Testing Democratic Islamism

Middle East Analyst Kamran Bokhari

Middle East Onine: Islamists emerged from Tunisia’s first post-revolt election as the country’s foremost political force set to play a key role in drafting the country’s new constitution. With Libyan leader Moammar Qaddafi dead, jockeying for political position has begun in earnest and Islamists who played an important part in eight months of fighting that led to his demise are demanding their share of power >>>


Jahanshah Javid

They will lose their innocence -- quickly

by Jahanshah Javid on

If this is a test, the Islamists will fail miserably. People in the newly liberated Arab countries will learn soon enough, as Iranians have, that religion and politics don't mix. They promise you heaven and bring you hell :)

Mash Ghasem

Tunisia is the only Arab country without state censorship.

by Mash Ghasem on


From "chaaleh" to "chaah"

by ghalam-doon on

Looks like they have to experience what it's like to be under a religious regime before they wake up.


Oh well...