IRI Military Industry

Press TV report on latest weapons

TIME: All week Israel has thrummed with talk of launching a military strike on Iran. It began with published hints that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was preparing to move forward on plans to attack Iranian nuclear facilities, a pre-emptive move that he, along with his defense minister, Ehud Barak, long have been described as advocating. Word that mooted aim might be moving toward action came from Nahum Barnea, the most respected columnist in the country, whose heads-up ran across the front page of the weekend edition of Yedioth Ahronoth >>>


Mash Ghasem

It even rhymes!

by Mash Ghasem on

I   say   no   to   war,   I   say   yes   to   peace.

Democracy & social justice for people in middle east.

Spend enough time on it, you might turn it into a rap thing! 


Every thing homemade?

by عموجان on

Why we never seen any pictures of assembly line of these homemade stuff and every thing is look like just come out of FedEx boxs. Mullaha are too old and Pasdara are too rich to risk it all for a war that they know well will lose. Islamic Republic’s leaders and their supporters are too self-center people to destroy the only country they are allow to live in.


Warmongers say: "bring it on"....

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Mr/Mrs sialashgar: Are you even Iranian? Do you have friends or family in Iran? You see, It is easy for us foreign residing Iranians to shout "bring it on" on internet, as we will not be at the receiving end of Tomehawk missiles. In case of war, It would be tens of thousands of defenceless iranian men, women and children who will become the casualties of this shameful quarrel over the energy resources between the criminal Islamist fascists hell bent on aquiring nuclear bombs at any cost on one side and extreme right of Israel plus western oil cartels on the other side.

I Say no to War. 

I Say Yes to Peace,  Democracy and social justice for all people of Middle East 


Anonymous Observer

OMG - the IR has a radar system!!!!

by Anonymous Observer on

Just don't turn it on when these guys show up:


PS- Israel will never attack Iran.  Just doesn't have the capability, and the consequences will be too high for it.  The U.S. and NATO, on the other hand...that's a different story.  The IR has been taunting them and has been asking for a war for 32 years.  Patience is running out.    


Go iran

by Sialashgar on

Bring it on.Come and get it.

This is not Gaza,This is not West Bank.This is IRAN


JJ: I hope you are wrong...

by Bavafa on

For the sake of many innocent civilian, on both sides.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 


Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

It's only a matter of time. A war between two religion-based regimes. And a weak American government won't be able to stop it. Who suffers? Iranians and Israelis, never mind the rest of the Middle East.