Father "Kills Three Daughters"

"After temporary release from prison to attend daughter's wedding"

روز دوشنبه 21/06/1390 یک زندانی به نام مهرداد ملقب به "مراد سیادی" اهل روستای"تختگاه" از توابع "کوزران" کرمانشاه سه دختر خود را با اسلحه به قتل رساند. بر اساس گزارش ارسالی خبرنگار آژانس خبررسانی کردپا از شهر کرمانشاه: این زندانی با اخذ مرخصی از زندان و در هنگام بازگشت به منزل،با استفاده از اسلحه گرم اقدام به کشتن هر سه دختر خود کرده است. در ادامه گزارش آمده است که مهرداد جهت شرکت در عروسی یکی از دخترانش این مرخصی را از زندان اخذ کرده، اما هنگام بازگشت به منزل دختران خود را به بهانه ی رفتن به تفریح از خانه بیرون برده و در نزدیکی روستای "کمررش"هر سه نفر آنها را با اسلحه به قتل رسانده بود. این شخص شش سال پیش به اتهام قاچاق اسلحه به حبس ابد محکوم شده بود و در زندان دیزل‌آباد کرمانشاه زندانی بوده است. تا کنون دلیل یا دلایل بروز این قتل ها از سوی "مهرداد" به آژانس کردپا نرسیده است.


more from Tapesh

divaneh, so you are writing from heaven or hell?

by Damavand on

Divaneh says" "I once witnessed a victim of Honour Killing in Arabs.."

 With all your assumings and the declaration above, one can imagine that you have chosen a perfect screen name.



by yolanda on

LiveLeak says the gunman is 53 year old Iranian-kurd....his daughters' ages are 7, 12, and 19.


The 2 gilrs in the video do appear to be 12 and 19 respectively!


De Nile is not only a river in Eygpt, but also an amnesia all

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

its own.

If you thing by pushing what you call trash,to the side and minimizing it you've dealt with it, you might be in for a rude awakening.

Others could call it  a thousand other words better than trash, at least explaining what you're dealing with, extreme violence in a religious patriarchy.

Glad you read my comments on Obaayd and his friends, how did you like Jackson Brown?

P.S. Since both of yous have expressed positive responses to the idea of a committee, hereby we formally have our own first membership suggested committee. It did say iterquires a sense of humore and both of yous came through. Congrats.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

I have a crush on Ghamar Khanoom

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Just trying to figure out whether to send my mom for khastegari. Or do the modern approach and kneel before her presenting the ring. 

By the way I nominate Hooshang for "pick a fight with no reason and make unnecessary adversaries" committee. Also known as grumpy old guy committee. On more than one occasion I was on the receiving end of his attacks. When I made no attacks on him. And he would have been able to make his point more simply without personal attacks. How about writing a book "How to NOT Win Friends and NOT Influence People".

Good job Hooshang Khan turning a neutral person into adversary.


As a proud member of Ghamar khanom comittee

by Souri on

I nominate this blog below (incluing the stupid contrubutions  from you, as a serious researcher of masturbation, and others) the worse choice of the publisher for the first page of iranian.com :


When people see this kind of trash being posted on the first page of a website, how could they expect from the good historians, serious researchers, prominent political activists  and writers, to publish the result of their hard works here, to be seen at the same rank that these trash?!!! 


I nominate VPK and Sourie as the founding members of

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

Ghamar Khanom Committee.

Amongst its tasks, it would be responsible for pushing and promoting all happy, cheery, stories and to push all the "bad" news to the side (or at least not page one). Then it would....(use your imagination).

Please note that membership in tis committee is not permnant, but rotating. It remains optional, not madatory. A good sense of humore required.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

I agree with Souri on all

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


the points.


Denial is pointless

by divaneh on

Honour Killing is rife in Iran and common between Iranian Arabs and Kurds. One would expect to see it in Balouchis too. This guy is not sick and nor have a mental problem. He is saving the family's honour. The killing normally happens with the collaboration of other family men's such as brothers, sons or cousins. This guy is not alone and I would not believe for a second that it is the third daughter who is filming the crime. It is probably his brother or cousin who is there to give him heart and support. The cause will hopefully become clear but most probably her daughter who was about to marry, was marrying someone but the arranged man, or there were rumours about the girl that he heard in the prison and arranged this prior to his temporary release.

This is not the same as mentally sick parents killing their children. I once witnessed a victim of Honour Killing in Arabs and may write a blog about it sometime. The majority of these cases are not reported and are hidden by the whole clan. There is a very good film (Arous Atash) about the practice and it caused riot by some Arab Iranians who claimed it was challenging their traditions. The outstanding novel "Ketab Adamhaye Ghayeb" by Taghi Modaresi provides a vivid picture of the practice in the Azarbaijan.

By denying that our country is full of backward people you are not helping to solve the problem. 


This is iranian.com, not Fox news!

by Souri on

I don't agree with you tabriz-balasi.

The news could be posted without the video.

As you said, In America these type of things are in the news all the time, but rarely video taped.   

Who needs to see this, in video tape?


for people that say this posting was a bad idea!!

by tabriz_balasi on

NO, it was an excellent idea!  One of the beauties of internet is that we can know what is happening accross world and what humanbeing of capabale of.  It was an eye openning video.  I am sure that this guy has a mental problem and he should be lucked up for life or preferably killed.  This can happen in any country.  who ever claims that Iran is a sick nation, they are ignorant at best.  Mental illness exists in the west more than Iran.  In America these type of things are in the news all the time, but rarely video taped.   


~be an act of the knowing love~


Usually the man is not guilty alone

by choghok on

Both women and men around these people drive them to do this by their talk and pressuring. This act shows the culture of the people not just men.

hajj khnom

Law does not support childern

by hajj khnom on

We do not know why this man killed his own kids but in Iran law does not support children. Parents are allowed to punish children and some of those punishments are very severe.

I did not watch the video. But from picture it seems the killer is very relaxed. He is smoking a cigarette. He does not look nervous at all.  



Very disturbing..I'd like to think it was fake!

by Disenchanted on


         If you see two bullets hit the ground after he allegedly shot his first victim! I am no expert but that does't seem right if in fact bullets hit her!

        If indeed true it just shows a mentally sick person. All the expressed cultural, religious causes of this is just prejudice...


go on assuming folks...

by Damavand on

It seems as if we are more of a nation of assumers than honor killers. Rationale thinking is not one of our strong traits!

What we see in the clip is a convicted criminal who wants the act of murdering his daughters filmed. when he takes his gun out he aims at the person with camera, most likely his third daughter, but does not shoot her until after he shoots the other two.

The first girl shot is too young to have been involved in any dis-honoring activity. What most people say here is like saying democracy or capitalism or whatever the structure of the government of a country happens to be is responsible for a lunatic killing members of his/her family or society.

Honor killing may indeed be a problem in parts of Iran but we have have way bigger cultural problems.

Mohammad Ala

I do NOT have a heart to look at it.

by Mohammad Ala on

I am NOT strong enough to watch this....



by yolanda on

Thank you, Souri, for your post!

An Afghan man killed his 3 daughters and 1st wife for honor killing 'cause his daughers had boyfriend and did not wear hijab:


A Pakistani guy killed his 3 daughters for honor-killing:


It seems to me that honor killing has more female victims than male victims!



Yolanda, this is nothing typically Iranian...

by Souri on

Actually I disagree with others who try to make something typically Iranian, or something typically Islamic, of it!

Women, mothers, sisters and daughters have a very great place in Iranian families. Indeed, this is the first reason, why the Islamic anti-woman rules, don't fit the Iranian society. That is the reason for the fast growing of  woman's rights activities in Iran. People can not accept those Islamist rules which are disrespectful to women.

People do kill their own children, all over the world, for all kind of reason. This happened in San Francisco, not long ago. It happened here in Montreal, in Toronto, Vancouver.....it also happened in North Carolina, Virgina, Texas.....etc, etc.

The guy was an addicted. He could be mentally ill, he could be desperate,,,,,we don't know what has gone in his mind, when he did that. All you hear here, are the pure speculations. Nobody yet knows the truth!

I am sure you will hear the same tragedies happening in US and the authors are neither Iranian nor Muslim.
But saying that it has its root in our culture, is shameful!


No sleep tonight!

by Milan on

Could not stop the video fast enough. Oh, the sheer horror with which she squeals "Baba!"

Damn whoever put this crap on.



by yolanda on


Why is this going on instead of freedom and development?

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on



by yolanda on

This video has 115 likes and 42 dislikes on you-tube......it is shocking!


I have sent this video to CNN and NBC's Rachel Maddow.....I hope his action will be condemned worldwide!

One post from You-tube says the guy is from Kermanshah Province!

Very sad event....even animals don't kill their own!

IRI let the wrong person out of jail and keep the wrong people in the jail, like Majid Tavakoli, Nasrin.......etc!


what the hell is this?

by Fatollah on

and why is the event filmed? above all why is it posted on IC?

sadistic material.



Sad, but true!

by Arj on

This goes to expose the bitter realities of our soceity as a male-dominated (and particualrly Islamic) society, in which women are considered the properties of their male guardians. This mentality is even extended to secular societies where Muslim immigrants reside (e.g. honour killings by Turkish fathers and brothers in Sweden, Denmark, Nethelands, or Pakistani parents in Canada and Great Britain)! 

Another bitter truth is that under the Islamic regime, criminals enjoy more rights and freedom than non-criminal, prisoners of conscience! This person was sentenced to life in prison, yet was allowed back into the society on a furlough to commit more crimes (probably attended all friday prayers and the Ashura/Tasua chest-beating rituals)! 

Nonetheless, exposure of sush savage acts of crime is an excellent way of demonstrating to the public how dishonourable and inhuman the reality of "honour-killing," and how foolish the macho concepts of "Ghayrat" and "ta'assob" are!



by divaneh on

This is extremely disturbing, but perhaps shock therapy is needed to bring the horror of honour killing to those who can quickly flick through the news.

Make no mistake about it, this is a case of Honour killing (where is the honour?). Most probably he was in prison and was told that his daughters had laughed with men, or decided to marry someone but the arranged husband.

It even happens here in the UK and most often these are Kurds fathers or male relatives who commit it. Pakistanis and Indians are in the second place.

Sheila K

reality in Iran sucks deal with it-stop blaming the messenger!

by Sheila K on

some of us are in deep denial of the truth about ourselves--yes I mean selves as in we are all from the same country and some of us can't take the truth and blame JJ for it. Stop with fake greivances and grow up!! 

Shazde Asdola Mirza

hatred of women runs deep in our culture - so sad ...

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

... god bless their souls.



by yolanda on

Why did he commit filicide? Is this honor-killing? This dude belongs to jail! Who is the camera-man? Did he know the plot before-hand?

Is this pre-meditated filicide? Where is his wife?



by yolanda on

Did he get arrested?

Babak K.

This is sick, I mean really

by Babak K. on

This is sick, I mean really sick.  We have become a sick nation, but a vistor in my house says we were and are a sick nation.


ah...too graphic!!

by jasonrobardas on

Awful to watch...!!