Villagers Lack Clean Water

Iranian stats TV report from Khuzestan Province



انتقال آب خوزستان و لرستان به قم


چندی پيش با انتشار خبر شيرين شدن آب شهر قم و انتشار اين خبر در تابناک ، شاهد هجمه شديد اهالی محترم خوزستان و لرستان در قالب نظرات به اين طرح بوديم که چرا آب منطقه ما به قم منتقل شده،در حاليکه اگر اين آب به طور رايگان به کشورهای ديگر صادر می شد صدای هيچ کس در نمی امد..

بگذريم ، غرض اينکه هموطنان عزيز ما در استانهای مذکور بدانند ما اهالی قم فقط يک هفته طعم آب شيرين را چشيديم و اينکه در ادامه اين آب به کجا سرازير شد،الله اعلم...

در حال حاضر هم همون آب شور قبلی خودمون توی لوله ها جريان داره...

اين هم مدرک ...تصاوير پيوست از کولرآبی منزلمون تهيه شده که تنها سه هفته از تعويض پوشال و آب داخل اون ميگذره...ميزان نمک موجود در پوشال و سينی زير کولر که تنها در اين مدت کم تشکيل شده کاملا گويای غلظت نمک موجود در آب قمه....
ضمنا، اصل اين کولر نزد اينجانب محفوظ است!


Ari Siletz

Conflicting reports

by Ari Siletz on

The villagers in the video say that the Shahid Hashemi Nezhad system stopped providing water to the village eight years ago. That would be around 1382 AH. However, The Khuzestan village water company website says that phase 1 of the Shahid Hashemi Nezhad water system was begun only 3 years ago in 1387 AH. They say the system is expanding to cover more villages.


Confused in California


Hooshang: Fashion websites say that the palace you linked to is  in Dubai. It is said that it belongs to Pakistan's Asif Ali Zardari. 

Amoo: Sadd e Dez is near Andimeshk in Khusestan. It was built during the Shah.


What a contrast

by Rea on

...... btwn this video and launching of animals into space on a research rocket.


ویلایی در ایران، همچون کاخ سفید!

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol


These people don't have water to drink, and we have mansions like this built by others, only in Islamic Republic of Hell.


Why poor don’t get it, they are worthless in Islam

by عموجان on

If JJ is going to show off his clip , here is mine.

Qom Water Project | 

I can't remember, can some one tell me where Dez dam is located? Is it in Ramsar? 



by yolanda on

Iranians held in Iraq by US returned home 2 years ago (2009)!

Uh oh! It is pretty old news!


"Five Iranians held in Iraq by the United States since 2007 went back to Tehran on Sunday, Iran's government-backed Press TV reported."


Where are Parazit's tears

by BoosBoos on

Where are Parazit's tears for the US military's kidnapping of Iranians in Iraq (families) who have never been heard from since?     Ohhh ... that's right: Their US paymasters tell them what to say ....   Let's just have Alan Eyre on again to have him practice speaking persian.   


Jahanshah Well said! lets

by alx1711 on

Jahanshah Well said! lets see those crocodile tears for these people first.

A country with vast oil wealth, look at these people...

For those who worship Islamic Republic - what is your government doing for these people?



by yolanda on

Apparently Khuzestan is oil-rich, but potabe water is scarce in some areas. 

The oil revenue is not used to improve the infrastructure!

It is sad to see the local people being neglected like this!

The irony is that IRI wanted to help areas stricken by hurricane Irene


maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

Amir khan

you said it  RIGHT!!

even if they get any chance to visit ahwaz less than 30 km.

they will not return to Iran any more !



Sialashgar the poverty is so extreme that these people

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

will not likely ever travel or see anything beyond more than 50 miles in their entire life.




Jannati cry?????????

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

That's not possible, crocodile tears don't count, that heartless excuse for a rapist paedofille reminds me of many U.S. Leaders.



Cry Me A River.

by Sialashgar on

Move to your neighboring state Lorestan my state  we have

Too much water here and the girls are prettyer too.There are

No taxes here in Lorestan.And no gays in Loreston.


Shah Hossein

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

the same area was the roamming alley for the Iraqi tanks during the bloody 8 yrs war I know exactly where it is !

1- my Brother's crushed body was salvaged from those naahars.

2-the iranian Army used to have an exercise base over there too.

hell those poor villagers should dig DEEPER  so they can hit their own OIL rig and buy clean waters in bottles by billions.



Well said JJ. This is area

by Khebedin on

Well said JJ. This is area IR needs to pay attention to. The IR sadly has failed to address the environment issues. The Americans can't break the back of IR but such problems will . IR needs to take the issue of environment very seriously. Sadly they don't understand the importance of this.

JJ has hit the nail on the head. Janatti needs to seriously cry over such issues where he has finacial means and control to help, not  where he can't do much. This is why he can now be called a HYPOCRITE, the personality of many akhonds.


JJ: Let's see if Parazit will cover the US Gov't' support of MEK

by BoosBoos on

It's fair right? 

How about the kidnapping of Iranians in Iraq (families) who have never been heard from since?

Fair, right? 

... I could go on. 


Jahanshah Javid

Attention Ahmad Jannati

by Jahanshah Javid on

Let's see if Jannati is going to cry over the living conditions of desperately poor Iranians rather than those in Somalia :)