Khamenei backtracks on teaching humanities

Now says Iranians should read and learn, but not copy Western ideas


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Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


The infallibility doctrine is an ancient idea coined by kings to avoid responsibility. The Popes used it in the Middle Ages. It is a coward's way to duck responsibility. We are all human and therefore fallible by nature and will be.

Anyone who claims to be infallible just proves they are. Because the claim itself is false and hence a mistake. I proudly proclaim myself fallible and challenge anyone to prove they are not.

After all we get old; we get sick; we need glasses. These are all flaws in us. Only a "God" is infallible and I am yet to see one! Therefore I have to accept that we are just regular people. The one who claims it is usually to most flawed of people.


Vagh ,Vagh,Vagh

by عموجان on

That's all I can hear when he open his mouth, Vagh.

He even got his own glasses.




Natural selection!

by Arj on

If Khamenei, as his lackeys proclaim, is the choesn one and infallible, why does he keep putting his foot in his mouth? Couldn't Emam-e Zaman find a more competent deputy or could he not make up his mind either?!

He, and his regime, are losing the battle against time as dinosaures did!

Iqbal Latif

''Change your syllabus if you want to change the mindsets!''

by Iqbal Latif on

Hi Mr Khomeini Salaam; nice to see you backtracked; please lend me your ears and please hear me out; it is sciences that make or break the nations not deities and Imams. And this applies from debauched Madrassas' of South Asia to Shiite seats of knowledge at Qom and Najaf. The root of this problem lies in the nature of the theological state?

You consider logic, reason and moderation not as an elixir but a poison chalice to your Islamic Republic, I can understand that! I can understand why you wanted Metaphysics and Humanities to be banned! This is the battle of the minds that dates back to Ghazali and Averroes. (Thufut al Falsifa and Thafut al Thufut)

It was all about your future thinkers, you want nobody to think liberally. Metaphysics promotes logic, reason and moderation. Humanities and metaphysics help create the 'philosophers' that ignited the Renaissance. Iranian Renaissance is your worst nightmare; naturally you want to nip this in the bud? How 'clever' ban the subjects that lead to questioning mind. Your actions of long term political survival have put even Machiavellian strategies to rest.

Every great idea is seeded by earlier superior and greater minds. There is a chain of events and timelines one can trace the history of great human thought process on. Every stone in a pyramid is the most fundamental and critical, the one on the top dominates but the hidden ones end up carrying most of the weight. Such is the case of Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler and before them Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, Mo'ayyeduddin Urdi, and Ibn al-Shatir.

Let your 'future' read them please, don't ban them! Let the truth evolve and survive.


I suppose

by Raoul1955 on

The deeply rooted monotheistic culture promotes the need for following 'one' leader, be it an ayatollah, a king, a president, or... although such a 'need' to follow one man is stronger in ME countries due to their 'cultural' heritage. I realized this while reading a posted material on this site some time ago.
I also find it very interesting and curious that some of the children and relatives of these ayatollahs reside in the West.  :-)


Drunk With Power

by vildemose on

The man is drunk with power. His detachment with reality is awe-inspiring. Is it the opium or he really believes that he is God?

"There is enough in this world to meet every man's need but not every man's greed." --Gahndi

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Why should

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


it be up to Khamenei anyway? I mean is he the president of the University? In a "free" society Universities teach anything they want. If people choose to take them then it will last. If not they withdraw the subject. 

By the way dear Amriparviz I don't think Syria is a good place for him. Assad may not be around much more. Syrians are not going to be kind to the one who provided goons for Assad. He may need to settle for Hugo!


دروغ زیاد فراموشکاری میاره



Ari Siletz

Bottom line, good news.

by Ari Siletz on

This means students who want to study humanities can do so. Exciting news, actually, for students living in Iran. The matter of Khamenei flip-flopping may be primary in the disapora, but secondary--though still important--to Iran residents (without greens card and such).


What caused the 180 degree change?

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Has he really changed his mind? 

Is this guy a professional patsy creator?


How about copying arabic ideas?

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Isn't Arabia South West of Iran?  Why are you happy to copy Arabic ideas based on intolerance verus giving people a free choice and completely disregard the mass popular native Iranian Culture and Ideas? 

You and your system represent dictatorship, plain and simple.  You have erroded yourself, based on the results of your government, so you're not exactly an example to look up to and emulate. 

Please leave Iran for Syria and give us a break.


Jahanshah Javid

dead ideas

by Jahanshah Javid on

Too late... too late ... too late. You have lost all respect and credibility. You are nothing but a thug with a turban. YOUR ideas are dead and irrelevant to the average Iranian what you truly believe in: Domination by sticks and guns, not ideas.