Khomeini: Islamic dictatorship? Never!

1978 speech in Neauphle-le-Chateau, France



Areyo Barzan'e Aziz

by Joubin on


Thank you for your thoughtful reply.  


[I] have the obligation to myself to be fair and see the whole picture.


A noble burden. Well worth the effort. 

This is the fact that Khomeini and his regime have done a lot of damage to our country. But at the same time he broke many social barriers and cultural taboos and opened lots of doors in out mind as a nation, things that Shah never had the power to do.

 I have reached the same conclusion as well. 

 He even showed us that not all these so called “intellectuals” (Roshanfekr) are trustable, up to the job or even half as bright as they would like us to think they are and we should always be weary of them.

Chairman Meow did the same exact thing to the Chinese.  China is now blissfully free of ideological posturing by her intellectuals. 

Of course, we Iranians are lucky that our { Globalist Integration Project | Revolution } did not entail the Gulags and Cultural Revolutions of the "intellectual" set's favored ideologues. Certainly painful, but nothing remotely like those other projects.  

By the time we clear this corner, hopefully the matter and the historic record of the monkey-baazi of 20th century will be fully documented, so we can spare future generations from getting their brains eaten by the ideological Zahaaks. 


Mona 19

Illiterate Dajjal ...

by Mona 19 on

May his dark soul never rest in peace


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Real liar

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


The liars are all those "intellectual-cum-revolutionary" monkeys sitting next to him, dreaming of their Soviet Republic of Iran.  They were the liars.  They were the hypocrite.

Well Khomeini did lie about free electricity; remaining out of government and ... But anyone who read his writings should have known his real positions. I agree the absolute worst people in Iran were the "an-tellectuals". And specially the leftists who did dream of a Marxist workers paradise. They not only lied to people they lied to themselves. That includes most of JM; Melli Mazhabi and Mojahedin. Almost the whole opposition was made of morons and ***holes with no ability to think. 

I tell you the absolute worst generation of Iranians were the 1970 ones. A miserable combination of Islamism; worst of Marxism; whiny; ungrateful; demanding; ***holes. With no imagination or ability for independent thinking. Being led by morons like Shariati; Golesorkhi and xenophobe Al Ahmad. I am surprised they did not wreck things more than they did! Bazargan was a  monument to how stupid people with doctorates may really be. His *** of a son is still at work bad mouthing pre-Islam Iran. 

Really these creatures specially Melli Mazhabi do not deserve the name human. I would love to see Abdol Bazargan given a boot right out of America back to IRI his father brought. The shameless SOB is still filling airwaves with his Islamic ***.



areyo barzan

Dear Joubin

by areyo barzan on

I do very much like your passion and I agree 100% with your comments.

It was not that he was lying to us but the case was that we where not listening hard enough.

However looking back at the past 30 years it was not all a loss. I accept that Khomeini and his Regime destroyed our economy and our country’s infra structure. I accept that it send us at 100 years back in terms of economical social and industrial progress but to be fair to him he did a lot of good as well.

Now you may thing that I have lost my mind or I am an IRI supporter but that could not be further from the truth.

However I have the obligation to myself to be fair and see the whole picture.

This is the fact that Khomeini and his regime have done a lot of damage to our country. But at the same time he broke many social barriers and cultural taboos and opened lots of doors in out mind as a nation, things that Shah never had the power to do.

For example Shah has brought Radio, TV and cinema to Iran. But only one out of every 50 households had TV and the rest were considering it as being Haraam. I personally knew many people who believed that they would not even be able to pray (Namaaz) in a room or even a house with a TV inside it.

Shah brought modern education to Iran but the mentality of most of our people were such a way that they did not let their daughters and it many cases even their sons to go to high school or university as they considered it a sin and unethical and haraam. Many even considered receiving a salary from the government as a civil servant as haraam.

Khomeini changed all that mentality and forced us to adopt a more modern one. You should understand that only a person in the position that Khomeini was, “in the cloths of a cleric” could have brought that change into these people’s mentality over night.

Please understand that in spite of all efforts and modernizations by Shah and his father, we as a nation were still a backward deeply religious and superstition people who preferred to take their sick patient to the Rammal and Jen Gir and Doaa Nevis instead of the local hospital.

One could never have even dreamt of asking any of the questions that you and I are putting forward today without running the risk of being abused, boycotted or even killed by closest friends and family, being label as a Kaafar. Also with regards to international affairs politics and democracy we did not know zilch.

That was why all the efforts of progress and modernization by Shah and his father did not bear a single fruit. This was simply because the ground of our mentality as a nation was intoxicated with ignorance superstition, radicalism and backwardness.

Khomeini forced us to change that. He took us by the ear and dragged us into light. He forced us to see what the true meaning of religion is and to ask who those Arabs are, whom we are so found of and dye or kill for without asking any questions. He forced us to ask about the Muslims and what they have done to this country over the centuries. He forced us to get out of our ignorance cocoon, to open our eyes and to see the world, especially the beast that is political religion for what it was.

He even showed us that not all these so called “intellectuals” (Roshanfekr) are trustable, up to the job or even half as bright as they would like us to think they are and we should always be weary of them.

All we could and should do now is to learn our lesson and move forward.

If we are man enough to do that then the ground will be prepared for the next government who would come along and attempts to rebuild this country otherwise we will be for a long run in this very same vicious circle over and over and over again


He didn't lie to you ...

by Joubin on

You weren't paying attention then, and you aren't paying attention now.  [Q: Is dimwitted the correct translation of Kodan?]

"Hokumateh Ghanoneh Khodah", is exactly what you got, per their reading of what is God's Law.  So he spoke truthfully there.

He also contrasted dictatorial rule vs rule of a council (where "you can't tell who is the Messenger").  You almost got that.  Did he lie?  Certainly not.  If you weren't a dimwitted khar* (assuming you were one of the kharan saying "marg bar Shah") you would note that Messenger of Islam kept the council of fellow believers.  Khar fahm shodee?  

Khomeini did not lie in this video, that is clear.  

The liars are all those "intellectual-cum-revolutionary" monkeys sitting next to him, dreaming of their Soviet Republic of Iran.  They were the liars.  They were the hypocrite.

(Btw, the first time I have ever heard anything by that man.  He certainly  has a funny accent ;) 

A people deserve their government. And Kharaan deserve tavileh.  Enjoy the consequence of _your choice_. 


*Note to moderator: You have permitted a posting that cast calumny against a substantial chunk of humanity.  (Shame on you!)

This is quid pro quo.



Who wants to challenge me, that……

by عموجان on

Muslim are liars and it is part of their belief; here is their leader and we all been living through his lies and yet he still got supporters.