تحريم و جنگ


Daniel M Pourkesali
by Daniel M Pourkesali

واژه نامه فرهنگ، تحريم را " تحميل محدوديتهاى تجارى و مالى يک کشور بر روى کشورى ديگر به دلايل سياسى" معرفى ميکند. عملى که استفاده از آن در سالهاى اخير به يک وسيله تسلط عمده اى منطقه اى و جهانى براى مشتى از قدرتمندترين کشورهای دنيا ، خصوصا ايالات متحده آمريکا در آمده است.

با عضويت دائم در شوراى امنيت سازمان ملل، آنها در طى بيست سال اخير به آسانى تحريمات اقتصادى متعددى برعليه بيش از دوجين کشور ديگر گذرانده اند که ميان آنها يوگسلاوى قبلى، کوبا، ليبى، سومالى، ليبريا، هائيتى، عراق، و ايران را ميتوان نامبرد. در صورت مواجهه با يا ناتوانى از کسب رضايت اکثريت در شو راى امنيت ، ايالات متحده بيش از هر کشورى ديگر به طور يگانه و يک طرفه عمل کرده و از سال ١٩۴۵ تا کنون[1] ، بيش از دو سوم تمام تحريمات معرفى شده در شورا را آغاز کرده است که سه چهارمشان به صورت کاملا يک طرفه و بدون پشتيبانى يا مشارکتى معنى دار از سوى ساير ملل تحميل شده و ميشوند . اين گونه تحريمات يک جانبه و تجاوز انگيز توسط اکثر سياستمداران و اعضای کنگره آمريکا بعنوان يک فرم ديپلُماسى جايگزين جنگ بحث شده و به تصوير کشيده ميشوند.

وليکن کشورهاى روى به دريافت اين اعمال و بقيه اجتماع بين المللى به طورى فزاينده اين گونه تحريمات را غير مشروع ، تنبيه کننده و غير انسانى ديده و تردید جدى راجع به مطابقت آنها با قوانين بين المللى و انسان دوستانه و تاثيرشان بر آنان دارند. تحميل محدوديتهاى تجارى و مالى باعث بستن کارخانه ها، مزرعه ها، و معادن شده و در نتيجه درجه بندی حرفه اى جامعه را ضعيف کرده و بدين طريق تاثيرى بسيار منفى بر روى نيروهاى مخالف با هر گونه حکومت مطلقه و يا ديکتاتورى دارد.

حقيقت زشت و مستند[2] اينست که مابين پانصد هزار و يک ميليون کودک زير پنج سال عراقى جان خود را به خاطر تحريم اقتصادى شوراى امنيت بر روى مواد و تجهيزات "دوگانه" مربوط به تغذيه، بهبودى و آموزش در طى ١٢ سال قبل از تهاجم نظآمى به آن کشور از دست دادند. وليکن با وجود اين گونه مدارک هراس انگيز و تکان دهنده که ثابت کرده و ميکند که اولين قربانيان تحريم ا قتصادى کودکان، افراد مسن و بيمار هستند که کمترين مسئوليت در تعيين خط و مش دولتشان دارند، بسیاری هنوزازاستفاده آنها بصورت يک وسيله صلح آميز و موجه براى به کار بستن فشار ديپلُماتيک دفاع ميکنند.

تحريم اقتصادى خود يک نوع جنگ بيهوده و خشونت آميز است که بر اصيلترين حقوق اساسى بشر تجاوز ميکند و بايد از ابزار خط و مش خارجى همه کشورهاى متمدن جهان برداشته شود.

[1] //www.un.org/Docs/sc/unsc_resolutions.html

[2] //www.fourthfreedom.org/Applications/cms.php?page_id=7


Recently by Daniel M PourkesaliCommentsDate
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National Interest
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more from Daniel M Pourkesali

Re: Q

by jamshid on

The reason why I brought up the IRI's domestically imposed financial and commercial sanctions against the people of Iran, and asked what the author thinks about it, is relevant and valid.

Sometimes, written "words" may sound noble, while the writer's "intentions" may be malicious. I want to know the writer's intentions.

Those who oppose the sanctions fall in two categories:

1. Those who do not want the lives of Iranians to become more difficult, or,

2. Those who are only concerned with the survival of the IRI.

Note that there is no "both of the above" category, since it is an absurd notion. One cannot claim that he cares for the people of Iran, while at the same time he is supporting a regime that has brought only poverty, oppression and misery for its people.

That is why the first group also opposes the IRI for the same reasons it opposes sanctions, and as strongly too. The reason being that BOTH the IRI and sanctions are making and will make life more difficult for the people of Iran.

However, I don't have any regards or respect for the second group which includes you. They beat their chest for the well being of the Iranian people while at the same time, they are making, or contributing to making, the life of the very same people miserable.

These hypocrites should be exposed.

It is important for me to know why Mr. Poursaleki opposes sanctions? Is is to safeguard the IRI's survival? Or is it to safeguard the well being of Iranians? Remember that these two intentions are mutually exclusive.

And if he does oppose the IRI's sanctions against the people of Iran, then why is he mute about them? If he only opposes foreign sanctions, but doesn't mind IRI's domestic sanctions againt the people of Iran, then why not come forward and say so?


Jamshid, don't play dictionary

by Q on

The major problem is international sanctions against Iran's economy as a whole. If you are talking about some other sanctions, start a differnet blog. Danial is talking about International sanctions, the same kind as was imposed on Iraq. That's the kind that killed half a million children.

Your definition of sanctions also including internal "commercial and financial limitations" is not one that anyone else in the world uses. Otherwise, every country in the world would have some level of "sanctions" against its own citizens: US, Russia, China, UK, Germany, etc.

So, why are you talking about something else when the question is on international sanctions? What is your position on International sanctions? That's what's relevant here. You can either talk about that, or understand that most people will correctly interpret your presence as intending to just wasting time and trying to change the subject to something else.



by ham-vatan (not verified) on

I am not sure what you are trying to say but it sounds like you are all for international pressure on the same people who are being pressured by their own government.
You are actually using the illegal actions of IRI to justify sanctions on iranian people by everyone else!
yes Jamshid khan: people do see what's going on and it just doesn't sound right my friend.
When I think of the statistics of child death is Iraq due to the sanctions and realize that you are wishing that on iranian kids, all that is left to say is:

vaghan keh kheili bi rahmi!


be careful about Sanctions

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

it is the next imperialist strategy. It was disasterous in Iraq and it can be worst for Iran.

Please continue to speak up and ignore the anti-Iran traitors. you must be doing something right or else parasites would not think you are important enough to attack. keep it going.


مرسی‌ دانیل جان

KamalK (not verified)

تحریم همش به مردم عادی ضربه می‌زنه، نه به هیچ اخوند.

آقای "فرد"، تو با همهٔ مردم ایران هم پدرکشتگی داری؟ چرا همش طرفه بوش و چینی رو میگیری؟ اگه کسی‌ جزو کاسمی یا رپوبلیکن پارتی هم باشه خوب سنه نه؟ به هرفه هسابش گوش کن پسر خوب.



by AnonymousJPN (not verified) on

Mr. Pourkesali:

What is the solution then?

By the way, what do you mean by پانصد هزار و يک ميليون کودک

"Pansad hezar va yek million koodak..." That number just does not make any sense (or may be my Farsi is going down the drain).

Thank you for the funny article; I always end up with a big smile on my face after reading your posts. Love your sense of humor. Or are you serious?


Re: Pourkesali

by jamshid on

You defined sanction as, "imposing of commercial and financial limitations on one country by another, for political reasons."

What about the commercial and financial limitations that are imposed on the people of Iran by a small minority IRI ruling class, and for the purpose of poltical domination?

What about the IRI's sanctions against its own people? To sanction your "own people" is even worst, and is considered treason against one's country.

Mr. Pourkesali, would you please expand upon IRI's economical sanctions that are and have been in place against the Iranian people? The very same type of "commercial and financial" sanctions that has hurt Iranians more than any foreign country has?

Mr. Pourkesali, why are you mute on the IRI's domestic economical sanctions of its own people, not to mention its violations of human rights and many other issues that are hurting Iranians, and yet, you beat your chest for those same people you have abandoned?

I let the readers make their own guess.


Thank you for writing this in Persian!

by Anonymous55 (not verified) on

I am so happy to see that you are writing in Persian now, Daniel. I think it is crucial that your important voice be heard in English and Persian. Thanks again for your tireless efforts.


نوای جدید


از قرار معلوم جناب دانیال مهدی پورخصالی هنوز دستورالعمل جدید رئیس لابی نایاک در مورد تحریم را دریافت نفرموده اند. طبق دستور اخیر باید به جمهوری اسلامی اجازه غنی سازی اورانیوم داده شود و احیاناٌ اگر دست به بمب سازی زد آنگاه تحت شدیدترین تحریم ها قرار بگیرد. بنابراین لابی کسمی  که اعضاء هیئت مدیره مشترک با لابی نایاک دارد که حضرت دانبال نیز به گفته خودشان یکی از آنان است نیز باید از این پس ساز را برای نوای جدید کوک کند.



well said!

by Mojgan- (not verified) on

اولين قربانيان تحريم ا قتصادى کودکان، افراد مسن و بيمار هستند که کمترين مسئوليت در تعيين خط و مش دولتشان دارند

thank you for telling the truth
hopefully some of our friends here will eventually get the point