Green turns blue

Photo essay: Iranian flag shown with new color at official ceremony

by News
Has blue replaced green on the Iranian flag? At a ceremony introducing the new head of the Islamic Republic News Agency Wednesday, a large flag was digitally projected on the wall behind the speaker's podium. What was interesting about it was that the top color was blue, instead of green. These are photos of the event attended by Mahmoud Ahmadinjad released by Fars News, IRNA and Borna News.


gotta love

by tabar on

persian chauvinism


SamSam your use of "cockroaches" reminds me of the movie Rwanda.

by Anonymouse on

Have you seen that movie? 

Everything is sacred.



by SamSamIIII on


Dear obama, kind words, glad you liked it. thanks pal. It,s more to do with the pre-recorded historic ignorance & downright cluelesness of those with intelectual pose(jesteh roshanfekri) . Aankeh az risheh khod nadaan ast, beh hamisheh ou sargardan ast .The lyrics are in Luri btw.

Cheers & best wishes!!!

Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //


SamSam, Sepasgozar for your links! Loved them! Izad Yarat bash!

by obama on

chooni daashi? Just wondering, what language was the song on youtube? Was it kermanshi kordi? We need more patriotic Iranians like you who are truly proud of their heritage and they are doing something to preserve it!

jews, arabs, armenian, german, russian, torks, etc. are proud of their hritage. But, anytime we say something about our roots, we're called racist! This political correctness is gone wild! Why can't we be proud of who we are? Everyone should.

We respect other cultures as well, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be proud of our heritage that has offered so much to the world civilization! That's who we are! A man who doesn't know about his roots is lost man!


IRI has joined the Russian Federation...

by Khar on

They already have given all of the Caspian sea and other Iranian national resources to them.



by SamSamIIII on


 This Sar-deev(Sir/head-Devil) must be sent to(ou) Taziland until he learns riding/running the camel. that seed after seed(pedar az pedar) he is of Zahak lineage/tribe. Mortality & demise be on devils of ignorance and Aniran. Ravage & ruin be to the enemy . the(or that) Grand(graan) be, immortality of Iran-shahr people and souls .


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //



by onlyinamrica on

ايم سرديو ادرنگ آبای باس ويسند عو تازستان تای هموخت وختن اوستار(شتر) رای .  کا  پيدر از پيدر ايست از اژداک زند. مرگ ابار نيسستان آ ديو  ادانان اود انيران . تباه و انست بي دوسمن . دي گراند بی زيويسن مردوم و پيرام ايران شهر.

Would you please translate?

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

I can't understand the anti Semitic remarks allowed on Arabs are Semites.

You have a lot of nerve:

  • First of all it is ironic that you of all people complaining about antisemitism. Did you forget your own comments about jews?
  • Second because there is freedom of speech on this site. That is why you have not been banned! Take a look at yourself.


No these cockroaches are not Arabs

by SamSamIIII on


since real Arabs are originals, proud & true to their heritage & the language they speak . These are not Arabs but scum of the earth sub human half-breeds of Qadesiyeh who are part time Iranians & waneh be Arabs in denial . These Worms like their shaikhak ancestors sell Iran for their Ommatie cause following the foot steps of Mozdoors such as Salman Al Farsi , ibn moghafah & thousands of shaikhak poets and estateless conmen ommatie & leftist carnivors .  


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //


Are these guys Arabs?

by XerXes. on

I can't understand the anti Semitic remarks allowed on Arabs are Semites.


The same colors.

by water. on

Take a look at picture #22


To me it is clear that the colors of the flag left to the bearded man are just the same: green white red.

Nothing has changed.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

The real flag of Iran is Darafshe Kaviani!

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


It is the most beautiful of all flags and the most original one. Purple with a golden four sides star in the middle. I challenge anyone to find a more original and beautiful flag. It is a symbol of freedom and victory over oppression. It was the flag of the Sassanids. Yagoub Laith Saffari used it as his flag while restoring Persian culture where he ruled.

Here is a link to historical flags of Iran courtesy of MM: //


دراز ريسو کبيگ(ميمون) اود آگيسو(کچل) جوما اود هميسگی



ايم سرديو ادرنگ آبای باس ويسند عو تازستان تای هموخت وختن اوستار(شتر) رای .  کا  پيدر از پيدر ايست از اژداک زند. مرگ ابار نيسستان آ ديو  ادانان اود انيران . تباه و انست بي دوسمن . دي گراند بی زيويسن مردوم و پيرام ايران شهر.



by tabar on

LOL these people are your fellow Persians, not Arabs.

FYI we have Iranian Arabs, 3% of Iran is Arab. In fact Iranian Arabs are suffering far worse than your people [Persians] are!



by Demo on

As IRI is all about acting & theatrical shows for the world, in the 3 last slides (Slides #21, #22, #23) the flag next to the speakers all have dark green in their top portions but the “much argued” projected flag on the background (like a movie preview) is blue. What is the CATCH (or the MESSAGE) here?????Answer: The flag is going to stay Green until 21st of Bahman (i.e. a day before IRI anniversary) only and only if the Green movement decides not to protest on 22nd of Bahman. And if they decide to protest the future flag will have blue instead of green on its top!!! As a result all the country economical, social, educational, and etc. will be solved instantly. We all then will go to sleep for another 30 years with blue dreams instead of green!!!!!!!!!!     


Are these guys Arabs? Man, none look Iranian! No wonder

by obama on

we're going backward and joining the Arabs! It is time for Persian/Iranians to take their country back from the Arabs!

As for color, they wouldn't dare since it is the color of islam. so don't get too excited! We have bigger problem on our hands.

Louie Louie

I have to do it again

by Louie Louie on


Sarhang Pirouz

by ThePope on

This is one of your best comment since the 7-8 weeks you've been on IC.
Thx for the laughter...

Sargord Pirouz

The order for colors in the

by Sargord Pirouz on

The order for colors in the russian flag are, top-to-bottom: white, blue and red. The artistic rendering of the image in this IRNA ceremony is blue, white and red. And the blue and red colors in this image are not an exact match for those in the flag of Russia (or even France or the United States).


Sargord it seems you've explanations for everything

by Khar on

when it come to your beloved Satanic Islamic Rapists of Iran. If you ask me I'd say you are full of it, no offense!

PS. Russian flag colors are rubbing off on our Akhounds.  


:), man, grease ball Ommaties

by SamSamIIII on


are all butt ugly, men & women, they all look like wet ,hairy camel dungs fresh right outta camel,s a$$. Gotte be their genes dating back to Mr Al Omar ibn al  khar-taab. & who gives a rats A about this toilette cloth Qadesii flag wether its in green or blue or what ever the F color of $hit is on it . This is the satanic flag of Zahaak and whoever fuss over it or consider it Aryenum national flag is tokhmo tareh Omar .End of story.

True Iran has only one true flag & it,s already spoken for;                                                       I                          I                                                                       A                                                                      I                      A                                                                      I                     A                                                                      V                                                                                               V                      AA                                                                     V                      R                                                                       V                     KK                                                                       V                   SH                                                                        V               

Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //


Sargord jaan

by Mehrban on

I am so glad you are around.  I was thinking they were trying to match the curtains now I can see that it makes a lot more sense to change the color of the flag to match a logo.   

Sargord Pirouz

Easily explained

by Sargord Pirouz on

The blue matches the color of IRNA.

Usually, you find this kind of thing applied to logos and icons to reflect national (flag) colors. However, in this case, the artistic rendering is to create the opposite effect: to apply a logo's color to a national flag. 

Nothing more. 


Do they know?

by Proud_To_Be_Anonymous on

Do they have the foggiest idea that their heads will be on stick soon?


تا زمانی که از


تا زمانی که از شیر و خورشید استفاده نکرده‌اند و همان نشان چنگال مرگ را بکار می‌برند، به من که بر نمی‌خورد!


RE: The Green is Green as Ever!!!

by tsinoizitna on

Demo - Amen!  Thank you for providing more of a logical and less fanatic or whining type of response.  I certainly agree with your explanation.


Its still green ...

by tsinoizitna on

There has been no news regarding a change, so right there should be a sign that maybe it hasn't changed to blue. 

The 2nd part of a logical thought process is to ask - 'well, IF the flag color hasn't been officially changed, what could explain those pics?'  The answer appears to lie in the fact that those pic were digital pics and were projected to the stage/wall.  So it is likely that the green looked like blue in photographs of that stage.  As you remember - yellow and blue make green. 

I think this explanation makes more sense as it is more realistic and less fanatic (whether anti or pro current govt).


Time will tell what they're up to

by bachenavvab on

Article 18th of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, passed on in 1979 (1358 H.J.) states: “The official flag of the Islamic Republic of Iran is composed of green, white and red colors with the special emblem of Islamic Republic  in the middle together with the motto”. //


flag color:

by jahanz2003 on

i must agree with few of you guys and that is absolutely correct when you say the flag color change is sign of weakness and cowardness.

Each color signifies a meaning and has a specific reason. Well, let's see the color green; yes, this is the sign of peace. So, what does it mean when the government is changing the flag color from green to blue.. hmm also can be interpreted as .. while people are showing their slogans in green meaning peace.. well we the government will be showing our blue.. which means we have to put our hips into the water to cool down.. what on earth are they thinking..

Ali9 Akbar

It's a Sign from God.....

by Ali9 Akbar on

The Russians are coming...


The Russians are coming...


time to stay out of the street 

