
Agaisnt fur and animal cruelty


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more from Ghormeh Sabzi
Red Wine


by Red Wine on

کامنتس عزیز ، شما لطف دارید و بزرگوارید.

مشکل اینجاست که ایرانی‌ها سخت مقلدند و فراموش کار ! در قدیم..خوردن گوشت در هر روز خدا دیده نمی‌شد،نه عام و نه خاص..خوردن گوشت را تنها پسنده به ایام شادی و ایضا عزا میکردند، در قاموس ما اینجور رفتار دیده نمی‌شد،اگر توجه بفرمایید می‌بینید که بهترین غذاهای ما از سبزیجات تشکیل شده است و گوشت تنها قسمتی‌ کم از آن را تشکیل میداد.

امروزه هر عاقل مردی و هر بالغ زنی‌ داند که خوردن گوشت در طویل المدت موجب مرض است و خدا داند دیگر چه !

همیشه موفق و سبز باشید.



Could not watch the whole thing - Good cause though

by Kashk on

Its a very cruel world. People who are good to animals are good people. That is how I pick my friends, most of my friends are vegeterain like myself.



by yolanda on

I watched this video and got distracted by the disturbing animal cruelty footage.....I forgot to listen to the song!

On you-tube, 72 people don't like the video while 35 people like the video.........I don't know if people don't like her singing or they don't want to see animals being abused?

This video reminds me of a news article I read on says a Chinese magician was able to make fish swim in unison:



but people suspect that he fed the fish with they could be dragged around their tank from underneath!


Animal cruelty

by statira on

What those animal activists are fighting against is  the mistreatment and abusing the animals. KFC defeathering live chickens by placing them in boiling water or chinese companies took the skin off animals such as cats and dogs while they're still alive. I dont think most of those animal rights groups oppose eating meat.


I am against animal

by comments on

I am against animal cruelty, I have no idea about animal rights groups, but I have so many questions from them. 

Why do we see so many dead animals such as raccoons on the streets?  Are they less alive than cats and dogs?

Aren't plants alive?

To Red wine:  You are so so so sweet, and I love your stylish persian.  I could never imagine that those lovely and kind indivisuals are profession in electronic communications.  It makes it so sweeter that you are a vegeterian as well.  My sincere respect. 


بنا به دستور اطبا....ولع خوردن گوشت دارند....

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

ما خودمان گیاهخواریم بنا بر دستور اطبا اما وقت تلف کردن است که بخواهی مردم را از خوردن گوشت باز بداری،به خصوص ایرانی‌ها که ولع خوردن گوشت دارند.