Isfahani in Maryland

Loves home but not homesick

by mehdi jedinia

He is thousands miles from home, but still believes that Ispahan is "Nesf e Jahan" (Half the World) -- the most beautiful city on the planet. He passes by Potomac River once a while: "It's beautiful but it's not Zayandeh Roud!" he says.

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Khasteh nabashi hamshahri?

by Arya Pournourbakhsh on

It is always nice to see people from the old home town.  I love your pride in our beautiful Esfahan.  Do a lot of people try to break the hidden code in that terrorist writing on your windshield?  Love it.  Long live Esfahan.  Long live Iran va all Iranian.

A. Pournourbakhsh


It is NESF JAHAN ......

by Soheila on

Well I should said as real Esfahani which born and raise in that historical and beautiful town. It is Nesf Jahan. (That is for sure) I can proof that to you, if you wish…..I am glad some one reminds us again. Cheers, Soheila