Ahmad Ghasim: Mojahedin

Goes off on MEK critics during VOA interview


Ramin J

Darius the Monarchist and Ghasim the Mojahed...

by Ramin J on

...seem to be in love and will live happily ever after in lala land.

Joking aside, Darius' post shows that besides their conduct, the analysis, interests and policy prescriptions of the monarchists and the Mujaheds are remarkably similar.

and they are both threatened by the emergence of a real democratic alternative to the tyranicall Ayatollahs (read: Green movement). 

No wonder Pahlavi is silent on the delisting issue! Why reveal who he is in bed with!

Darius Kadivar

Not my Cup of Tea but The Fellow actually has a Point ...

by Darius Kadivar on

He is actually criticizing those"reformists" and other "Greens" who continue to advocate reform but call themselves as part of the "opposition" to the IRI.

The MKO may not be what we advocate in case of a "regime change" but they have always advocated Regime change ever since they parted from the IRI. As for those intellectuals Like Ramin Jahanbegloo ( however respectable ) who claim to be opposed to the IRI , They have at best been ambiguous about what they actually propose. Often contradicting themselves ...

If people unite : Libya's lesson for Syrians and Iranians by Ramin Jahanbegloo


Can Non Violence Work in Iran by Ramin Jahanbegloo (interviewed by Karim Sadjadpour(Foreign Policy)

In Short the MKO is a Jomhurykhah Offspring ...


Deal with it !

Related Blogs:

TREASON IS A MATTER OF DATES: Constitutionalist Response to a Jomhurykhah Query 

REPUBLICAN OFFSPRING: Massoud Rajavi at Tehran University during Presidential Campaign(1980)

REPUBLICAN OFFSPRING: Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani in Savak Prison (1970's)



I am actually seeing the wisdom in this

by Bavafa on

The more they show themselves, the more they reveal about their nature.

They have earned more then one adjective to describe them but I suffice to use only one word, TRAITORS.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 




by Khebedin on

The most bankrupts and  unfortunate.  Shame on them. They are only good to be composted and used as fertilizer for a tree over Sadam’s grave


This is great,

by RostamZ on

Let them show their real face. They can't take any criticism and they want to being democracy to all of us. Thanks, we been there done that, this time we do it without your ideology.


Keep MEK out! Watch the video below

by Disenchanted on


         Sharam Homayoon interviews Sazgara

       In the interview Sazgara states that he has no problem with MEK in principle! Homayoon displays an image of Maryam Rajavi next to Reza pahlavi and green movement!

         That is very disturbing. MEK should leave IRAN and IRANIANS alone!


Mujahedin & IR

by Vattan on

I do not see no different between Islamic Republic and Mujahedin. Te only different I see is the color of their Hejab. If I had to pick between Islamic Republic and Mujahedin evethough I am Saltanat Talab , I rather to have this Ayatollas in Iran, They 100 times better than Mujahdin.

Ramin J


by Ramin J on

There is a stroke of imbalance in most of the Mujahedin operatives that they put on TV - or on the web. Whenever pressed, they completely lose it. This guy is a classic. But see also how Hassan Dai, another Mujahedin operative, reacts when he is pressed on Andisheh TV.


If they were smart, they wouldnt put people like this on TV - ever. But particualrly not when they are trying to convince the US government that they arent terrorists...


Indeed they are desperate to

by alx1711 on

Indeed they are desperate to talk and get their idiologies out there. But by now everyone knows MEK are traitors and terrorists.


Are they losing the game?

by choghok on

The guy sounded desperate.