A Few Fun Facts About the NEW "Green Warrior" Hamid Dabashi


A Few Fun Facts About the NEW "Green Warrior" Hamid Dabashi
by Anonymous Observer

Do you know this man? The bearded, Iran hating, leftist neo-Green warrior? No? Well, let’s share a few fun facts. Perhaps you will know him better after reading these few nuggets.

- He was born in Ahvaz (or as he likes to call it, “Al-Ahwaz”) in 1951.

-He began to hate the Shah and any kind of a Persian imperial dynasty right after he was potty trained (his mom told me so);

-He believes that the 1979 devolution was—and is—the best thing that happened to humanity;

-Since the previous "revolution" that he supported and particiapted has been so successful, he would like to tell us how and what the next Iranian government should be;

-He teaches at Columbia;

-He believes that the Islamic Republic is a democracy—not a “perfect” one, but nonetheless a “democracy”;

-He used to pimp IR officials around New York and Columbia before the June, 2009 elections;

-He criticized Columbia dean Lee Bollinger for his treatment of Ahmadinejad in 2007 and called him a fundamentalist Christian and a white supremacist—just a reminder: that was before the June, 2009 elections;

-He became a “Green” supporter after the June, 2009 elections, and began to treat Ahmadinejad really badly—he even wore a T-shirt and posed for a picture with Noam Chomsky in support of the “Greens”;

-He then, on behalf of the “Greens” [unilaterally] declared that the “Greens” are entirely supportive of the Palestinian cause (with which he is obsessed)—even though the demonstrators in Iran where chanting “ na Gazeh, na Lebnaan, janam fadaye Iran);

-He likes movies and is a self proclaimed expert on Palestinian cinema;

-He loves being an Ivy League professor, where he can park his ass behind a desk for ten hours a day and sell gibberish bullshit to the world as “scholarly thoughts”;

-He once threw a hissy fit when an Israeli student at Columbia sent him and email and said that he was unfair with his views in Israel. Dabashi, the warrior, declared that he was scared for his life and asked for protection from Columbia and said that he will contact the NYPD, in response to which the then Columbia dean had a great laugh over his cup of coffee… so much for supporting Palestinians who go up against Israeli tanks armed with nothing but rocks;

-He has never mowed his lawn…OK, I’m not sure about this one, but knowing his type, I’m willing to bet that I am right;

-He was recently appointed to the NIAC’s Board of Directors;

-He once had a homoerotic dream involving himself, Ali Shariati, Khomeini and Karl Marx… Ok, I made this one up, but I won’t be surprised if it’s true;

-He is a leftist elitist;

-Up until he reached puberty, he thought that he could only use his penis for urination… OK, I TOTALLY made this one up. He is somewhat smart… so, I’m sure he figured out all the uses for his penis way before he reached puberty!


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more from Anonymous Observer

Merci A.O !!!

by Shemirani on

Its very important to know each of those who allows themself to speak on our behalf !!!

Dige nemizarim baraye ma khato neshoon bekeshan, my generation is much more educated than this old guys ba afkar poosidashoon...ishoon scarf e felestinisho seft bebande ke hava passe LOL

taajob man be in adama kheli nist ke be university e columbia e mage adam ghaatie ke ina mishan professor oonja ! bichare mardomi koli kharje bachehashoon mikonan ke hamchin adamayi ostadeshoon bashan !




AO jon, great blog

by Cost-of-Progress on

As usual. More power to you and the TRUE lovers of Iran - wherever they may be. 

The only comment I have is actually a question;one I hAve BEEN  ASKING FOR A LONG TIME.

Why TF, do people like this guy live in the west? Don't they think they'd be more "effective" if they retrun and work in the service of the "revolution"?

I say deport these mofo's - all of them!





Comments: Couldn't agree

by vildemose on

Comments: Couldn't agree more. Excellent observation.

Anonymous Observer

Good point CC

by Anonymous Observer on

We have yet to see evidence of this 21st century Einstein's "beautiful mind."  :-)) 


comments, bahmani and Rea

by ComraidsConcubine on

comments,  That was actually funny and the best argument for anonymity and pseudonyms too. Problem is when one of the me balls crosses into another me net and gets caught (up) or when one forgets which ball one's playing with at the time.


bahmani, isn't it customary, instead of totally diverting attention, to actually show how this Mr Dabashi is such a brilliance to blind us all in admiration? Or are we voters simply all too dim, reveling in our parental darkness? 

Rea, that might be about KGB caviar and crummy cigars. 

Artificial Intelligence

He is a discusting person!

by Artificial Intelligence on

Discusting anti iranian elitist who has been wrong 99% of the time about Iran and Iranians.


All fine, +5, until I got to

by Rea on

"He is a leftist elitist"

What's that supposed to mean? Secret code, Iranians only?

Anonymous Observer

Thank you Vildemose Gerami

by Anonymous Observer on


Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

I totally give credit to you for using your real name. I admire your bravery. The threat not necessarily always come from IRI but can even come from people on this site.  for example, The other day Meybekhor just posted a picture and was labeled a terrorist and was even threaten.   

And thanks to AO post on Dabestani I have found out a few things about him which actually was not negative at all. Of course with the exception of his overreacting to that letter on which i am agree with AO.

Probably being labeled as something that he is not had pissed him off and had made him to think that he is even threaten.  let's face it labeling a university professor in the U.S of being an anti-Semitic and against Israel existence can easily cost him his job if not more.




AO: Well done.

by vildemose on

AO: Well done.

Soosan Khanoom

Anahid, comments sometimes

by Soosan Khanoom on

Anahid, comments sometimes practicing his typing  skills  using the keyboards  not necessarily always making sense : )   I am not worry about his second half of statement. I am much more worry about his first half of statement ..... Comment dear what on earth are you talking about? 

Anahid Hojjati

comments, in your over excitement

by Anahid Hojjati on

to write your comment, you forgot to make sense in second half of it. Please rewrite because as it is, you sound like Italian who went to Malta.


My thoughts about the use of real names on this site.

by comments on

Do you know what "Radical Honesty" is?  It was founded by Brad Blanton, a psychotherapist and runner for congress two times.  For example, you can tell your wife's sister that you have a sexual feeling for her.  In an interview about his sex life Brad said "I have slept with 500 women and about 6 men.  Also, I let my dog lick my dick once".  Most people with their “real name” in this website have opened a free office.  Those have to pay to JJ, which constantly take the advantage of such a free site for their publicity.  I hope those nagging individuals become me or some others once and have the courage to express “all” their life and opinion anonymously.  It needs a big ball.  What don’t we start from here?I think the website has to assign a user name automatically.  Those with real names have to pay a big money.  Exception is for sure JJ who has shown his big ball to all.

Reference: Chapter 3, “My life as an Experiment”, A. J. Jacobs. 2009.

Anahid Hojjati


by Anahid Hojjati on

I don't like Dabashi but I liked parts of Bahmani's last comment.

Anonymous Observer

Actually, looks like I was the one who actually "adamet kard"

by Anonymous Observer on

Since you left the insults to parents out of the latest comment. BTW, how does that factor into the whole "coward" thing?

Anyway...gotta go.  Have to do some yard work before it gets too dark...you know...the types of things that average people like me do by temselves... 


Hala Adam Shodi! (Almost)

by bahmani on

Now that's what I call a pithy well stated objection to HD!

Too bad it is invalidated by your anonymity! What? Afraid to say what you want to say with your name on it? That's seriously too bad. Because I truly loved what you just wrote.

Again, I don't hide. These next words aren't meant to be insults. They are facts. You are a coward (afraid to use your real name while you trash others unfairly) and a liar (you state an opinion as if it were fact).

Now you are caught in your own trap.

Only when I confront you, do you shape up all of sudden, and write a beautiful piece that I happen to agree with some parts of. Which is my whole point. Don't do this anonymous shit.

If you disagree with HD slam him publicly and with purpose and with above all, factual and observed and well defended argument. Or even opinion. But do it proudly with your name on it.

You know, use that education you got. What you did before was totally brainless.

Hope to see and read the real you one day! You clearly have a contribution to make.

Anonymous Observer

Reality-Bites - That of course goes without saying

by Anonymous Observer on

especially for those of us who travel to Iran regularly.  I don't take those attacks too seriously, though.  They're just acts of desparation. I mean, if that's the standard, then 99% of the people on this site are "cowards."  

Plus, I didn't see "bahmani" complain about the issue on the "bash Reza Pahlavi" threads in one of which he participated and called RP a "waiter" without, of course, engaging him in an intellectual or serious debate about his ideology as he demands everyone to do here.  So...again...don't take it too seriously.

Thanks for the other comments as well.    


One point about the use of real names on this site

by Reality-Bites on

Before we get too carried away with playing the macho internet warrior and beat our chests with excessive male testostrone in calling others who don't use their real names "cowards", let's keep in mind some of us here (myself included) delibartely don't use our real names because we still have relatives in Iran and are well aware that this site is regularly under the observation of the good people of the Islamic Republic.

If that isn't a good enough reason for some people, well then that's just too frigging bad, isn't it?


Anonymous Observer

So much passion...call Dabashi and ask him for a tip!

by Anonymous Observer on

My educational background is really not relevant, nor is it important, really.  As I said before, wisdom does not come with knowledge.    

I’m just an average person. I am, however, a big fan of….wait for it….common sense.  And common sense tells me that a person who was presenting the IR ambassador as a featured speaker at Columbia shortly before the June 2009 elections, and when shit hit the fan--and IR’s true face was shown to the world again--immediately switched sides and became an opponent of the same government, is not sincere.  He’s just an opportunist who is desperately trying to stay relevant in a country (Iran) that is fast leaving him and his revolutionary generation behind.  Now, he can change colors and become green, red, purple…or even navy blue (in honor of a certain school), but the fact remains that the people of Iran know the characters who engineered the 1979 devolution, and I just don't see them giving those has-beens a second chance to dictate the form of their next government.

And being an elitist doesn’t denote a certain academic background.  It refers to people like you, and Dabashi, who believe that anyone who disagrees with you (them) is dumb and just doesn’t understand your (their) genius.  And if you think like that, and are condescending and dismissive of all other points of view, you deserve to be ridiculed.  Just so that you are brought back down to Earth.

As for the rest of your insults and personal attacks…well, I will just let you simmer in pain and hatred…you know, complete with the smoke shooting out of your eyes and ears, etc…just like they draw in comic books.

PS- attacking and insulting someone's parents is the ultimate act of cowardice.  


At least I use my real name. Who the hell are you?

by bahmani on

Well then, so much for Yale's motto "Urim V Thummim" ("Light and Truth") and I will make sure I tell my fellow Utah State University alums, that redemption is here! Officially Yale now considers us to be the elites! Our annual tailgate in the dirt parking lot at San Jose State will never be the same! 

First off, let's get some facts straight:

You are a liar and a coward, proven by your anonymity. Dude, if I went to Yale, you better believe I'd certainly use my real name. I'm sorry but I could not find another NE college logo with a bulldog in Navy. 

And because you precisely don't know when to brag, you have now also put the ASS in assassination.

I am not a NIAC supporter, I just wrote the biggest piece against them just a week ago. You're giving your fellow technocrats a bad name. Yale might even call and ask for their diploma(s) back. Or, at least don't post your hate-speak without using your real name. It's not funny, it's Loos. (Yale? Seriously?)

The point you don't get is that no one is saying you have to accept or like Dabashi's point. Sometimes the news isn't good. Especially as Iranians, we should be used to that by now, and know that sometimes the truth isn't fun or in our favor. If Iran is as YOU describe it and HD is wrong, then explain why we are where we are?

You can't.

So until you can, stop the unfair and unfunny character assassinations and listen and take it in, and consider it. Then you can object, but not using low class grass mowing references and top ten lists as humor. Have some dignity in yourself (and your school) and stand up and use your real name so we can acknowledge you when you are right and slam you when you are wrong. That's all. You know, take it! And that's how you improve yourself.

I'm not in "business" with Reza Aslan. If you knew anything you'd know the "comicbook business" is an oxymoron. One of his companies happens to like what we did, and wants to help us get the comic out to more than the people who buy the printed versions. You know, thanks to technologists like you, it's a media world out there now. Clearly since we're still printing it, we don't know what we're doing. Still, I feel the need to say (again) that I don't make a living off the Shahnameh comic book adaptation. Haven't received a dime for it. Couldn't. But I am proud of getting the book into the hands of tens of thousands of kids who don't have another way to know their culture.

I do like RA a lot however, as well as HD if that's not obvious, but sadly have never written about them. Don't actually have a reason to. But I do stick up for them (or anyone I know) when they are unfairly treated. You don't actually get to do that without a response from me. And others apparently.

I am not on NIAC's payroll either. But I do get and read their email. Got one today as a matter of fact. Disagreed with almost all of it.

I will ask you this, if you're an utter coward and complete idiot that feels ONLY compelled to trash someone you don't even try to intellectually argue your understanding of, then why does it make me elite when I call you out?

Standing up to a bully too afriad to show their face while throwing trash at people they just don't like, from behind a fence, isn't elitist. That's just a small word you know how to spell.

But do what I do! I take the time to consider and contemplate things I don't understand or agree with, as thoughtfully (full of thought) as I can, before opinionating on them. And I do so with my real name. Because I find it more effective, relevant, and rewarding to connect with people from the basis of honesty. Especially when we disagree, it is important we do so honestly face to face. For real dawg.

To end on a high note, I am very proud that a fellow Iranian has actually used "ad hominem" correctly! I can see that your Yale education and/or ability to use a thesaurus has paid off. OK, somewhat.

Anonymous Observer

And Samsam Gerami

by Anonymous Observer on

I hear you bro.  These characters have brought much misery upon our people, and they still don't want to let go. They keep changing colors and demand to stay relevant.  And if you challenge them (like they challenge and attack everyone else) the result is what you see right below your comment.  The dim-witted, idol worshipping zombies who are mesmerized by fancy talk about subjects that they so desperately want to know about, but are too dumb to actually comprehend, are unleashed on you.

This is all part of the struggle, though.  Once we get rid of the rif raf and expose them for what they are...that's when our nation can realize its potential.

Keep up the fight, brother. 

Anonymous Observer

SK- But that's not the point

by Anonymous Observer on

Dabashi is free to say whatever he wants about Israel, and the student is free to criticize him.  But that's not the point.

The point is that Dabashi went nuts and tried to have the guy arrested because the student was critical of him.  He also misrepresented the nature of the person's response and tried to use his position to get the student in trouble with the school.  In short, he tried to unfairly silence a critic, which is what is happening through one of his supporters on this thread.  

Anahid Hojjati

thanks AO for your comment

by Anahid Hojjati on

I particularly like the section of your comment which discusses how wrong it is to compare Iran's movement with United States Civil Rights movement. Thanks.

Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

First of all let me clear that I did know much about Dabestani until reading this blog.   I got involved cause I find the blog lay out and the highlights of information on this guy quite interesting.   I read some part of the first link that someone posted on him concerning the family's new year message and I personally did not find anything in that message against Dabestani. After AO posted the Isreali soldier's letter I took my time and read both Dabestani's article as well as the soldier's letter.  I have NOT found anywhere in the Dabestani's article that he even is slightly suggesting for the non existence of the state of Israel as being brought up by the soldier or even him being anti-Semitic. Having said that I humbly ask you to point it out to me if I by any chance had missed it. This might be possible cause  the article is  quite long and half way through it I lost my patient in reading it as carefully as I should.   I also read the entire Isreali soldier's letter.   The soldier did not pick anything from article that suggests that either.  He , however, mentioned that Mr Dabestani should not see Israel Army as being ruled by white officers only.  " Your article in Al-Ahram implies racism in the Israeli army. Your accusations are lies. I know this for sure, as I served in the israeli army and I was under the command of a black officer (although the such racist terms and categories are entirely a product of your mind - we never refer in Israel to whites and blacks)"
The other thing that the soldier brought up was Dabestani's participation in the film  " Dreams of  a Nation " and then there he accused Dabestani  even more aggressively. I have not seen " Dreams of Nation " either but by checking on the reviews and reading the experts on it online I have not found the soldier being honest in his accusations. Let me add that I have not heard about any film being made to show the suffering of Palestinians and not being labeled as anti-Semitic. It has become a race card to play and quite frankly people are too tired to buy it anymore.  The most recent one is the film "Miral " which opened last friday and got the very same usual treatment from right wing Isrealis ; but the producer of Miral is the son of a quite active Zionist woman.  In his case he is being labeld as " self hating jew " rather than anti-semitic ......
I suggest everyone to judge themselves when it comes to Dabestani but with out being a prejudice. 
NOW one question remains to ask. Why did Dabestani bother to spend time on this letter whereas he could have easily ignored it ?  Unless there is anything more to it than what we know I do not  think so it was a very smart  move by him. 



In Dreams of a Nation, a collection of essays by scholars and filmmakers (including Michel Khleifi and Nizar Hassan), Dabashi has produced a valuable archive on Palestinian cinema, unlike any other. Its publication follows a Palestinian film festival of the same name, held in New York in January 2003, and the setting up of a project dedicated to screening and providing information on Palestinian cinema. 1 Opening with Edward Said's keynote address at the festival, the book clearly sets out its agenda: given the Zionist ideology of ‘a people without a land’ laying claim to ‘a land without a people’, the Palestinian struggle has, from the outset, been concerned with ‘the desire to be visible’ (p. 2). In the volume as a whole, cinema is seen as a crucial cultural expression of Palestinian resistance – against dispossession, denial and erasure, on the one hand, and a stereotyped media identity, on the other. A key theme is how ‘a stateless nation generates a national cinema’ – a paradox that, as Dabashi comments, both facilitates and problematizes the idea of ‘national cinema’ (p. 7).


Wow, I only just noticed bahmani's post!

by Reality-Bites on

Talk about hurt feelings! 

Alright, so it's obvious bahmani believes the sun shines out of Dabashi's backside and that's fair enough. We are all entitled to our opinions after all. 

However, to use this to launch a foul mouthed tirade against the article writer, and worst of all, to bring the writer's parents into his school boy rant and insult them to boot, is truly low.

bahmani, if your intention was to defend Dabashi, you not only failed miserably on all counts, but came across as a petulant puffball.



"What is the point of

by Bavafa on

"What is the point of attacking people like Dabashi? Or Abbas Milani? Or Azar Nafisi? Or Shirin Ebadi?  What do we gain out of it?"

Or RP ?


Amen to that.

Wouldn't our effort serves Iran and Iranians better concentrating on the crimes that are taken place in Iran, or putting effort in brining freedom to the innocent political prisoners in Iran?


hamsade ghadimi

onlyiran, immigration

by hamsade ghadimi on

onlyiran, immigration services of all countries have different lists for the tourists.  i saw the lists first-hand when travelling in different countries in latin america.  incidentally, they were identical.  list 'a' are countries that the tourist does not need a visa (u.s., canada, western europe).  list 'c' are countries that the tourist will be apprehended (or at least would be very difficult to obtain visa to enter).  iran is on list 'c.'  all others who want to enter need a visa beforehand and are on list 'b.'

you and i are on the 'b' list.  what happened to you also happened to me before.  an 'a' lister slandered me.  i wrote an email to jj, flagged the offender's comment, and also responded to the offender.  i did not get a reply from jj, my response was deleted and the flag was removed without any modification to the comment.  there's not even a veil of fairness. 


Yes HG- And I don't know about the comment deletion policy

by Onlyiran on

A few days ago, I left a comment on a news posting criticizing the U.S. rols in Libya.  My comment was something to the effect of: " you clowns don't give up and use any execuse to bash the U.S."  (I am paraphrasing here).  Someone flagged that comment and it was immediately deleted.  Now, look at bahmani's comment below, where he uses nothing but personal attacks, profanity, etc.  I flagged the comment earler.  Not only it was not deleted, the flagging has also been removed.

I know that this user is JJ's personal friend...but for God's sake man, show some fairnes!!! 


AO, that email exchange was quite interesting

by Reality-Bites on

It seems that Mr. Dabashi likes to dish it out, but can't handle taking it back.

Regardless of who was right or wrong in that debate, the fact that Dabashi wanted to use his position in the faculty to have the student dealt with via security and basically to shut him up, is quite instructive. It doesn't reflect well on him, does it?

hamsade ghadimi

it has become common on this

by hamsade ghadimi on

it has become common on this site that in order to demonstrate a point, a commenter resorts to use slurs and ad hominem attacks. it is sort of posturing that a bully does to intimidate someone in accepting his/her demands.  it's especially disturbing when such commenter has shown previously that (s)he can express her/his thoughts in the most eloquent and witty manner.