Not so unorganized as it seems!

Not so unorganized as it seems!
by Ari Siletz

A random dot 3D stereogram is a good metaphor for the organization hidden in the Green movement. A message should pop out at you if you let your eyes go out of focus on the image and allow your brain to sort out the cooperation among the apparently haphazard dots.


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Anahid Hojjati

Thanks Ari for the instructions but maybe with astigmatism, I

by Anahid Hojjati on


Dear Ari, thanks for instructions.  I just remembered that I have astigmatism and my eyesight is not completely corrected for astigmatism problem.  I woner if this may result in more problems for me to see what it is in picture.  But I will try to follow your instructions so I can see what you and others are writing about.

Ari Siletz

Anahid, Anonymouse

by Ari Siletz on

Try putting your eyes only a couple of inches away from the image; relax and don't try to focus. Tell you eyes that the red frame is an airplane window and you want them to scan the fuzzy forest 5000 feet below. Give it a few minutes, and the message will appear like clouds at 2500 feet.


tabar, glad to see you communicate your enthusiasm to others. You are savvy to how spontaneous social mechanisms help solidarities grow and strengthen.


ahmad_, you'll have to ask a dancer. Surely there's an easier way to get from one end of the stage to the other.


Princess, you may have figured out already that the illusion of magnification is partly related to why the moon looks bigger on the horizion: since the object has the same angular size to the eye but appears further away, the brain computes a larger size for it.

Anahid Hojjati

Dear Ari, I see different words at different times but not clear

by Anahid Hojjati on


Dear Ari, when I looked at the picture, first time I saw one word and just now I saw another below it but none of it was that clear.  I am an impatient person so each time, I did not stare that long.  How long am I supposed to look at this picture :) ?


No one say what it is!

by tabar on

it'll ruin the surprise for everyone! :D


I can't see it ala Mr. Pitt in Seinfeld! I really can't see it!

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.


zarbol masale irani

by ahmad_ on

zarbol masale irani ke mige ;

taraf loghme ro dore gardanesh micharkhond va mizasht dahanesh.

did they come up with that expression just for this pic?


Thanks, Ari!

by Princess on

How do you find these things? 

You are right, it is not necessarily the message, but the way you see/discover it that is the big surprise. To me it's not just the depth, but all of the sudden the size of the image as well. The 3D image seems much bigger and brighter.

I think JJ might want to include this in the poster section. 

Cheers to February 11th and to Victory! 




I really like this

by tabar on

it's a great metaphor like you said, it seems disorganised but somehow everyone gets together and something amazing happens. Thanks a lot for sharing, there really isn't any better image I can think of to describe the Green Movement's versatility better :D

Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

Here's where you can make your own. Then copy the screen (shift+ prtsc) and paste (cntrl+v ) to MS Paint. I was worried that the image compression in the IC upload was going to confuse the Green movement, so I did some resizing and cropping to minimize the compression damage. Turned out OK.


I don't think it will take away anything to disclose the message. The real surprize is seeing the screen suddenly get a few inches deeper.


IRI should really be worried, the writing's on the wall.

by Princess on

Did you make it? I saw the message. I never knew it works on the screen as well. Should I disclose it or let the others see it for themselves?