Kissinger: Iran rapprochement

Interview with French international TV



Thanks for sharing

by benross on

This is how it is going to be. Negotiation for stopping the proliferation. The official claim of IRI is that they want nuclear technology for peaceful use. The negotiation will keep them checked with this claim. And I think, short of any internal crisis in Iran, IRI will go along with it.

Bear in mind that there is already a 'sanction' in place against IRI. This will not go away. Along the negotiation, it can turn up and down.

We have other priorities to care about.


You are right Darius. Deep Throat is getting deeper and deeper by the time! 

Darius Kadivar

I bet "Deep Throat" Was actually Kissinger ... ;0))

by Darius Kadivar on

deep throat; All the presidents men
