Jafar Kazemi. & Mohammad Ali Hajaghaei

Two activists held in post-vote demos hanged

AFP --  Iran on Monday reportedly carried out the first executions of activists detained in street protests after the disputed 2009 presidential poll, hanging two men it said were from an outlawed group. The executions of two activists from the Iranian exiled opposition group, People's Mujahedeen of Iran (PMOI) came despite a plea by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that they be freed. The Tehran prosecutor's office named the executed pair as Jafar Kazemi and Mohammad Ali Hajaghaei. It did not say where they were hanged. "Two elements of the Monafeghin (hypocrites) group named Jafar Kazemi... and Mohammad Ali Hajaghaei ... were executed early today," the prosecutor's office said on its website, referring to PMOI, which once ran an armed group in Iran >>>


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Islamo-nazi terrorist regime (repost)

by Agha_Irani on

This wave of executions is just like the massacres of 1988 committed by the same criminal mafia that has terrorized Iran for over 30 years.  The islamo-nazis are executing their political opponents under the name of "drug-smuggling", "rape" and "enemy of God" - all this is just a distraction to kill their political opponents.

These crimes of the islamo-nazis should be publicized and every effort made to isolate further and remove this terrorist regime. 



by Doctor mohandes on

You are the aggressive one. You are the "this character" right back at you.

Niloufar Parsi


by Niloufar Parsi on

this character does not realise how aggressive he is. never mind. we all learn in the end.

so much exciting stuff going on in the region. interesting, vpk, that iran is again proving to be among the most stable. so much of how things are described in the west is simply topsy turvy. what the people watch on tv is a peep show disguised as something else like news or current affairs... 

Niloufar Parsi


by Niloufar Parsi on

many thanks for your kind comments. you are a gentleman.



by Doctor mohandes on

Take my Islamist threats back somewhere...?? are you threatening me? How can you know for sure i am an islamist?

Only a narrow--minded person would think of i said as a threat. If this is a nation Of laws, and you have the right to say whatever you want then so do I. So what is your problem? When you address me and say things that are not true about me, What the hell do you expect?? respect and kindness in return?


SoundsLike you need to getur nose outta other people's buisness and do NOT worry about who is getting what.

Practice what you preach.


PArviz your @Bavafa (2) comment

by Escape on

Deserves commending.Too bad it went right in one ear and out the other.Nothing to stick to,it was like a strike out with the batter still looking for the pitch...

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

Just a warning that when you play with fire you should expect consequences.I

Is that a threat? What do you plan to do?  What is fire anyway?

I live in America with freedom of speech. Take your Islamist threats back somewhere where people are afraid. You just try your threats. This is a nation of law and it is illegal to make threats against people. I will say whatever I want and if you don't like it tough. Sounds to me like you are begging to be banned.


Mehrdad jan

by Doctor mohandes on

Well, The thing is that when someone feels so Justified and righteous in criticizing those who he or she thinks they need it real badly and in a harsh manner, Then naturally they need to expect same in return. When someone calls opinions and ideas "anti iranian garbage" that floats in this site, Given that they are true 9 outta 10 times, and are based on facts How and what is the best way to take it??


Must be past your bedtime. Not my fault that you constantly see yourself in amongst facists and abusers in this site and feel like you have to be always confrontational or that everyone is ordering you to do something.. Just so you know, That was not an order, Just a warning that when you play with fire you should expect consequences. When you say you Tried to be civil!!! with someone who was not Ever Uncivil towards you, That is something that is needed to be responded to. Don't accuse anyone and make stuff up and when you do be prepared for what comes your way.

Unfortunately, Just like everything else with You, on this site It all ends up being about you Throwing the first stone and then turn around and hurl accusations and make the other party to be the Guilty one.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I do  not take orders from you! Go give orders to someone who listens to you. I address whomever I want; I refer to whomever I want and no one orders me.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Mehrdad Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Thank you. I am fine;  my account has been fine. No problem regarding IC. I have just been busy and traveling. In addition to lots of other issues not related to IC. I hope to be more present again but for now I have a lot to juggle.

Hope all is well with everyone here.

Anyway, I have to get back to dealing with life issues. My quarter is running out :-) My best wishes. to you and my other friends.



Doctor jaan, you are right and maybe I should have stayed out

by Bavafa on

I am wrong as I did not read all of the exchange and yet commented. But I have read much her exchange in the past and much has been said about her rudely (not by you) and I do admire her ability to keep her cool. I don't agree with some of her politics/view, nevertheless.

Anyway, sorry to butt in.



Mehrdad Jan

by Doctor mohandes on

What is it that she is right about?  

I never had any scores to settle with her to begin with,

She had no right to lump me and the likes of me up without even knowing me whatsoever and accuse us being offenders. That was the Gist of first comment to her and then she started with this crazy game that i called her all kinds of name and i am being a hater. She derailed the whole argument and then That is when VPK jumped in the pool !!!

the fact that she has kept her cool does not necessarily qualify her to be rewarded or anything.

shab khosh aziz.



by Doctor mohandes on

Who put a quarter in you? I thought you and i were supposed to not sit at one table anymore?

I seriously suggest you mind your own Buiness and stick to it. You do not get so many things so add this one to the list.

I explained clearly to her in my first comment of what i had been upset about yet she did not want to budge and kept hitting at me,

You have been so rude and insulting to those who believe in Islam and their allah , so do not be defending the indefensible.

Mind your own buisness VPK, NO more addressing me, No more making references to my name . I mean it.




VPK, I hope all is OK with you

by Bavafa on

We haven't seen you for a few days and I was just going to inquire to see if you are OK, or possibly any issues with your account since you spoke out against censorship on this site.

Hope all is well and glad your account is still active.


Doctor jaan: sorry man got to be honest with you here and as a friend to friend, she is right.

Much has been dished out to her, unjustly, and she just keeps her cool, rather admirable I say. We all have some disagreements with each other but some just do a much better job at keeping it on the subject and not personalize it.

Lets all do that.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


We have disagreed many times. But you are right about DM. I tried to be civil but it did not work. You and I are a good example of how people could disagree yet be respectful. Some people just do not want to be civil to other people.

I did not appreciate the comment he made to you about getting drunk. I have seen no reason to think you drink much less that you get drunk. What does that have to do with anything. Why does he have to make that jab at you? I don't get it.



by Doctor mohandes on

Ohh Ok. I will be the bigger person and refuse to get dragged into your finger pointing blame game. You won. Congrats. Now go out and get drunk.

Ohh. I am way off track. Wow, that was a major bkow there for me . damn. You scored again. Must be your night. Enjoy it while it lasts.

I did not exaggerate anything. That is a fact and everyone knows it and they have repeared it so many times. it is not fun anymore. Oh and I am so sorry that you have to waste your precious time, dealing with others;s ideas and opinions, you know the stuff your highness deem as Anti-iranian Garbage. ALl i can tell you is to Get used to it and Live with it. Your brilliant observations have already claimed the gold medal in Garbageness.

You don't have any hatred toward me or anyone else?? who happen to be iranian-american? This while you take the liberty of calling us collectively as offenders?? hnn. It must be the new standard and the new norm in how friends call one another... : Hey ... My friend... Come here. You offender!

Critcize and be criticized cuz you deserve it too. Harshly! You can't call them Ignorant since your information and Insight is not so much backed by credited and reliable references. As we have seen many times.And guess what, That puts you in theDestructive category too.

You are the one who needs to wake up. and say How'dy do and ghoo ghooli ghoo ghoo to the world and not others.

I did not lecture you on anything but if whatever i said served as beiing educational to you, you are most welcome . You needed it. Glad i could be there for you:)


French Revolution has lessons for Iran...

by AlexInFlorida on

During the French revolution hundreds of thousands of people had their headschopped off by the guilotene and less than a few hundred of them were Royals. 

Reality is in France hundreds of thousands of those who lost their heads were the catholic priests of france, who used religion as a way to reach power like in Iran.

Since, like in france, ideas such as freedom, justice, equity, unity and friendship are becoming the driving force of the people of Irans desires, the mullahs, the govt and all those who supported them are most likely to be held out infront of the public and face the same fate as in france. 

France invented the guilotene especially for the trals of the revolution.

Iranians need to invent a tool for their revolution too.

Iranians clearly live under corruption and tyranny the way the french did. Movements are similar throughout history, the end result for mollahs will be the same.

From 1920's to 1979 shahs received less than 50 billion from oil revenue and brought iran from 120th to 9th wealthiest country.

From 1979 to 2011 mullahs received more than a 1000 billion from oil and brought iran backwards from 9th to 30th wealthiest country.

lets hope mullahs had fun and enjoyed the money at least. because the rage against them will not die down, especially as every day that passes iran will go further and further backward and as peoples live get worse they will realize the mullahs are not reformable.

The mullahs will keep getting bigger and bigger oil revenue income and people will naturally wonder why are we going backward still.  On top of their murdering the people will seek answers to solve the problems in the devastated lives.

Presonally I think guilotene is too kind for a group that raped young girls protesting the govt and then killed them in cold blood.

Maybe for their wives, but we have hundreds of thousands of mollahs that need more special attention.

Niloufar Parsi


by Niloufar Parsi on

you started the hateful personal attack.

i am 'out of line'?! and you are who?

screw the british gov. i left the country years ago... you are way off track, again.

my favourite was this one:

"It seems like you have been the one, the initiator of name calling and
labelling, everytime someone dares to write a few words criticizing
anything that comes from iran!

if i did what you so outrageously claim*, i would have to give up my job, family and friends just to deal with half the amount of anti-iranian garbage that floats through this place.

but in a way thanks for exaggerating my role here so much!

i have no hatred toward you or anyone else with a different political opinion to me. why would i? i criticise americans harshly because they deserve it. dangerously ignorant and destructive lot who need to wake up.

am a friend.

have a nice day!

* oh and thanks for the lecture on balance and fairness in writing...



by Doctor mohandes on

Why do you accuse everyone as being vicious in a debate while you are the one who always initiate things?

This is not about me liking what you said or not. This was about you being out of line. You biggest mistake and flaw was to paint Iranian-americans with a broad brush and I did not use the word "hate" towards your personally, I was only quoting you. Gee. Hollywood's got nothing on you when it comes to twisting and misrepresenting!

You do not know who i am or what i do, and those like me so to say that you are trying to reiterate and tell us about the imagined hate in your head is so bogus and utterly hilarious. Who passed out drunk and made the new Judge in town?:)

If it is MY gov that is murdering and doing all that stuff, YOUR gov, in turn the British government is behind the most elaborately conceived and implemented schemes in the history of the world, and funny thing is that out of all the issues you addressed you ignored that one , i had brought up in the same comment. was it intentional or you just did not happen to have your reading glasses on when you got down to that part....?

I repect your sense of activism towards upholding your own ideals, and i am equally excited to know of your understanding thementality behind it, I only wish that you knew how to appropriately apply that Knowledge and realization, in interpretting it justly and fairly  without any bias. That is all.

I am not allergic to daylight , are you? It seems like you have been the one, the initiator of name calling and labelling, everytime someone dares to write a few words criticizing anything that comes from iran! seems like something is falring up on your end of the line lady.


Niloufar Parsi

DM, that's ridiculous

by Niloufar Parsi on

what makes you so hateful and vicious in debate? you didn't like my 'glass house' jibe at some iranian-americans playing 'flabbergasted' at everything under the sun coming out of iran? just look at how many times you have used the term 'hate' in your diatribe to me.

am trying to tell you that all the hate is flowing from the likes of you. your government is daily murdering and looting on my country's doorstep, and is doing everything it can to weaken iran and iranians.

am not dismissing the efforts you mention. in fact there is activism and there is activism. in my younger days i was quite an activist. i feel i know something about the psychology involved.

but going back to the origin: americans (as an imagined collective) have no right telling iranians (as an imagined collective) that capital punishment is wrong. this should be as clear as daylight unless one is allergic to daylight.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


IRI cannot be rehabilitated. As you correctly point out it follows from outdated Islamist values. They are anti-freedom. They can no more exist with freedom than matter can exist in contact with anti-matter. One has to go; I suggest IRI and its outdated religious values be the ones to go.



by Doctor mohandes on

So what to do with those whoi think Religion = Freedom?

Should we burn them and make them disappear?...


IRI is a product of Ignorance and Selling out Iran for Islam

by AlexInFlorida on

IRI needs to be  rehabilitated.

It is the creation of liars and maniacal fanatics.

Religion has no place in government especially if it follows out dated Islamic ideas which are no replacement for Freedom.


@ Bavafa

by Mehdi on

"I admittedly don't have the courage of those who are fighting this rather evil system."

Now I have to agree with you: "The only logical and truthful thing you have said so far."

I am afraid an evil system is made up of evil individuals. You and I are part of it. We are not separate from it. You may think you are innocent. But I know I am not.

Sorry to have disturbed your peace. You were so happy blaming everything on this "evil system." And I come in rudely interrupt your stupor and make you realize that you are part of it. How cruel of me. I will let you go back to demonizing your fantasized hallucination called "evil system." Just so you know though, every time you blame someone or something else for your condition, you are directing power to that person or thing. You are making them more powerful than yourself. I hope you realize where you are headed eventually - it is where Rajavi is these days. That's the end result of blaming it all on someone else.


Vildemose Jaan:

by Bavafa on

"Are you really serious about the IRI goons actually participating in rehabilitation of others??"

Not by a long shot, IRI method of rehabilitation is by using various type of bottles in jail cells if you know what I mean.

But I do believe the MEK/PMOI members deserve a chance for rehabilitation into the society and my comment was in that regard with a big IF that these two IF IN FACT were a member of MEK and not merely an excuse.


hamsade ghadimi

that's right vildemose. 

by hamsade ghadimi on

that's right vildemose.  these men should not have been hanged; instead, they should've been rehabilitated like jafar panahi and mohammad rasoulof.  maybe a better word for it is reformed.


Bavafa: Are you really

by vildemose on

Bavafa: Are you really serious about the IRI goons actually participating in rehabillitation of others?? Someone needs to rehabilitate the  criminal, corrupt, pillaging leadership and their cronies (e.g. defenders of the regime on this site) who have gotten so fat and rich because of the system.


@ Mehdi:

by Bavafa on

"at least they are doing it and taking the heat but we are just sitting here avoiding responsibility at all cost and simply shouting "lengesh kon" from way outside the court!"

The only logical and truthful thing you have said so far. I admittedly don't have the courage of those who are fighting this rather evil system. Sadly, those who are fighting and paying a hefty price for it and many are being hanged for it are being ridiculed by few such as yourself and called crazy. Even though I maybe a coward for not fighting this brutal dictatorship regime first hand myself, at least I have the decency to honor their names and efforts, much unlike you that call them crazy.



Nilufar parsi

by Doctor mohandes on

Control the hatred and anger there sister, Take it easy. I guess You just hate,, I mean Purely Hate, Hate iranian - americans that it has spread from your mind to every single organ in your Body and simply conclude all your remarks and comments , By somehow managing to incriminate them. May god have No mercy on The farsh foroosh, Use care salesman, or whomever else of iran-american population who has done you so wrong, that has brought about your everlasting wrath on this community.

 You call all the revolutionaries  crazy and pass Judgments on to them, Yet  you come up with the most radical, Irrational and somehow revolutionary of all conclusions. Come one.

Please tell me that You were only kidding to declare Am-iranians partners in crimes, accessory to murders and co-conspirators, When it is their Governments That decide to conduct their affairs in certain ways.

And while at it, Please do not Refrain from furnishing some badly needed information and explanation as to Why British-iranians will get to be spared by Your logic, while Britain is the one who has been basically masterminding, Tweaking, psycologically manipulating, governments all over the world in the most Kniving and bastardly of ways. I mean whom are we Kidding, They are the ones(the british gov) who tell others when too pull the trigger or else face the consequence.

If political activism is a certain and basic right Then by all means Lady, Iranian _ americans that you so despise and hate, are doing their share by staying active through various means. If you do not, or rather CHoose not to see it and turn a blind eye to it, well, then... That is your own fault.

Capital Punishment is a mistake in certain cases, But it is at the same time a fair means of administrating Justice. Only in certain rare cases when all other venues have been fairly and Justly and diligently exhausted, which is beyond the scope of this blog and i do not wish to get into it.



@ Bavafa

by Mehdi on

"The fact that IRI does not try to change them and only resort to murdering them, goes to show that they are evil and not reform able."

With all due respect, this statement seem more just like an emotional outburst and nothing else. You talk about "IRI" as if IRI is a person or some kind of creature. IRI is of course a political/philosophical/economical/social/etc system. It is not a person. It is made up of a collection of people - individual. The overall thought and efforts of these individuals ends up being the thought or action of that system. Some individuals have more power and control in it and some less and these amounts may change by time and other factors. So I find it hard to answer to this because I am not sure what you really mean - if anything other than you are mad about problems you see - which I totally understand. I don't like them either. Even Ahmadinejad and Khamenei don't like it either. But then again, nobody has a PRACTICAL solution - so why do we ONLY blame these individuals and take no responsibility ourselves?

"I don't want to answer for any one, but could guess that no one sees themselves as so arrogant and supreme, that is why they could not answer. I am not looking for a supreme leader, I wish for a great and wise leader who recognizes the best path for his/her people and puts his/her people first."

I see. So you are saying you never want to ACTUALLY be responsible and put yourself in the shoes of someone who is leading - or appear to be leading. You just want to stand on the side and criticize. Is that what you are saying?

"By this account, the supreme leader I & II both are super crazy since they were the organizer of the past revolution." 

Well, by your logic, people on this site are crazier than them because at least they are doing it and taking the heat but we are just sitting here avoiding responsibility at all cost and simply shouting "lengesh kon" from way outside the court!