Paris paper attacked over Mohammad cartoon

Satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo's website also hacked

BBC: The offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris have been destroyed in a petrol bomb attack. It comes a day after the publication named the Prophet Muhammad as its "editor-in-chief" for its next issue. Its cover carried a caricature of the Prophet making a facetious comment. The editor-in-chief of the magazine, Stephane Charbonnier, said that Islam could not be excluded from freedom of the press. Charlie Hebdo's website has also been hacked with a message in English and Turkish attacking the magazine >>>


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Adding to Ali

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


People insult Christianity; Jesus; Moses all the time in the West. Nothing happens except maybe a debate on reducing public funding! That is civilized behavior you may even get some posts on a blog!

Islamic radical ***holes on the other hand murder and kill. Therefore proving the point. Before long I bet there will be bans on radical Islamists immigrants. Forced repatriations will happen if they keep this up. 

There is no way Europe including France; Germany and others will put up with this. Britain is about the only one willing to take this ***. If you don't like their papers; don't buy it. If you don't like their laws do not move there.


Iritating on both counts

by Rea on

First, they do harm to the very faith they claim to defend. Second, such foolish acts only help the extreme right wing.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Dear Mehrdad you are trying to excuse the inexcusable. Hirre, press freedom at least in USA means no sacred BS. 

Put it differently: what a bunch of ***. How do you excuse violent criminals because they got "provoked". How about this: my religions says you must pay me 90% of your income. Any other thing is a "provocation".

Do I get to go and be a thug because people give me the finger instead of 90%? It cracks me up  hearing people dump on Reza Shah and support this. If you do not condemn it 100% you tacitly supporting it. Yes go and say I sound like Bush.

Ali P.

Bavafa jaan

by Ali P. on

You ask:

Just wondering what the reaction will be if a Muslim country prints a
cartoon of White Christians sitting around camp side barbecuing Jewish

You probably end up with a lot of hurt and offended people, and a few radicals in a few articles, in a few newspapers, calling the act "offensive" and "uncalled for", and maybe asking for an apology.

But that's it. That's all they are allowed to do under the law.



We all get our feelings hurt every day, but that should be where it stops.

A democratic system should not, and does not, allow citizens to act violent on the mere pretext of 'hurt feelings'.


Ali P.

Fool Me twice...


by Fool Me twice... on

                                                                                                  «جمالدین اصفهانی»

الهذار ای غافلان زین وحشت آباد الهذار.....
الفرار ای عاقلان زین دیو مردم الفرار
ای عجب دلتان به نگرفت و نشد جانتان ملول...
زین هواهای عَفِن, زین آب های ناگوار
عرصه ای نا دِلگشاو بقعه ایی نادِل پذیر...
فرضه ای نا سودمند و تربتی ناسازگار
مرگ در وی حاکم و آفات در وی پادشاه...
ظلم در وی قهرمان و فتنه در وی پیشکار
امر در وی مسطهیل و عدل در وی ناپدید...
کام در وی نادر و صحت در او ناپایدار   

خیلی ممنون از پاسخت ,لازم میدانم  موردی را یاداوری کنم شاید دلیل انتقاد من روشنتر شود.قبل از هر چیز یاداوری کنم که قصد من بهیچ وجه توهین به باورها و اعتقادات (شخصی) هیچ کس نیست بخصوص من ایرانی‌ (نوعی) اگر باور به ازادی و حقوق بشر داشته باشم و علاقه مند به پیشرفت کشورم باشم , باید به تفاوتها احترام بگذارم و دیگران را محترم بشمارم‌ , با قبول این نکته کلیدی که* هر کس در ابراز عقاید و فعالیت سیاسی ازاد است تا زمانی که مبلغ تنفر و یا محدودیت سیاسی , اجتماعی , مذهبی  برای دیگران نباشد *.درحال حاضر  حکومتی در ایران بر سر کار است که با پیروی از تعالیم *قران* و اضافه کردن تعریف شعیی ١٢ امامی و اعتقاد بولایت فقیه بوسیله گماشتگان خودش که همگی دارای  تمام ظواهر ظاهری ذکر شده در کتب دینی مسلمانان هستند (مگر استثناهایی که بیشتر بکار جاسوسی و اطلاعاتی مشغولند)مشغول به ظلم رانی و ....حال سخن اینجاست, ایا نباید انگشت اتهام را دقیقا در جهت فکر و اندیشه و ظواهری که مسئول این فجایع است نشانه رفت؟

سوره مائده آیه 33
إِنَّمَا جَزَاء الَّذِينَ يُحَارِبُونَ اللّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ وَيَسْعَوْنَ فِي الأَرْضِ فَسَادًا أَن يُقَتَّلُواْ أَوْ يُصَلَّبُواْ أَوْ تُقَطَّعَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَأَرْجُلُهُم مِّنْ خِلافٍ أَوْ يُنفَوْاْ مِنَ الأَرْضِ ذَلِكَ لَهُمْ خِزْيٌ فِي الدُّنْيَا وَلَهُمْ فِي الآخِرَةِ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ.
سزاى كسانى كه با [دوستداران] خدا و پيامبر او مى‏جنگند و در زمين به فساد مى‏كوشندجز اين نيست كه كشته شوند يا بر دار آويخته گردند يا دست و پايشان در خلاف جهت‏ يكديگر بريده شود يا از آن سرزمين تبعيد گردند اين رسوايى آنان در دنياست و درآخرت عذابى بزرگ خواهند داشت.
*سوره نساء آیه 56
«آنان را که به آيات ما کافر شدند به آتش خواهيم افکند هر گاه پوست تنشان بپزد پوستی ديگرشان دهيم ، تا عذاب خدا را بچشند خدا پيروزمند وحکيم است.»
*جنازه یهودی و رفتار پیامبر*
امام باقر فرمود: امام حسن مجتبی با گروهی از یاران خود نشسته بودند که جنازه ای از آنجا عبور دادند، برخی یاران برخاستند و امام حسن برنخواست. چون جنازه را بردند برخی از یاران گفتند: خدا شما را سلامتی دهد، چرا برنخواستید حال آنکه رسول خدا اگر جنازه ای را حرکت میدادند از جا برمیخاست؟! امام فرمود:
رسول خدا فقط یک بار برای جنازه از جا برخاست، آنهم بخاطر آن بود که جنازه ی یهودی ای را عبور میدادند و جا هم تنگ بود، رسول خدا برخاست،زیرا نمیخواست که جنازه بالاتر از سر آن حضرت حرکت داده شود.(قرب الاستاد 42، ورواه الشیخ فی التهذیب بسند آخر 456/1 (و فیه: الحسین)
سنن النبی صفحه 193
*آیا مسیحیان به بهشت وارد خواهند شد؟*
(سوره 2 آیه 62) و (سوره 5 آیه 69) میگویند “آری” و (سوره 5 آیه 72، تنها بعد از 3 آیه) و (سوره 3 آیه 85) میگوید “نه”.

hala shoma peyda konid porteghaal foroosh raa.


Religion and Progress are incompatible

by religionoutofgovernment on

Religion and progress are inherently incompatible:



نحسی سیزده بدر و یک مغز قاطی


ایرانی است و خرافاتش. ولی خر منافع بسیار دارد و این بشر است که آفت است. اگر کسی اعتقاد به گفته حق در تذکر ۱۰۰ از فصل ۱۰ در کتاب حق قرآن که <خداوند عقل بشری راکه آنرا بکار نیاندازد مبتلی به باتلاقی میکند> نداشته باشد مینواند پرت وپلا و هزیان گویی سیزده بدری زیر را بعنوان سندی استفاده کند. ایرانی ۲۵۰۰ سال است با گوساله پرستی و خرافات و جادو گری بسر برده و دایی و عمو و خاله حالیش نیست. اسلام هم نجاتش نداد. در ذکر حق در قرآن نه ذکری از نوحه است و نه حسنیه. نه عظما داردو نه ملا و نه آخوند و نه دکتر دین و نه مفتی و نه سنی و نه شیعه. ازحق میگوید و از شر بشر گوساله پرست. اگر مترجمان و تفسیر؟؟ کنندگان از یکدیگر کپی کرده و شکمی و از سر خودی آیه ها را مکه ای و مدینه ای کرده اند اینکه دیگر امر خداوند نیست. قرآن می گوید اینکار را نکنید چون باید جوابگوی حق باشید. این کجاش تهدید است ای دایی بچه خواهر گرامیت! آخوند ها یک قدم پیشتر رفته و <خوب> و <بد> هم به صحوف قرآن افزوده اند!!!پناه بر حق!! کلام قرآن در جهت تعقل است و تفکر. در مورد اختلاف  عقیدتی هم اینجوری و بدون تهدید ذکر حق میکند:
تو میمیری و دیگران هم خواهند مُرد. و سپس در حضور حق  به مخا صمه خواهید پرداخت و کیست غیر از حق که   بهتر بتواند به اختلافاتتان رسیدگی کند؟؟؟

Fool Me twice...

ما رو باش با کی اومدیم سیزده بدر

Fool Me twice...

                                                                                                   ببین توانا جون, عزیز دل برادر, مگه نشنفتی دایی جِی جِی فرمود که مسلمونا خشن نباشن که برداشت بد نشه. ولی انگار نرود میخ آهنین بر سنگ. حالام یه لیوان آب بزن خنک شی دادا. ولی بهرصورت دمت گرم که با این نوشته منظور منو ثابت کردی, ایشالله با حبیبابن مظاهر محشور بشی سیّد. اصلأ من همین حالا جهنم رو میخرم واسه خودم تنهایی که شما و بروبچه های حسینیه تون یه راست مشرف بشین به جنتِ عظما,خوبه. ولی تو رو قسمت میدم به همون ضریح که دورش گشتی بشین (یکبار و برای همیشه) با خودت فکر کن, ببین آخه این الرحمن و الرحیم که تمام کائنات به یه اشاره ش بندِ چه احتیاجی داره که هی چپ و راست واسه ما مخلوقات ناچیز خط و نشون بکشه؟ ولی مشکل کار همینه دیگه, وقتی از عقلت استفاده کنی دوزآریت میافته که یه جای کار ریپ میزنه. آنچه میگویم بقدر عقل توست, مردم اندر حسرت عقل درست. یا حق.

هر که هرجا گفت حرف زور قاطی میکنم... گاه از نزدیک گاه از دور قاطی میکنم
ای که جای مُهرِ تو چون گاو پیشانی سیاه... روی اعصابم نرو بد جور قاطی میکنم
آنکه هِر از بر نمیداند نشسته پشت میز... میکند شعر مرا سانسور قاطی میکنم
فارسی را هم نمیداند درست و میکند... هی حدیث و آیه را بلغور قاطی میکنم
روز جشن از رادیو تلویزیون چون بشنوم... نوحه جای دنبک و سنتور قاطی میکنم
بنده میخواهم که در قعر جهنم جا شوم... در بهشتی که بود با زور قاطی میکنم
او فقط فهمیده از دین خدا یک واژه را... نه, دو واژه, چادر و چاقچور قاطی میکنم
تا که میبینم جناح چپ شده فی لمصلحت... با جناح راست جفت و جور قاطی میکنم
آن زمانی که عقاب و ببر و شیر و اژدها... میکند پا بوس موش کور قاطی میکنم   
من لجم میگیرد از این قوم گوساله پرست... مثل موسی روی کوه تور قاطی میکنم
هر کجا که میروم در مجلس شعر و ادب... نیمی از سالن پر از مأمور قاطی میکنم    


Great rebuttal F.M.T.

by Harpi-Eagle on

Dear FMT, I agree with everything you say 100%, furthermore anyone who has any doubts about the nature of Islam and the true moslems, needs to go no further than studying the history of Europe during 7th century. The moslem were on the verge of taking over all of Europe and would have done exactly that, until they faced Charles de Martel, a bigger brute than themselves who slaugtered many of their warriors including their commander and eventually pushed them out of Europe for good. And may I say, thank god for that, because if at that time they would have succeded in taking over Europe, that would have been the death of civilization and civility on the entire planet for eternity.

Tavana, you are sub-conciously demonstrating the true traits of a moslem, one can tell this exact duality of character in your 2 posts below, somewhat analogous to the Makki vs Madiny Quran. You have employed a brotherly love kind of tone in the first post and as soon as FMT says something about Islam that you don't like you become very hostile. Also the Quarn being Makkin and Madiny is a historical fact and is noted in the list of Soureh at the end of any good Quran such as the one by Dr. Elahi Ghomshei and others.

One last thing, if in our beloved Iran we did not have so many traitors (Salman Farsi, Afshin, Safavid Dynasty, etc), we would have successfully beat back this backward Arab idealogy long time ago.

Payandeh Iran, our Ahuraie Fatherland


The Multiplied Foolishness!

by Tavana on

As for the fools/ignorants who have broken Ghoron into 2 separate parts per the 'twice fooled' remarks below they have to directly answer back to their creator in the hereafter with the severe punishment awaiting them as promised by GOD  (Ghoron 15:90-93). The space/time dimensions are of no significance in Ghoron. That is the Book of all times. As such if one reads & understands it in its entirety the life will seem eternal to her/him!

PS: The seal of an 'Ya Hagh' after a 'Na Hagh' comment = 'Fool Myself Forever' 


To Find True God, Man Needs

by Arthimis on

To Find True God, Man Needs "Consciouness" , Not Religion/s (And Men Who Represent Them!) Who Really Needs "Middle Men" When One is Naturally Capable Of Connecting (Anytime & Anywhere...) With His Own God? Don't Tell Me Who, I Unfortunately Know The Answer!

Free Iran...

Love, Light & Peace ...

Darius Kadivar

Sacré Charlie: Ain't 1st time but at least we never bombed them

by Darius Kadivar on

Fool Me twice...

What The Deuce?

by Fool Me twice... on

Dear JJ, If I may ever so humbly rebuttal, as you  wrote: "Reacting with violence only strengthens the impression that Islam and Muslims are inherently violent."

This is a very cunning tactic you and your brethren so cleverly use to divert the conversation from its true course. One can very easily recognize and comprehend that creation and teachings of Isalm is in fact violent and promotes violence. What is most important is to know that there is two very different sides to Quran ( which is the collection of words said to have been send by Allah via Gebrail to Mohammad & is considered THE BOOK). First when he was in Mecca for the first thirteen years, second the next ten years after his relocation to Madina. When reading the Quran if one pays close attention to the location of the versus received (Mecca/Madina) one sees a HUGE change of tone and methodology. while in Mecca (which in 13 years according to islamic history he had less than 100 converters&followers) almost all versus are about peace, equaliy, and acceptance of others etc.; BUT, oh, and there is a big But, after his relocation to Madina and gaining more followers and power here comes the new versus, completely different. In the new veresus in Madina the soft and flixable Allah and Mohammad have turned very angry and vengeful, violent and left and right orders come for Jahad and eliminating the opposition. These simply cant be the same merciful creator of the past teachings, so what happened? If you dont believe me please put this fact to the test for yourself and compare this two sides, although I have a nagging suspicion that you already know this. And this is how you and others such as yourself (Soroush, Kadivar,...) try to make excuses. Dont you think 1400 years of lies and oppression on our people is enough? Is it not time to once and for all confess that we were lied to and fooled? I call your attempt cunning and less than honest because you are attempting to enrage those whom call themselves followers of these atrocious fabrications. Please know that when I use "you", is not an attempt on your character personally, but the school of thought that is at its sourse.  

Yaa Hagh.


The sheer of stupidity on both sides is mind boggling….

by Bavafa on

The intolerance of Muslims is certainly nothing but sheer of stupidity yet the provocation of the other side is completely appalling.


Yes, Muslims are intolerant towards their religious belief and YES Westerners have their own intolerance in other area which if provoked perhaps war will take place.

Just wondering what the reaction will be if a Muslim country prints a cartoon of White Christians sitting around camp side barbecuing Jewish people? 


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



The Symbolless Religion

by Tavana on

Islam carries no symbol.The one & the only one symbol of 'faith' is imprinted by GOD in the believer's heart (Ghoron 58:22). Muslims must not differentiate among any of the GOD's messangers (Ghoron 2:284). The only thing sacred to the believers is GOD & GOD alone. Anybody could claim to be a Muslim, while the true believers (i.e. Momens) are only & only only ID'd by GOD.

The indicated attack is most probably done by the same 'New Cons' who have been killing/maiming/droning/imprisoning/torturing/etc. a great number of ME people for the past 10 years under the pretense of 'Fighting Terrorism' to dicredit Isalm.


Mohammad was an idiot any way.

by عموجان on

That’s why he had to use sword to make none Arabs to believe in his religion, now his followers are using his tactic because they don’t know any other way to express themselves. 

I love the way they draw his Amaame, Funny 

Anonymous Observer

And how about this one Azarin?

by Anonymous Observer on

"Butcher those who mock Islam." 


Who says Islam isn't the religion of peace? :-)) 

Azarin Sadegh

The cartoon's point proven..:-)

by Azarin Sadegh on

By attacking the cartoon, these French Muslims are proving the point of the cartoonist! Tolerance for sure is not an Islamic virtue…:-)



by hirre on

Yes, but in a not so perfect world we have stupid laws that protect religion and its symbols, so it might even be illegal in many western countries. The same (but opposite) applies to nazi symbols, why should they be illegal, which they are in many western countries...

Jahanshah Javid

Learn or suffer

by Jahanshah Javid on

Muslims must learn that symbols of Islam, including Mohammad, will be the subject of ridicule in the media from time to time. That is what the free press do in a free society. They criticize, they make jokes, they question anything they wish.

Muslims must learn that what's sacred to them, is not sacred to everyone else on the planet.

Reacting with violence only strengthens the impression that Islam and Muslims are inherently violent.

Learn to live with modern realities, or suffer.