Space Monkey

"Unveiled" by Ahmadinjead for space exploration


Recently by Ghormeh SabziCommentsDate
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day
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more from Ghormeh Sabzi

I can't believe

by mullah-kosh on

I can't believe he is sending his little brother to space. I saw the picture, I first thought it was him going up, but after a more careful examination, I figured it out, Ahmaghi is jealous of his more intelligent, and handsome little brother, and is trying to get rid of him. So what better way of doing that but to put this poor guy on one of IR's self proclaimed achievements (AFtabe fazayee)! Good luck little monkey, at least if you become a martyr, you would not have to deal with baboons running the country.


British Embassy Van ploughs into 30 Egyptian people


Here is a British commentator making excuses for the white van because it belongs to his own embassy. It is obvious to me that this was a deliberate act of violence/homicide on peaceful Egyptians. The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is still funded by the British. Unlike Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood has withdrawn. I wonder what the British are getting out of this? they are always the winners.



bfarahmad you said it. But,

by fussygorilla on

It is the IRI and its support, funding, and encouragement of science and technology and home-grown advancements that has led the country to this level of achievement.  There is no way anyone can deny the tremendous progress evey iranian should be proud of.  Hatred does not contribute anyting to discussion. The naysayers, haters, show us one little sample of scientific achievement of the old regime...zilch! Everything, including all of Iran's FOOD was imported from U.S.


monkey business

by calais on

that monkey is way too cute and good looking, send Ahmadinejad instead..

all in favor say Ay.....



David ET

Animal Cruelty

by David ET on

This is not 1940-60´s , we are in 2011.



by SamSamIIII on


AO jaan; cheers & all-dung it is then ;). cheers pilgrim

Anahid geraamii ; I knew it sits well to your fancy :).cheers dear!!!

BBnaftee; right on , since after all, what else is there if It is not there. Cheers pal!!!

Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //

Anonymous Observer

Samsam Jaan

by Anonymous Observer on

You got it bro.  Right on.



by Ayatoilet on

With over one hundred twenty plane crashes since the establishment of Islamic Republic of Death and thousands of dead passengers, these Islamic monkeys should consider toying around with model choochoo trains instead.

Anahid Hojjati

SamSam, thanks for the variation.

by Anahid Hojjati on

Dear SamSam, what a nice variation on those famous lines, I mean where you wrote about "miazar moree", thanks, Haal kardam.


Hear! Hear! SamSam... Well said...Very Well Said !

by BBNaftee on

As long as this land is devoid of Kiaan, true Iran & drafshe kaviaan I dont give a freakin hoot who does what since Iran without her legacy & concept is justa piece of real estate like any other.

This is the fundemental point being missed by most of the posts here... Well Said.


IR's biggest "technological" achievement so far

by Onlyiran on

has not been (and will not be) sending a monkey, or even a "magas" into space, but rather building a propaganda empire through which it has been able to convince the gullieble villager in Iran and the West residing supposedly educated folks alike into believing laghuably transparent propaganda which should not even fool a five year old of avergae intelligence.

You said it AO: happy dreams indeed!!! 

Ari Siletz

First monkeys in space

by Ari Siletz on

Albert I: Died of suffocation during flight.


Albert II: Died when parachute didn't open.


Albert III: The rocket exploded at 35000 feet. I'm guessing he died.


Albert IV: Died due to parachute failure.


Albert V: Died due to parachute failure.


Albert VI: Survived trip. Died two hours after landing.

After that a couple of monkeys survived shorter trips which technically didn't make it to space.

Gordo: died due to mechanical issues with parachute system.

Able and Miss Baker: Survived in one piece, Finally.

The parachute system seems to be the main engineering challenge. Iran has never had to land a missile nose cone. Though the automated on-board Takbir and salavat system may give the monkey a  fighting chance.  


Anonymous Observer

by iamfine on

How much do you know about the level of technology in Iran? My knowledge about what they can or cannot do is limited to what I am reading here and there. You stated that Painting a North Korean No-Dung missile white and calling it a spaceship." where is your source of information?


AO jaan, hear this

by SamSamIIII on


& repeat to them after me that;

No matter which regime runs this land be it IRI or whatever the heck comes after it and no matter what they accomplish be it sending a spaceship to Mars or landing a condom shaped haji on Venus for as long as this land is devoid of Kiaan, true Iran & drafshe kaviaan I dont give a freakin hoot who does what since Iran without her legacy & concept is justa piece of real estate like any other. So dont sweat pal proving wether the Nim-dung's latest feshfeshe is actualy a   No-Dung or Yes-Dung ;:))or not. it matters not. cheers pal!!!

Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //


Hold on to your tears...

by comrade on



In case some of us can ever overcome our sudden monkey-loving sentiment, then we'll be able to appreciate the independent scientific and technological advances which will certainly outlast the theocratic regime which propagates the existence of jinns, and the divine allocation of pieces of clouds...

Good. Very very good!


Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.



Hey, Hey, We Are the Monkees

by Faramarz on




Anonymous Observer

bfarahmand - embedded in your comment

by Anonymous Observer on

is the assumption that everything the IR says about its "technology" is true.  One has to believe that in order to start patting oneself on the back for these "accomplishments."  Suffice it to say that if the IR had the technology to send---and safely bring back--animals and/or other objects to and from space, it would have had the technology to keep a passenger plane up in the air.   

Painting a North Korean No-Dung missile white and calling it a spaceship "don't make it so" as they say. Happy dreams.  :-)   


I am not taking sides

by iamfine on

In Iran Iraq war,almost one million Iranians lost their life defending our mother land and you guys are making a big deal about the monkey. The monkey will be back save. We should be proud of our scientist for their ability to send monkey into space in order to obtain needed data. We should not mix the IRI with our young scientist that have the ability to reach the orbit. How many countries are able to do that.

Anonymous Observer

Samsam my brother

by Anonymous Observer on

What do you expect from a religion that demands the slaughter of millions of innocent animals every year at its "Hajj" festival.  By contrast, the Persian religion of Zoroastrianism is built upon the foundation of respect and admiration for life and nature.  That's where we differ from them.  


عمرو امتی و ايين جانور کشی و زيستار ازاری



همه جای دنيا  ميکشن همه جا ازار ميدن همه جا  سر ميبرن ولی هيچ جا بهش رنگ و روی خدايی نميزنن و بنام خدا  اين بی پناهان و بيگناهان بيزبون رو برايه پاشگونی يه مشت حاجی جا*ش مفت خور از خدا بيخبره کچل بنام "نذر" سر به نيست نميکنن و يا بنام "نجسي" کشتار نميکنن. اگر هم قران گفته "انسان اشرف مخلوقاته" خواستش اين نبوده که تو خودخواه سايکو جانور ازاري کني. حتي اون نذرش براي سير شدن يه مشت بيچاره بدبخت بود نه براي افه گوز يه مشت فاطي روضه خون و جواد بازاري واسه چشم و همچشمی و کليد بهشت . از دختر و پسرکان کوچيک خود ياد بگيريم که ما در اين گويگرد(سياره) خاکی ,انبازي(شريکي) بيش نيستيم و ديگر همزيستان همانند ما هوده(حق) بر ان دارند. خانه ما خانه او نيز هست. از فرهنگ کياني مهر و زيستار دوستی رسيديم به چي.

ميازار موری که دانه کش است
نه مانند تو مفتخوری ج*ش است
که جان دارد و جان شيرين خوش است 


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //


You think this is cruel!

by Milan on

Take a trip to China and see how monkeys are consumed in some elite circles: half-drugged, the monkey is placed beneath the table with only the top of his skull visible to the guests.  Then, (fast forward the gory details), fresh warm monkey brain, still pulsating, ready for the probing chopsticks.


I think you're all missing the bitter irony here!

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Here we have a monkey starpped to a chair inside a cube, which is claimed to be a sattelite, by some of the biggest contemporary known liars. These are the same people who can not keep a fleet of aircrafts afloat due to lack of spare parts from kafir USA. Are they taking us all as monkey? 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


poor thing

by shushtari on

looks just like khamenei  

Anonymous Observer

Says who Spatima?

by Anonymous Observer on

"A life of a human being is much more precious than that of a monkey..."

Says who?  The monkey has just as many rights as a living being as you and I do.   


I find the argument in favor of monkey's well being to be rather

by spatima on

I find the argument in favor of monkey's well being to be rather of a overstretch.

come on now, by the same token you should refuse to go to the pharmacy or inject any drugs. A life of a human being is much more precious than that of a monkey, nevertheless we want the monkey to be treated properly, which i am sure he is.

lets just not get oversympathetic to issues like this, if we go like this, people will go about to refuse to even leave their house, considering that it would violate sun's privacy.



In hope of a Free,Democractic, Independent and Secular Iran


So I'm guessing all of u people are vegeterians then?

by alaaf on

This "poor thing" will more likely than not come back alive and well from its space trip. Next time u dig into your Chelo Kabab, think about poor cow's face that had to be brutely murdered for your eating pleasure. You got that JJ?  


Poor thing!

by ShahrzadI on

There is so much I want to say! But I know that it will just be ranting!

Worcester Mo

May I suggest

by Worcester Mo on

to send Ahmadinejad and Hai Ali first to make sure it will be OK for the monkey, worms, rats and all the beautiful little God's creatures...

Anonymous Observer

بیچاره حیوون زبون بسته

Anonymous Observer

تو دست یک مشت جنایتکار جمهوری اسلامی گرفتار شده.  این میمون بیچاره از همهٔ این کثافتهای  جمهوری اسلامی انسانیتش بیشتره.  



by AlexInFlorida on