make a very strong case, as I’ve done many times, for Bush mishandling some issues such as Israeli Palestinian issue and such as Iraq war, and others, but, in no way, shape or form, I will blame him FOR those issues, and trust me my dear friend, once he’s gone, and corporate and leftist media have no story to make money out of anymore, the truth is going to come out more and more. Bush’s revelations about what he thinks about religion is just the first step. Just watch. Trust me.


IRANdokht aziz, fadat sham, I really don’t see myself repeating this again to you jaan, but here it is one more time: I am not defending Bush by stripping responsibility from him on things that are his fault, in fact, as I said before I never even voted for the guy (don’t you think the least I can do as a supporter is to vote for him?), rather, I’m saying he WAS NOT the cause of many issues that we have been facing for years now, and as Iranians, off course I’m talking about the rise of fundamental Islam which is the root cause of all the death and destruction we see happening in the name of Islam by young people blowing themselves up in markets and restaurants not only in Iraq, but ALL OVER THE WORLD! Also I’m saying, some propaganda machines led us to believe that in fact Bush is responsible for many things that he’s not, because after 9/11, they saw a weak moment that they could take advantage of.

And as far as insulting people, I'm not insulting anyone, please scroll down and see what these people who are known that unlike yourself and I who stand with the people of Iran, side with the IRI, making insulting remarks at me, so I believe I have the right to defend myself. I didn't insult you, did I? Because I know we're on the same side, which is for the people of Iran.

Kaveh Nouraee

Farhad khan

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Unfortunately, your point is hopelessly lost on so many. So long as you or anyone else tries to paint Bush in any way other than their view, it's an exercise in futility.

Tremendous mistakes were indeed made. Public perception of the situation has always been fiercely negative. A situation that nobody wanted and that nobody was honestly preprared for deteriorated exponentially with every passing day. But to the detractors, that simply isn't enough. They won't settle for anything less than blood.

Quite the irony, n'est ce pas?

These people will never concede to the unmistakable fact that the war in Iraq & Afghanistan is rooted in Islamic fundamentalism, whic created this atmosphere where acts of terrorism are as common as pizza delivery. Perhaps it's because it originated in Iran, and they don't want to be perceived in an unflattering light by the present regime. Who knows, but it's a clear indication that they live in a deep denial.

They call for tribunals against Bush and Cheney for war crimes and crimes against humanity, while failing to recognize that the U.S. is in fact at war; one that isn't country vs. country, where the enemy is not focused in one particular area, as we have been used to seeing. The front lines are neither clear nor well defined. The enemy integrates and assimilates into the general population, raising the likelihood of civilian casualties.

Similar problems were encountered during the Vietnam War where Viet Cong guerillas were mingled into the general population. The U.S. military had not only North Vietnamese soldiers to worry about, but groups of VC in downtown Saigon blowing up cafes and markets and shops; (the 1960s and 70s version of the suicide bombers of the present day).

In both cases, there was and is no clear exit strategy. Huge f-up there. The bleeding heart liberals wanted Nixon's head on a stick for killing "the poor little Vietnamese" (who hate America) and now the current generation of bleeding hearts want Bush's head on a stick and Cheney's pacemaker short-circuited for killing "the poor little Iraqis" (who hate America and Iran).

All of those hippies from the Sixties chanting "make love not war" and "give peace a chance" have become irrelevant over time. And the current crop will wither as well. They want peace, but don't recognize that there are those out there who will do anything to sabotage it and will stop only when they are stopped physically.

Of course, my words will be interpreted as a blanket endorsement of Bush, Cheney, U.S. foreign policy, and so on, in addition to labelling me a warmonger. Que sera, sera.



by Anonymous21 (not verified) on

You censur Samsam's comments and yet publish the responses to it?
Very democratic JiJi

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

I attacked you for blaming anti-Bush people for costing Iran

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

Iranians owe their problems to themselves. They want change? They should do it themselves. I don't support IRI, that's why I left Iran you dolt. You know who I think supports IRI? The people I mentioned - the people who live in the USA and keep real estate, bank accounts and other investments in Iran. There are many. They enjoy freedom here, but they keep their nest eggs there. I'm sure you know a few of them. That doesn't make me an IRI supporter. As a person with a crappy, unappreciated job, I don't even have enough to develop such interests in Iran. Even if I did, I wouldn't put it in a place where as a woman, I am less than half of an idiot man (yes, that's what I think of men since I'm a liberal hippy woman). 

If Iran wants to continue to be a puppet state, that's its own problem. Not America's problem, until Iran attacks America or Israel, of course. So actually, the people in Iran (if such people actually exist), who support terrorism on American soil, are the ones who are going to help your cause. Not people here in America. If I were you, I'd ask them to demand attacks so America will move in. It's that inaction on the part of IRI that makes it hard to pin them down and strangle them.



Farhad jan

by IRANdokht on

I am not sure why I'd care who thought what and when...  I try to live by my own standards not despite some other people's.

When you say the anti-Bushism movement is wrong, you sound unrealistic. There is no reason for you to be defending these muderous criminals. 

You're saying that what I wrote is exactly your point. I wrote that to argue your point! So I am just confused now. You are defending Bush in your article and every single news and comment I have seen from you. How can that possibly be in agreement with what I said?

The way you're siding with Bush is not logical, is not practical and (since I know you care about human rights issues,) it's not becoming of you. 

You are defending Bush because you are under the impression that whoever is not, must be siding with IRI!  That would make 80% of the people of this country IRI supporters then!!  how illogical is that? 

Please reconsider your delivery, maybe even your reasoning. Please stop attacking everyone who speaks the truth about Bush and his administration. Every time you speak in defense of Bush and attack the people who are criticizing their actions, you're undoing the steps you take for human rights.

Anti-Bushism as you call it, has nothing to do with IRI!  Actually IRI should kiss the ground this man walks on! they owe so much to Bush's foreign policies and the game of chicken they played that strengthened IRI in the region.

The humanity's real enemy is fundamentalism no matter where on the map... 


Farhad Kashani

./.,   Labeling me as

by Farhad Kashani on


Labeling me as someone I’m really not (Bush supporter) is not gonna increase your stock among the readers of this site.


And I offer condolences to Iran for having people like you supporting a regime that has been destroying it for 30 years now.


Farhad Kashani

IRANdokht aziz, jaan,  

by Farhad Kashani on

IRANdokht aziz, jaan,  

What you said is my point exactly, although not sure why you can’t see I’m trying to make the same point! Bush is not America, but some tried to make it seemed like that. They tied the Iraq war to everything America represents and that’s not true. They did that purposely. I have no love for those people. And among us Iranians who did that, they did that in favor of the IRI regime and that an unforgivable act as far as I’m concerned. Suddenly everything became America’s fault, going back as far as the establishment of this country. That’s what I’m against. And again, in the midst of that, we lost sight as Iranians, on who the real enemy is, the IRI regime and the Islamic fundamentalism culture they created and promoted and promote (ing).  


Farhad Kashani

I have a crush,   I did

by Farhad Kashani on

I have a crush,  

I did say Bush made a mistake, so not sure why you attacking me like that. Maybe you need to read the article again. I said Bush’s mistake shouldn’t get our focus off the real threat, which is Islamic fundamentalism. Apparently that’s hard for you to understand.

As far as “speaking out”, no it wasn’t jus speaking out. Many people spoke who cared about the country, but also, a culture of false anti Bushism was created by leftist media and propaganda machine to blame things that are not Bush or America’s fault on them. Again, re-read the article.

Also, just like you preach for your beloved un-Iranian savage IRI regime, I preach for whoever I want too, which is mainly for the liberation of Iran. You don’t really know where I’m at, do you????? and just FYI..I didn’t vote for Bush either times.

One more thing, it is people like you who say to Iranians : live up with what this regime has gave you and shut your mouth! If the regime takes your dignity away, shut up! If Iran ranks one of the lowest in freedom of expression, shut up! If it ranks one of the lowest in political freedom, shut up! If Khamenei is considered one of the worst 5 dictators, shut up! If your sons or daughters get treated like animals and sub-humans for wearing a t-shirt, or having a different hairstyle, or listening to music, shut up! If you have one of the highest rates of executions, imprisonment, drug addiction, closed economy, inflation, poverty, unemployment, shut up! Because America is “bad”. Just keep saying “marg bar America”! you don’t need freedom, you don’t need dignity, you don’t need respect,,those are all “imperialist” concepts!!! Just do some business selling and buying real estate in Tajrish and f..k the country! This is the extent of your love for Iranian civilization!


Your insult shows the level of your character, civility (lack of it) and intellect (lack of it).


Advisor aziz,


I agree with you 100% and that is one of the main points of this article.



To Hajieh Marge: khodeti ... LOL

by Wisecracker finder (not verified) on

Hajiehkhanoom, you seem to besiding with those who are rich enough and well-connected enough in Iran, namely mullahs and their lackeys, by constantly trying so desperately hard, all in vain though, to degrade, mock, and belittle those who oppose them in any shape or form.

I wouldn't put it past mullahs to be dumb enough to ask for the likes of you to come to their defense on Iranian chat sites ... hahahaha


My Condolences !

by ./. (not verified) on

My condolences to you and people such as you for realizing how stupid this W guy was all along , and that you thought otherwise. Most of us realized that about say 8 years ago (give or take a few days).

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

Samsam1111111111 give it up already. You're in denial

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

Ok you know what? You're no better than IRI. If you don't believe that there are people in Iran who have clinics, IT businesses, factories, stores who are not interested in taking up arms and chanting through the streets, you're insane. The same is true in America, where the people who are comfortable, despite how much they are unhappy with their leadership, do not march in Washington. Again, if you think it is different, travel to Iran and tell a different story. People are very unhappy with the social restrictions, but if you are rich enough and well-connected enough (Oohh just like here in the USA) you can bypass the law. So what? 

So once I wrote here that when I moved here I made it a point to immerse myself in American culture and you're holding it against me because why? Immersion does not mean denying my Iranian origin. You need to look up the word. I disagree with you on why Iranians don't take to arms and kill all the mullahs? Personally, I would like nothing more than mullahs, rabbis, priests and other clergy to go away and shut up. Everywhere. They are all useless money moochers.

Also samsam11111111, this is also why I am against sanctions. Sanctions forces people to side with Iran rather than outside nations like United States. United states looks like a prick for starving Iranians of opportunities that other corrupt nations receive. Instead, Iranians are left with crappy options like IRI versus piss-pot alternatives like Reza Pahlavi. I wouldn't risk anything for Reza Pahlavi and I don't blame people in Iran for that either. Even monarchists living outside Iran don't risk themselves for him, why? Because he doesn't risk himself. That's the proof of what a failure he is.


To: Crush

by Asdolah (not verified) on

Can you just gather your (so called!)thoughts and write them down all in one piece?
It's annoying to see every other comment from you.



To Hajieh Marge

by Wisecracker finder (not verified) on

U said "The truth is, lots of people are dependent on the regime and have made a life there. They have businesses, real estate and other vested interests. "

I bet you're also one of those people otherwise you would not be here wisecracking all the time and would instead "immerse yourself completely in American culture" as you once claimed you were doing and stay away these kinds of discussions.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

Bush apologists remind me of Shah apologists. Blame BUSH not us.

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

If Bush is so great, why didn't he do a better job of uniting people around his cause? Because he doesn't give a sh*t that is why. People who disagreed with him, he didn't bother to argue with. He simply had them labeled and branded as anti-American, pro-Islamic, hippies and other horrible names. 

Bush = FAIL. Don't blame the anti-Bush people. Blame BUSH. These "great men" don't seem so great, otherwise they would have succeeded. Instead, you blame the people without the power, who do not have access to the information and dialogue. What a cheap stupid shot this blog is.


To Farhad: Bush failed big time

by Advisor (not verified) on

Farhad jaan;

Bush's heart might have been in the right place but he f....d up big time.

Because of him, mullahs feel much stronger and have become much bolder and more determined to follow up with their destructive plans for both Iranian pople and the entire ME since Bush got rid of both of their fiercest enemies for them.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

He's human, unfortunately. But if u really think WE stopped him

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

You are smoking lots of stuff. That's all I can say. Bush and Cheney had a plan and anyone who stood in the way was destroyed in various ways. If Iran dodged a bullet, it's not because Bush felt bad or sensed some "heat". Take the cotton out of your eyes and take off the blind fold. Nothing could have stopped these maniacs.


Great satire

by Anonymous Satire Writer (not verified) on

I laughed my ass off. Very original and timely written. Great job.



by IRANdokht on

Farhad jan

America is my home too and as an Iranian American I want peace and prosperity for both countries. What you do not realize is that Bush is not America! That's why he's deemed the "worst president this country ever had" with the lowest approval rating ever and he deserves all the criticism and then some, he and Cheney deserve to be put on trial for crimes against humanity and war crimes. The last 8 years has also been very crutial for the IRI government, they have strengthened in the region and they are actually gaining support because of the wrong policies of this president. 

You are trying to show your loyalty to America and your contempt for IRI by taking side with Bush and Cheney: that is misguided loyalty.

I thought about your advice to me (in another thread): I can't in good conscience praise a man who has blood on his hands, not in Iran and not in USA. Human life is precious no matter where they were born. Human rights are to be respected no matter what nationality they are. IRI and GWB administration both have a dreadful track record, I refuse to side with either.




If you really think........

by farokh2000 on

It seems, You are the one who is totally misguided.

How could anyone with any kind of Brain Function think that GW is Human at all. Forget the rest of it.

This is a man with blood of millions of innocent people on his hands and you are defending him?

You must be on something VERY STRONG. 

Best of luck to you.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

One more thing about you regime change lunatics

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

You know how people said Shah was a puppet? IRI was ushered in by the English/Americans??? It's because exported regimes don't breed confidence. Again, go to Iran. Stop preaching from America. Iranians have brains and limbs. If they want change, they can do it. Stop insulting them. The truth is, lots of people are dependent on the regime and have made a life there. They have businesses, real estate and other vested interests. That's why people are not restless in Iran. Besides, the revolution ruined a lot of people. You can't have all this revolution in a short cycle. Also, your beloved Bush and Cheney made lots of money off of business with Iran. Only when Ahmadinejad came on the scene and started ruffling feathers did they end those hyocritical dealings. 

Stop being a cheerleader for fake people. Even I can admit the democratic party is full of it sometimes. The Republicans are no different.