Dutch anti-Islam MP goes on trial

Geert Wilders: "I am sitting here as a suspect because I have spoken... nothing but the truth"

BBC: The Dutch anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders has gone on trial in Amsterdam accused of inciting hatred against Muslims. Mr Wilders, whose statements have included comparing the Koran with Hitler's Mein Kampf, told the court freedom of expression was on trial. If found guilty, he faces a maximum sentence of a year in jail. Mr Wilders' Freedom Party is the third biggest in the Netherlands after June's elections, and is expected to play a key role in the next parliament. Prosecutors have brought five charges of inciting hatred and discrimination, and the trial will scrutinise statements he made between 2006 and 2008 >>>



We all have a story to tell

by Rea on

I'm getting emotional, so I better get out of here. 

Anyway, it's late in Europe. Laku noć. ;o) 



by divaneh on

I cannot see why you think he is anti Muslim. I don't know the guy that much and living in the UK, I have only come across his statements a few times in the press and they seem to be correct. I have not read a single word against European Muslims but he is asking for a ban on more Muslim immigrants.  Do not agree with this but am in favour of a better screening of immigrants and rejection of the Muslim hate mongers alongside other haters.

He has also compared the Quran to Mein Kampf and called Islam a fascist ideology. Unfortunately given the treatment of Non-Muslims in the societies where Muslims are in power has proved this to be true already. A Moroccan client of mine once bragged how they had cleared the Morocco of non-Muslims. Your experience proves that it's not only Islam which is guilty of such attitude, but every one of these ideologies has to be challenged even those that people perceive as divine.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I appreciate where you are coming from. Now see my point of view. I am Iranian and the Iranians are my beloved people. Nevertheless I am willing to take people to task. If we come here to the West then we are expected to follow the norms. I do and all my friends do. We don't go around demanding things. If we see a cartoon we don't like we write a letter to the editor in its refutation; we don't riot and kill people. If any Iranians did, we make it clear we do not stand with them.

Furthermore we do not ghettos where no one dares go. In fact the greatest population we have is in Los Angeles aka Tehrangeles. It is safe, beautiful and welcoming to non Iranians. No wonder no one in LA is demonizing Iranians: they behave. 

The situation in Europe is different. The Muslims there specially in Holland are a different society. They do create ghettos and make demands and create problems. 

  • If Muslim extremists did not act so badly it Wilder would not be making these points.
  • If Muslim masses condemned and routed out the extremixsts it would be fine.

But neither one happens. I don't know why. Maybe the Muslims moderates are too afraid. Or maybe they subtly agree. No matter it is not happening. So they all get bunched together.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Political Correctness

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

gone nuts is what we see in action. How does a nation which is supposedly free do this. Prosecute someone for his opinion which just happens to be right! The Dutch are not scoring big points on tolerance today. Indeed an action worthy of the Soviet Union. If you are unable to beat them by logic put them in jail! If Europeans remain on this path they will lose everything they fought to gain. Now think of it the United State fought for their freedom.

No wonder they value it so little. It was never really earned just a gift. Proof that you need to work for your rewards. Otherwise there is no appreciation for it.



by Rea on

I come from ex-Yugoslavia.

I still consider Bosniaks to be my people (even if my self I'm a catholic atheist, if such a category exists ;o)

To listen to Wilders put everybody into the same basket, my beloved Bosniaks with Arabs. No, I don't like it.

Now, call me rasist.



by Rea on

"The problem is that Muslims have broken their part of the bargain."

No, they haven't. But the Islamists have. 



by divaneh on

Please as I have already asked go further than rhetoric and add some substance to your comment. So far I seem to agree with what he says. You may know more and you may be able to change the opinions of me and others who may support his views but that wouldn't be achieve by name calling.



by Rea on

One minute silence for T. Van G., I'm with you.

As for the rest, Wilders is a cheap bastard, nothing to offer. 


The man tells the truth

by divaneh on

First I would like to ask for one minute silence in the memory of the Dutch film maker Theo Van Gogh who was killed by an extremist Muslim immigrant for producing a film about Islam.

Anybody who accuses Wilders of bigotry or fascism must go further than rhetoric and discuss his claims. He is very right in his understanding of Islam and the death threats against him are the best evidence. Europe's intolerance for whatever perceived as infuriating to one or another group is now suffocating the debate. You can’t just say what is deemed politically right, because it aint right.


Sad day for Freedom! This

by Arthimis on

Sad day for Freedom!

This really pisses me off!!! This has nothing to do with Racial prejudice! I know this based on personal experience living in West Germany for 3 years from the age 15 to 18! I behaved as a law and culture obeying foreigner and never got into one single problem there! All those Iranians or Muslims who were complaing about being subjected to racism were the ones who were acting like morons who thought they were still living in backwarded environments they came from!!! Plus, You will find racist people everywhere in this world and in Europe in this case, perhaps you could find even more racists in Italy and Spain!! Just Sayin'...

Bottom line, this has to do everything with all these backward Musilms who are on the mission to conqure Europe and other non-Islamic lands, people and cultures with their horrific backwardness gifted to them by Islam directly and or indirectly... Some may say all West and Westeners deserve all this for what they have done for so many years to the Easteners and Muslims and maybe so, that is for sure another debatable subject...

We Persians/Iranians have struggled with the Islamic dictatorship and its injustices and backwardness for over 1400 years and look at us now!!! Look at our country !!!!



by Raoul1955 on

This is not intended to solicit a response from you, but you are welcome to post any response you wish.  I do recognize that different humans function at different levels of intellect, hence my hesitation in engaging folks at low level of intellect, having said that:
Screen names are just screen names.  For example, are you an Arab, and the son of Yamin?  Your screen name indicates so. 

The One and Only Raoul.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: Geert Wilders=Osama Bin Ladin

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


What total nonsense. Gtreet WIiders has not bombed the WTS nor has he killed anyone. Are you so unfair as to equate a mass murderer with this man?

Has he ever advocated murder of anyone? This sort of knee jerk liberal reaction makes me sick. Be fair: he opposed Islamization of his nation. So what? I oppose Islamization of anywhere. I guess that makes anyone who opposes bending over and taking it "Hitler". Regarding the jab about his name that is a real cheap shot.

The problem with Liberals is that they have lost the will to live. They lost the spark of life that makes people protect what they love. In their relativism they fail to perceive there is evil. There is a right and a wrong and not all ideologies are legitimate. Unfortunately the only ideology the Liberals oppose the that of "Western White People". If it is Eastern or Dark then it is fine even if it means stoning and raping women and children. They want us to be "understanding and tolerant". I will not be tolerant of evil.

If someone wants to kill my family I will not accept that as a legitimate point of view. We need to stand up for what we earned and built. Otherwise we shall loose it all.  That is the problem with today left wing multiculturalism.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

I agree COP

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Europe; USA; Canada and the West in general have been very open. They have extended their hospitality to us all. In return they require that we abide by the rules. We respect their system; customs; democracy and freedom of speech. 

The problem is that Muslims have broken their part of the bargain. By going on rampages when someone draws a cartoon. By demanding Sharia. And in general being disrespectful and "talabkar". They act like the world owes them something. In this they are joined by idiots like Jimmy Carter and Ramsey Clark.

They come here; behave totally antisocial and then get upset when they are called on it. They confuse repression with freedom. They demand the "right" to ban free speech. They demand the right to bomb anyone they don't like. They demand the right to impose Sharia. They demand the right to give death fatwahs. It is a miracle that West has not kicked them out wholesale. But don't worry at this rate they will.

My advise to Iranian: distance yourself from Islam. Do it and save your progeny. That is why I object to Iranian American organizations taking high profile Islamists as leaders. 


Mr. Gilani, Have you read any of his writings?

by bihonar on

please show us evidence that would prove that he is a bigot and racist.

He has said many many times that he has nothing aginst moslems, it is islam he believes to be the evil and not the moslems.

Frankly I, as an ex moslem agree with him and almost everything he says. He knows islam much better than majority of moslems.

read what he says, not what they say about him.


The problem with....

by Cost-of-Progress on

"The problem with Europe is that their democracies are not as solid. Their Democracies limited to European race."


Democracy applies to those who heed it as it (should) cover everyone. Islam and democarcy do not go together.
The problem with Europe is that too many muslims have immigrated to Europe where they can enjoy the freedom afforded to them by modern day principles, but they refuse to change their backward ways that is Islam. Call it what you want, but what's good for the goose is good for the gander. You cannot claim it is your right to discreminate against those who do not believe what you believe while deep down, or openly, you consider them unclean, unholy and unworthy of the love of god. You can't do that while in their land - or anywhere for that matter.

By the way, most religions have gone through this, but Islam is the Johnny Come Lately in the Race for Division Among Humans.





This fascist's ideology is indeed very similar to Islamists'

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

The difference is that he is the darling of the white bigots and the islamists are the darlings of islamist immigrant bigots.

I say, let thesde fascists fight each other, but keep the ordinary European white and muslims out of this fight between different branches of fascism!


I have read some of what

by bihonar on

I have read some of what Geert Wilders has to say and I have yet to find anything other than truth in his writings. He is a man of principles.

I bet majority of people who hate him have not even read one of his articles and know nothing about what he stands for. It is easy to paint a person with the brush of bigotry and call him a racist. But he is not racist and he does not hate any Moslem. His message is load and clear and simply states the truth of Islam and what real Islam is and what it can do to humanity and civilization.

Just look around you. What do you see in the Islamic world, nothing but misery, violence, backwardness and intolerance? This is the result of the teachings of a religion that spread by the sword and its prophet (Mohammad) married (I call it rape) a 9 year old, a religion that would have you killed if you dare to change your religion and become an infidel (mortad), a religion which teaches violence and polygamy, a religion that considers women half the men and forces them to a life which is nothing short of slavery, a religion which recognizes slaves (bardeh and kaniz), finally a religion of hate, intolerance and bigotry.

Don’t kid yourself, Islam is not just a religion, it is an ideology which wants to dominate the world and transform the world into a Pakistan or Afghanistan of the Taliban era or Iran of ayatollahs.

Islam is just a disease like AIDS and plague which has spread to over a billion people who have done nothing wrong but to be unfortunate to be born in a place where the virus of this religion has infected them. The only solution and cure is to eradicate this virus otherwise sooner or later it is going to destroy the entire civilization as we know it.  



by Benyamin on

Isn`t that a spanish name?

I do know that spanish and Iberian people are still not accepted in "nord" Europe just because of their past or history and also for their "darker skin" than the "Nordern" Europeans. The norder Europeans still think that their culture is superior to those of the southern Europeans and with all due respect you sound like a puppy which wants to apease his "nordern masters".

I amnot muslim, but I happen to love the color of skin my moma gave me and my heart is brighter than the domes of the mosques that shine  all over Spain.


It is truly

by Raoul1955 on

A sad moment in the European history that a courageous man who stands up to Fascism is being prosecuted by the Dutch government just to appease islamic people.  Ironically, while he is being prosecuted for 'hate speech,' muslims are freely going about their hate-filled lives by commiting hateful ACTS such killing people, or planning to kill people. 
As a matter of fact no muslim is being prosecuted for hate speech in Europe or in America.  I wonder why!
Our European people will hopefully wake up soon and began defending their superior culture against the 'dark' people.  Muslims have dark minds, dark hearts…

To defeat muslims we must first defeat democrats who seem too eager to submit to tyranny.

Th One and Only Raoul.



Geert Wilders=Osama Bin Ladin

by Benyamin on

Extremesm is extremesm the only difference is they are the opposite of expectrum but insane just as much.

Crimes against humanity as been enforced and advocated by Bin Ladin it could be enforced potentially by Geert Wilders since he enjoys the same mind set.

Let`s not forget that Hitler was even more popular even today he is more popular than (Geert=mucous=khirt in persian) perhaps even in his own country.

The problem with Europe is that their democracies are not as solid. Their Democracies limited to European race.