Ahmadinejad vs Rafsanjani

President has not attended Expediency Council meeting for 2 years


Recently by Ghormeh SabziCommentsDate
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day
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Poster Lies

by fullback1 on

The poster behined the Islamist Occupiers brass,   states  "Hossain the Mazzloum"  things for thought: How was Hossain  Agha denied WATER when he fought YAZID next to a river??I say he could have went upstream and got water!!!!

How was Hossain ,Mazzloum ??? while beheading 300 people according to The Islamist occupiers theologians. I say, HUSSAIN and his GOONS were bunch of BRUTAL Butchers who simply lost the war agaist their enemy, The only sad thing is , we would have all been better off, if they would have killed off one another , so Real Iranians didnt have to to deal with  the SHIT now.