Basij on Norooz

Militia gets expanded security role


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I smell a Lebanon Civil war coming in the next 50 years..

by OmidKarimi on

They doomed the entire country in just one year. God help those still back home.


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Tahgerd Fiouz

by choghok on

Yes and US Army National guard torture, rape and kill civilians in USA and is sent to control the christmas celebration as neighbourhood watch. Thanks for your clarifying.

Sargord Pirouz

Those young men can drill.

by Sargord Pirouz on

Those young men can drill. They'll be in uniform, for Nowruz.

More and more, their elements are fulfilling duties comparable to the US Army National Guard. One might actually say the service is maturing.


They Need Help

by masoudA on

We must help them from outside.  The whole world must help.


  Basij to be in charge

by vildemose on


Basij to be in charge of neighborhood watch

Fararu | March 7, 2010

After meetings with IRGC officials it was decided that Basij patrols would be assigned to neighborhood watches across the country, according to deputy police chief Ahmad-Reza Radan.

Radan explained that the measure would be taken to ensure the safety of citizens and their property during the Nowruz holidays when many homes are empty in different cities.

"This is a good course of action that will ensure a sense of safety in citizens," he said. "Basij forces will be in uniform, have official mandates and will be [working] in cooperation with police precincts."



getting ready to kill more Iranians

by mahmoudg on

But they should know their days are numbered.  We know full well the Islamic Repubnlic is taking its last breaths, and now it wants to use the tactic of confronting neightbor with neighbor hence starting a civil war if danger escalates to the point go annihilation of this doomed republic.  they are willing to sacrifice Iran for their own sake.  hence surgical attacks to remove them and cleanse the society from these Basij is the only alternative left.