Green art

Tehran street artist

by Tanha


Love it!!  Looks like we

by desi on

Love it!!  Looks like we have an Iranian Shepard Fairey.   


Question: how is this art produced?

by farrad02 on

Are the smaller pieces that are put on street and traffic signs stickers? or do they glue them on?

And are the bigger posters and fliers printed in mass numbers or printed on home computers? I'm curious how this is done?

Anyone from Iran knows the answer?

I wish there was a way that people could help this effort logistically!

This could be the catalyst that we need to galvanize the public sentiments for this movement!


This is so wonderful! This regime is so doomed!

by farrad02 on

As JJ said, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Wait for so much more in the coming months and years!

If you think about the possibilities at young Iranians' disposal in this struggle, it makes you feel kind of sorry for the opperessors and their agents! They have to go against the avalanche of energetic, young force that is the youth movement in Iran!

Organic NUTritionist


by Organic NUTritionist on

reminded me of keith herring's art.



by Anonymouse on

Perhaps the character can be called another "Che" as in what in Farsi. Same as where's Waldo except we can say where's Che!

Everything is sacred.

Ari Siletz

#6, this green hero has to have a name

by Ari Siletz on

A green Zoro. ZOmoROd, perhaps.

Jahanshah Javid

Color me green

by Jahanshah Javid on

Loved this guerrilla art. Civil expression and disobedience. I can imagine we will see lots of similar "green art" on walls in the coming months.


So refreshing

by sima on

Thank you for posting this.

(Here's looking at you kid!)