In support of Mansour Osanlu

David Cockroft, General Secretary, International Transport Workers' Federation


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by ComraidsConcubine on

 I know! This one's got the fat gone to the brain! 


"all that erratic rootless cosmopolitan neurosis. "

ROFLM!!! I'll count that as my Eydi from a rooster! ;) 

Mash Ghasem


by Mash Ghasem on

or as Tom Waits sings: " small time Napoleon laying in the gutter..."

So eiff yu kod read, vy dnt yu post the entire paragraph on da kok.

I hear mashti liked that other uncleansed avatar better: all that erratic rootless cosmopolitan neurosis.


Mash Ghasem, vi not all estooopit! vi kan read!

by ComraidsConcubine on



"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars"

But some of us with guts! 

Happy New Year and other stuff! And yes, you are invited to the Christening.  

Mash Ghasem


by Mash Ghasem on

Rozbeh jan you're too kind as usual. Not sure if besides two of us anyone else got the reference to the cook? Looking forward to 11th of Ordibehesht, cheers


Mash Ghassem

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Actually if Mr Osanlou ever decided to stand for presidency in a future, free of islamist fascism Iran, he'd have my vote. Somehow from what I have known of him, he seem to be a very focused and good trade Union leader and extremely respected by not only the bus drivers but other industrial workers. Hence my comment. Otherwise you are spot on rafigh, as always.

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Mash Ghasem


by Mash Ghasem on

Rozbeh jan I'm a bit disappointed, why valuing Masour so low, KAM BAHA MIDY. I thought it was suppose to be so simple that even a cook could govern. Mansour has been a leader and president of his syndicate for a while now, he would make a great president in a free and equal Iran.And its not just him, there are hundreds of other Labor leaders in Iran, Salehi, Nejati,...

Dear Mr. Yaar, with all due respect for your anti-IR fervor, before criticizing labor organizations,- that have defended and supported Iranian workers for years through thick and thin of all the struggles workers in Iran have gone through-, it might not be a bad idea to:

A: Familiarize oneself with the workers movement in Iran,

B: Establishing connections with those workers in Iran,

C: Defending and supporting them ( financially, organizationally, politically,..),

after such basic introductions (not necessarily in that order though) any and all criticism would sound just so much more genuine and informed.

Lula, Chaves, Morales...are all as mainstream bankrupt politicians as anyone else. However it would be a fatal mistake to equate the workers movements in Brazil, Venezuela, Bolivia... with the ruling parties.

If you doubt such disitnctions, see what happend in Bolivia when the fuel  prices were raised.

The workers' movements in Latin America and all over the world are the natural ( in the sense of their sociological position and political-economy) allies of workers and the poor in Iran. end of the lecture!sorry for the lenght!


Free Osanlu from jail !

by Shemirani on

PTBA, i agree with you he should be Minister of Labor !


Is that all?

by yaar on

ITF must be ashamed if this is all they can do for a dying man in prison. Making a video and putting it on youtube! And IC members praising and thanking Mr. Cockroft for doing it!
Mr. Cockroft, a demand like this may have worked during the first few days and in some occasions but not with Mullas after 4 years.
ITF must be more forceful and must use some other tools in its toolbox. What if ITF make the threat of asking its members not to go to Iran? I think it will works in half an hour. But then again the enemy is not IRI. Lula proved it by trying to save IRI's skin while so many workers in IRI don't get paid for months.



by yolanda on

Thank you for speaking up for jailed Iranian! I hope the newly assigned  UN Human Right rapporteur will do something for this guy!


Osanlu, as "minister of Labor"

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

What a wonderful thought. You are talking my language now!

And thanks for this great post.

 "Personal business must yield to collective interest."


What a great and sensible message

by Bavafa on

Unfortunately to a regime that is absent of all sensibilities

Thank you Mr. Cockroft


Mash Ghasem

He would make a great President, not exactly like Lula

by Mash Ghasem on

(another prez. with a strong working class background), but even better.

مصاحبه رادیوئی یکی از فعالین اتحاد
بین المللی درحمایت از کارگران درایران در باره آخرین
وضعیت منصور اسالو،رضا شهابی ودیگرکارگران زندانی

انته آ بهرامی از رادیو زمانه پرسش
هایی را درابطه با وضعیت وخیم جسمی منصور
اسالو،ابراهیم مد دی وبلاتکلیفی رضا شهابی وغلام رضا
غلام حسینی ودیگر فعالین کارگری زندانی و......با
علیرضا نوائی یکی از فعالین اتحاد بین المللی درحمایت
از کارگران درایران واحد پاریس درمیان نهاده است.


فایل صوتی این مصاحبه رادیوئی




THANK YOU , Mr Cockfroft

by ComraidsConcubine on

 Thank you so very much indeed for speaking out sensibly and whole-heartedly  for his safety and that of others. 



Brave man

by P_T_B_A on

In the next democratic government, Osanlu should be appointed as the Minister of Labor.

G. Rahmanian

Thank You!

by G. Rahmanian on

Mr. Cockroft,

Thank you for defending Mr. Osanlu.