Rumsfeld: Iran & Syria

Former defense secretary on U.S. strategic interests


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Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

Your points are all well taken ......... but I think iR did some nagging when U.S invade Iraq or Afghanistan but not much ...... I guess they were not a fan of Saddam to begin with so they did not much care .....


Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

I agree ......... Iran is powerful ........ I should also add so does the U.S which I know you are aware of.........

Iran foreign policy is creating all these mess in the world .......... same with the U.S foreign policy .......... and none are even Palestinians or Israelis  .........  so if demonstrators in Iran are saying no to Gaza ...... the demonstrators in The U.S are saying no to Israel ........

I think the only way that remains is for Iran and U.S to get together and come up with a permeant peace solution in the middle east .........  

current Iranian government is so blind with the hate of Israel that I see no hope ........... at the same time current government in the U.S is so blind with the love of Israel that I see no hope   .........  

both countries are in the hand of wrong people ........... hope one day we see progressive voices both in Iran and in the U.S ....... otherwise this blood shed is not going to stop but only get worse  


It makes me laugh.

by pedro on

Don't fall for what this sicko is saying. The islamist rapist regime is dancing to the tune of western countries. mullahs are poppets of england and US. Everything depends on oil. Democrat or Republican white house, has absolutely no effect in the length of rapist regime stay. It's the oil and arms sale that dictates everything. How much more arms is going to be sold to terrified arabs of nuke acquiring islamic regime in Iran? well, the first 60 billion is sold to soudi arabia + another 60 billion to train the arabs, maintain and service the arms for the next 10 years. Ok, Who is next?? either we are going to witness a war somewhere or we are going to hear abut another big arm sales. The outdated arms in the warehouses must be sold!!!!  Don't be beholden to thing you hear and see. 

Stop Execution and torture of Iranians in Islamic regime Prisons


soosan khanoom

by IranMarzban on

iran is the most important country in the mid east iran has oil and gas. iran controls hormoz straitway iran supports hezbollah and anti israel terrorist groups. iran has influence in iraq lebanon, afghanistan, gaza and also shia groups in saudi arabia and bahrain. landlock central asian countries need iran and etc... iran is a powerful country in the hands of wrong people.


It's elementary dear, elementary

by Tavana on

Rums"field" states "Iran and Syria are the most important countries strategically " because those 2 countries' leaders never raised an eyebrow when we set up our military base in Saudi Arabia, took over the Iraq's oli "fields," took over Afghanistan vast mineral "fields," and now they are both quiet while we are trying to take over Lybia's oil "fields." The 2 countries rather keep their their people entertained by their never ending daily Tom & Jerry cartoons episodes of "Israel vs Palestinians!"   

Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

Why Do you think Ramsfield states this?

"Iran and Syria are the most important countries strategically " 

Please enlighten me ..... anyone?

Thank you  



by alaaf on

well thanks to you and your fellow neo-Cohens, America doesn't have any prestige left.  Nobody really believes anything that comes out of your mouth Donald. You have zero credibility.   //   


Obama the ultimate of hypocricy

by statira on

by attacking Libya, he just buying more time for Iran's regime survival. As Ramsfield states, Iran and Syria are the most important countries strategically.

I just wonder why Obama who used to oppose war and attacking other countries, and said,No to Iraq war, starting a new war against a small country and bombing their resources. Unlike Sadam, Gadafi never attacked another country and despite being arab, supporting Iran during Iran-Iraq war. I just wish Obama wont be elected for the second term and Gadafi still stays in power.


Darius Kadivar

FYI/China the Next Superpower ? (bbc)

by Darius Kadivar on


You will hear more from the

by MM on

You will hear more from the architects of the Iraq war (THE ARCHITECTS OF WAR: WHERE ARE THEY NOW?) since the rise of the people in suppressive countries in the Middle East.  Most of these folks have been happily hiding in their retirements, but soon, they will come out to remind us of their “predicted” domino effect.  Interestingly, they still do not consider friendly ally tyrants as threats to freedom of the respective countries.


I always wish

by aynak on

I always wish, people in the middle-east could forget what happened 5000 years ago, and  American people could remember what happened 5 years back.

May we all have good dreams.

Darius Kadivar

No Comment ... ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on


you mean

by shushtari on

THE PERSIAN GULF......not gulf, dweeb!


People like this will be surrounding the next president.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Whats scary is the republicans are surrounded by people like this.

If the Republicans win the next election god knows what unlawful actions will befall Iran and Syria.

They are big on war, thats the problem.

Immortal Guard

Let me see!!!

by Immortal Guard on

Egypt must be the anchor for the blue color in the American flag and Saudi Arabia must be the the anchor for the red color. There remains only the white colour! I guess Iran is the anchor of stability for the white colour. HaHaHa!


Lets examine what he speaks of here

by Bavafa on

1- "Prestige of United States "

Well thanks to him and his superiors, he made a mockery of the prestige of US by the way of an illegal war, massacre of civilians and their conduct In Abu Garib prison.  It will takes years if not decades of hard work to undo the damage created by this despicable criminal.

2- "Saudi Arabia and the Gulf state (i.e Bahrain) as the anchor of stability"

Some one need to remind this jackass, the ideology, finance and man power behind 9/11 came from one this anchor of stability, Saudi Arabia. They have continued ever since with their satanic ideology and their proxy war in Pakistan to fuel extremist not only against America but also other nations. Their track rack regarding human rights violation is match by none.


Joe L.

oh i remember him

by Joe L. on

he was very good in "dumb and dumber"


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