Kissinger: "The Time is Coming"

Iran nuclear "red line" approaching, he says


Darius Kadivar

Amirparviz by 'You' I was addressing the Israelis Not Americans

by Darius Kadivar on

But Kissinger being a Jew could have suggested an Israeli intervention in Syria long ago ... 

It just shows that senility is catching up on him with age ... 

That said  contrary to what you claim (by parroting the Russian Propaganda) I maintain that the Libyan Campaign was a Success and I am confident on Libya's future ... 

And I am very happy that Gaddafi is Six Feet Under where he belongs !


My Humble but Firm Opinion,





LONELY ARE THE BRAVE: A Tribute To French President Nicholas Sarkozy 


Libya independence: King Idris anniversary celebrated 



by Peacock_Feather on

Let's talk after November 6th when Obama robustly trounces Romney in a possible landslide and into a second term. Obama will not attack Iran nor will he be suckered into any apocalyptic miltary adventurism which requires regime change for Bibi's sake. Regime change will come sooner or later at the hands of the people of Iran themselves and its aftermath will not involve Bibi and his lobby dictating the terms.



DK, the USA is putting all its resources to spread extremism

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

That is US policy, what they are doing and have been doing for 40 years?  Instead of addressing reality, you give pointers on other things that would be smart to do in contradiction to this policy.  Since when is assuming responsibility for attacking others who have never acted directly against you, a good policy for the USA in place of its current disasterous policy.  Did taking sides and physically wiping out a national army and leader of Libya, who has more popularity & public support than those that were helped by the USA to replace him, help the USA in solving its own problems at all?  Yet you advocate another war?  How about, I dunno, a U Turn of US policy and stop supporting extremists like the IRI/MeK etc. ??


Faux News....

by Bavafa on

The mainstream bastion for the anti-Democrats and Israelis a$$ kissing Republicans to make up stories as it fits their agenda.

  Often times I wonder about the creditability of Faux news vs. PressTV.


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



This is funny!!!

by Benyamin on

A war criminal talks to a changed face  reporter!!!

The question is. which one is more truthful, the war criminal or the one with a changed face

First Amendment


by First Amendment on


I hope Henry will be still alive if, when and after they impose a war on our beloved homeland Iran........he doesn't deserve dying before witnessing the ruins of the filthy savage Zionist regime...........

Darius Kadivar

If you were Smart you would have attacked Syria instead long ago

by Darius Kadivar on

If Israel had taken the initiative to "liberate" the Syrians all by themselves that would have been the adequate deterence strategy which not only would have made an eventual counter productive Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear sites unnecessary but it would have rallied public opinion in favor of Israel across the Arab World whilst Isolating Iran diplomatically, economically and last but not least politically ...


DON’T BE A DUMB BASTARD: Patton advises Israelis in conflict with Syria’s proxies to topple Assad


If anything the Israelis lost a Genuine Golden Opportunity to change the entire status quo in the region in a constructive way for not only themselves but for future generations.


Alas I'm afraid they have displayed a shortsightedness for which everyone will be a loser ...


Shame on Your Clueless 'Think Tanks' ...


NO SCHINDLER: Shimon Peres say’s ‘Israel will stop’ Syrian refugees at border 


World War II and the Holocaust is Over ... Get Over it ... another one is just taking place in your neighborhood and you are displaying the same emotional detachment you keep blaming others for the past 67 years to nauseating proportions ...


BLAZING ‘LIBERAL DEMOCRAT’ : Obama angers Poles with 'death camp' Gaffe


Sigh ...




Regime change

by Fred on

There is still time for avoiding the war the Messianic Islamist Rapists are trying to impose on all.

Backbreaking airtight sanctions plus air/naval quarantine in addition to logistical help to the Iranian people to overthrow the Messianic Islamist Rapists, "reformers" and all, is a must