Ghassemi: Youth Channel Too Sexy

Javan TV's female presenter makes viewers horny, says top thug Saeed Ghassemi



Fanaticism feeds on itself...

by Disenchanted on


       Knucleheads like him draw a circle with a one millimeter radius and consider anyone outside that a threat to be destroyed.


On a serious note; People

by Khebedin on

On a serious note; People should ex-communicate these idiots. So long as they receive attention, they will take the benefit. Germs can only grow where the environment suits them, don't give them the chance to lecture you, tell then they are not wanted.

maziar 58

laab e

by maziar 58 on

ghoonche-ee   is a proof of having recieved phd from BOSHKEH.


Nader Vanaki

نمیدونم چرا هر دفعه عکس یکی از این حزب الهی ها

Nader Vanaki

چاپ میشه لب و دهنش رو عین میمون غُنچه کرده؟ فرقی نمیکنه احمدی نژاد، سردار قاسمی، علی لاریجانی...همه و همشون در حال سخنرانی لبهاشون عین اجدادشون غُنچه میشه.


He is the Sexiest Persian man alive

by asadabad on

It is haram for women to look at his picture.  He is even more attractive when he gets angry and bossy.  Look at how he has his shirt confidently unbuttoned and his jacket unzipped like that?  That just screams confidence..


The generation of Shaboon Bi Mokhha

by Marathon-Man on

This is the true face of the IRI.

These guys make  it  simple and bold.

Shaboon bi mokhhaye madaah velaat Vagheeh .




Soosan Khanoom

are devil on earth

by Soosan Khanoom on

People like him are devil on earth. They are number one enemy to humanity. IRI by having people like him does not need a Nato strike to be destroyed ... HE, WITH HIS EVIL REMARKS, IS ENOUGH TO GET THE WHOLE DAMN IRI's BUSINESS DOWN ....