Iran's sex trade

"Epitaph" documentary by Moslem Mansouri and Laila Ghobadi


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maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

that's a first known trade in the book;for exchange of money.





Prostitution and sex trade

by Darveesh on

Prostitution and sex trade are every where and not monopolized by Iran.

Blogs need to be objective and value adding.


Blame the regime! But, take personal responsibility! True Najib

by obama on

would never sell her/himself! It is like those who are captured during the war, the ones who really love their country would never confess! I have known many poor people with a lot of dignity who washed dishes and clothes, but never sold themselves. may be to afford the western style life needs more money!

However, I really feel bad and sad for this smart poor lady! I wish she finds a way out of this mess! I had a neighbor, during the shah, who married one and had 4 kids! The woman stayed with him, but she had a bad mouth and fought everyone!



by Iraniandudee3 on

I don't blame the average Iranian, since most did NOT participate in the revolution, plus 70% of Iran's population was born after the revolution.


Further more, i would like to add that it's this kind of self-hating mentality that discourages us from our true potential.


Take your share of responsibilty

by Fatollah on

60 years a go someone asked Churchill, why a tiny country like Britain had such a grip on a country 15 times her size for 200 years?

simple, they have someting we don't! What's that? "Khod foroshi and Khianat" replied Churchill.

Note: The above statement has nothing to do with the poor girls in the clip nor any other prostitutes elsewhere!

case in point, in Iran we are where we are because we deserve it. Noone to blame but ourselves.



by Iraniandudee3 on

Non of my parents participated in the revolution nor did most Iranians. Those clueless retards you're talking about can only be described as Americanized liberals. They have been a curse on Iran ever since Iran started allowing in western/American liberal ways and thinking.


An Iranian nationalist thinks before he acts, unlike these islamists and Americanized liberals.



by Iraniandudee3 on

There is no good dictatorship, but there are one's better than others. Anyways. Dictatorship isn't our only problem, it has to do with islam and the corruption and anti-Iranain views (Literally) promoted and backed by the islamic ideology.


Anyways, i don't blame Arabs for the islamic regime, but at the same time I don't like the gulf Arabs because they always had a racist hostility towards Iranians and other ethnic Persians. they're not our number one enemy, that is the islamic regime, but they sure as hell aren't our friends either. In time they will cause trouble for Iran like always, maybe not now, maybe not tommorow, but in the future, you can bet your ass on it.  Even after the islamic repub is gone they'll still be racist towards us cause they don't look at us as their equals, ironic since they're considered as sub-humans by most of the non-Arab world.


if you have to shout!

by Darveesh on

why do you people have to shout?

Babak K.

Iraniandudee3 and

by Babak K. on

Iraniandudee3 and Zamyad

I respectfully disagree with you.  Our problem has been dictatorship and is dictatorship.  There is not such a thing as good dictatorship, they are all bad. It is believd by some historians that Lenin was not the founder of USSR but Tzar (Nikolai the II) was. Tzar by neglecting the acheivements and objectives of 1905 revolution prepared the Russia for Bolshevic dictatorship.  This is a belief among alots of historians.  Although Tzar was perhaps millins of time less violent than Stalin, but it was Tzar who lost the momentum by disrespecting the Raussin constitution and making the decisions about all aspects of the lives of the Raussian people. Lenin wrote a book in Tzar prison, this means the Tzar prison was like a hotel in comparison to the Stalin's prisons .  However this does not take Tzar off the hook, he was giulty because he was a dicatator  although a lot gentler that Stalin.  The previous dictatorship is respossible for existence of the current more violent and animalistic dictatorship in Iran.  It is unfortunate that the supporters of the past dictatorship will never get this.  Chaploossi, lying, cheating, back stabing others and  Khinat are things that we learn from our parents and dictatorship.  Iranian parents and dictatorship (Estebdad)have been and are inseparable parts of Iranian society .  Dictatorship (Estebdad) and Iranian parents are two natural allies that we tend to ignore.  We are condamned and trained to have only two choices: Support the present or past dictatorship or both and work with it, and be like your parents.  These are the main sources of the problems.  Instead of blaming Arabs or a religion about our problems, lets go after dictatorship and Iranian parents.




by rtayebi1 on

Before the revolution a few  Iranian ( later a lot more) thought Iran is going out of control, all our women R becoming prostitutes and ... the reason: USA, and the west. Today same know it all folks R telling us, all our problems exists because of  Islam, and Arabs. Yesterday if U dare to  disagree  U were a garbzadah, savacki, khodfroosh,  zad-din... today if u disagree with them  U R Islamist, IRI agents, paranoid baffons. WITH THESE BULLIES IN THE DRIVER SEAT WE GOT A GREAT FUTURE AHEAD OF US!!!


The corrupt pathetic islamists at it yet again

by Iraniandudee3 on

Here it is, this is what the pathetic disgusting leache of an islamic
regme produces in our society, by destroying the economy and culture,
values, and dignity of people. We need to Stop these monkey's before we
turn into Afghanistan or Pakistan.


Btw, I know what these delusional islamist clowns are gonna say "But
Dudeee, prostitites can be found everywhere in the world", well
paranoid baffons, Did we have such problems during the shah's time as
we do now? Was it in anyways as big as it is now? We went from less
than 1000 in brothels to 70 thousand in the streets, nice, really

these islamists ahve been ruing everything about Iran for the past
30 years peice by fucking peice. I personally would execute their
families infront of their corrupt eyes if I ever have the chance.


ridam ru ghabre khomanie

by Iraniandudee3 on

Here it is, this is what the pathetic disgusting leache of an islamic regme produces in our society, by destroying the economy, culture, values, and dignity of people. We need to Stop these monkey's before we turn into Afghanistan or Pakistan.


Btw, I know what these delusional islamist clowns are gonna say "But Dudeee, prostitites can be found everywhere in the world", well paranoid baffons, Did we have such problems during the shah's time as we do now? Was it in anyways as big as it is now? We went from less than 1000 in brothels to 70 thousand in the streets, nice, really nice. 

these islamists have been ruining everything about Iran for the past 30 years peice by fucking peice. I'll personally execute their families infront of their corrupt eyes if I ever have the chance.




it sure is

by Darveesh on

convert. end of the story.


Islam is the problem

by zamyad on

Babak jaan,

Islam is our problem and not the arabs I agree. Islam is gedah parvar and poverty causes fahshaa. Iran should get rid of Islam altogether.


Racist Arabs are very much the problem

by Iraniandudee3 on

Bigot Arabs and their backwards religion (Islam) is the problem now a days in Iran. Arabs consider Iranians/Persians as a historical enemy, maybe not all, but the gulf Arabs do consider us as their rivals for some stupid obsessive reasons, it's pretty pathetic really. Iranians today only retaliate to Pan-arab hostility(Based on nazism) and racism. So do your research Babak before you post please.



Btw, don't ever insult one of our hero's again by calling him a dictator. The Persian empire under Cyrus the great was the closest thing to democracy and a free society for it's time.

Babak K.

Please don't start blaming

by Babak K. on

Please don't start blaming my Arab brothers and sisters for our problems.  Also events that happened 1300 0r 1200 years ago are not the reason for our nation's problems.  We are a nation of dictator creators and lovers.  Even our beloved Cyrus was a true eastern dictator verses a Greek and western logical thinker.  Cyrus always starts with "I", it seems that nobody else mattered. And the fact is that under the best of Eastern dictators a nation under the rule never mattered or matters.  It is tragic that in few minutes my fellow Iranians will start blaming things on Arabs and this religion or that religion.  We have enough of true Aryan bastards so do not blame Arabs for our problems.  Stop insulting my Arab brothers and sisters.  It is unfortunate that still some people compare the peresent dictatorship in Iran with previous one and come up with wrong conclusions.  Our problem is and always have been dictatorship and the healing process of our nation and country will start with democracy.

Babak Kalkhoran


Thanks to IRI

by MRX1 on

we have sunk in every level including morality and ethics. I suppose when you live in poverty and hungry it's kind of tought to keep your principals.....


This was on last week.

by onlyinamrica on

I hate the word SHRESTANI that taaftehyaaye joda baafteh Tehrooni still using. Through the eyes of this world, we are a failed nation, Tehrooni or shahrestani dehati.

In my opinion, khodfrooshi for any reason is an indication of laziness, irresponsibility, and low self steam. It also could be sex addiction.