Russia, Britain and Bahais

Firuz Kazemzadeh, Toronto conference on Bahai question (1-3 July, 2011)

WIkipedia: Firuz Kazemzadeh was born in Moscow, where his father served in the embassy of Iran. Kazemzadeh taught at Harvard in 1954-1956, then moved to Yale where he was professor of history until his retirement as professor emeritus in 1992. Between May 15, 1998 and May 14, 2003, Kazemzadeh served as a Commissioner on the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, first appointed to this position in 1998 by President Bill Clinton, and in 2001, reappointed by US Senate Majority Leader Thomas Daschle. Kazemzadeh is an adherent of Bahai Faith and, from 1963 to 2000, served as a member of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahai of the United States:



Good one

by RostamZ on


Tiger Lily

آشنا ؛) & RostamZ, here's the Persian version. ;)

Tiger Lily

قومی متفکرند اندر ره دین،

قومي به گمان فتاده در راه يقين،

ميترسم از آنكه بانگ آيد روزي،

 كي بيخبران راه نه آن است و نه این 



by آشنا on

Thank you.


Interesting history

by RostamZ on

   Tiger, I read your comment twenty times and can't make out what you are saying. Why don't you try writing in Persian.

   In regards to video, it was quite interesting and I learned a few things. 

Tiger Lily

Thanks but no thanks

by Tiger Lily on

Whilst cults are just cults in difference of volume, from one ism to another, quite seriously wild horses wouldn't make me watch yet another cult's yapping hocus pocus. 33.59 mins? You've got to be kidding me!

They should all stop being supported by the taxpayer, in effect prophesizing superiority and discriminations against others, e.g. homosexuals, those born out of wedlock etc..  

Keep the gaga spiritual private please.