"Earthquake" hits Iran election

Record turnout anticipated

ABC News (Australia) -- Iran's looming presidential election is promising to be a cliff-hanger, with a record turnout expected from Iran's 42 million eligible voters. The sudden emergence of grassroots support for Mousavi is threatening the otherwise smooth return to power of the hardline, but populist incumbent Ahmoud Ahmadinejad.


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We should not forget that

by nojanthegreat on

We should not forget that mussavi was last prime minister of Iran , who were in power during the war and during the dark summer of 1368.

He did nothing to protect mojahedin and todeh and he did nothing to end the war when it could be ended.

So he is no angle for sure.

He uses youth who don’t really know about his back ground and he is using all those lovely and sweet words.

We cant fix the economic and jobs if we don’t pay our tax, and start working for a change .

I bet 90% of his supporters never hold a job.

Election is a good start, but we need to follow up.


I don't get it!

by I wonder (not verified) on

I am not going to vote since I don't believe in the system altogether but I don't understand why those who have decided not to vote are chiding those who are voting.

I don't expect anything from the "REAL" opposition inside because they are afraid for their lives and wouldn't dare say anything against the regime, but the so called "REAL" opposition (not the ones who are pro-IRI and call themselves "Opposition")have not done jack shit for the last 30 years, in spite of living in the free world and having access to everything!

Have you offered a real tangible alternative to this regime to those who want to see the regime GONE but have decided to go and vote any way and participate in that IRI government controlled sham of an election? Have you? what are you complaining about? What do you expect of them? Have you offered them a way out? Suppose thye all pour out in millions and send the regime to the dustbin of history, who will take over Iran? who will replace them?

MKO people want their leaders and refuse others, Monarchists want their leaders and refuse others, Republicans want their leaders and refuse others,
Communists, Socialists want their leaders and refuse others, So what do you get? complete chaos and quite possibly a CIVIL war!

Darius Kadivar

FYI/Reza Pahlavi interviewed by shahram homayoon: Elections

by Darius Kadivar on

mosaahbeh shahzadeh reza pahlavi ba shahram homayoon ra ghosh konid

Interview of reza pahlavi by shahram homayoon june 11 2009

Download here

Recommended Reading:

REZA's CALL: An Iranian Solidarnosc... By DK


A joke!

by Sassan (not verified) on

These "elections" are a joke and everybody knows it! This is pure theatre, like a rigged boxing match where the gangsters have already picked the winner -- a winner who will try his best to help the survival of the Islamic fascist dictatorship!

These people who show up to these staged rallies are either as ignorant as a bag of dirt or are in the payroll of the mullah regime, or because of the disasterous economy, they're merely showing up to collect their $5 bucks and have a free lunch.

Death to the Islamic Dictatorship!


They are all same

by tehran (not verified) on

All these candidates are the same at the end. Iran is not a democracy it's an islamic theocracy, and until people can really vote freely for whom ever they want( not just 4 people elected by the regime)we all have to fight against this dictatorship.


To Voters

by Shirin banoo (not verified) on

شبی که چشم هر عاقل سَند بود یکی قانون جنگل را بلد بود
خرد این سو، ادب آنسوی دیگر خری جو خورده در حال لگد بود

سازمان جهانی بهداشت اعلام کرد: آمار دقیق ایرانیان مبتلا به آنفولانزای خری پس از شمارش آرای احمدی نژاد اعلام خواهد شد


To Voters: You must be

by Anonymous2322 (not verified) on

To Voters: You must be smoking the same thing that every other right-winger in the world is smoking. Acting tough and violent doesn't gain you any respect in the world. If anything, Iran had much more respect, sympathy, and acceptance from the world(especially Western Europe) during the Khatami era where we had a more civilized government. Like Mousavi says, Ahmadinejad has further destroyed Iran's reputation around the world and united the world against Iran's nuclear energy program. Standing up for our country's right to nuclear energy is a must, but the way Ahmadinejad has been doing it is just idiotic and looking for trouble. Anyone with half a brain will vote this nut job out of office.

Ali P.

To: Voters

by Ali P. on

Good comment!


Musavi? Not

by Voters (not verified) on

Ahmadinejad is clearly smarter and more articulate that musavi, not to forget he has far more charisma. Musavi is the prefered man for the western world as they'll man handle him and make Iran insignificant as they did during the Khatami/Musavi era before Ahmadinejad.


ain't it cool!

by Anonymous and proud (not verified) on

ain't it cool!

Big Boy


by Big Boy on

Iranians taking back their country!!!!!