Crash victims speak

Second plane crash in a week leaves 16 killed

AP: Thirteen of the 16 people killed in a plane crash in northeastern Iran were members of the crew, most of them from Kazakhstan, state television reported Saturday. The Russian-made plane, operated by Tehran-based Aria Airlines and carrying 153 passengers and crew, skidded off the runway and hit a wall Friday while landing in the northeastern city of Mashhad. Earlier, officials said 17 were killed. Iran's civil aviation spokesman, Reza Jafarzadeh, said the plane's high speed while landing was a key cause of the crash, according to the TV report. Iran's official news agency said Friday that the tires of the Ilyushin-62 plane failed on landing. The crash came just over a week after another Iranian passenger plane nose-dived into the ground shortly after takeoff, killing all 168 people aboard >>>


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this is horrible

by tehrooni on

i watch this last night and couldnt get it out of my mind. I feel really bad especially for daugther she seem to be in extremly serious condition. May god help this family.

Maryam Hojjat

No Maintenace or Bad Management!

by Maryam Hojjat on

not only in aviation but in all industries in the country. There is no accountability in any industries as long as a bunch of unskilled religious people running the system.

Down with IRI & His supporters


Watching this video was

by Shirin Saeidi on

Watching this video was absolutely heartbreaking.  May God help them get through this terrible accident. 



by cyclicforward on

From what she is saying it is obvious that this plane had no chutes so the passengers could escape to safety and they had to jump off the plane. This tells you a lot about the aviation safety and control in today's Iran. There is absolutely no accountability in Iran local aviation.


This is so amazing. Am i

by KouroshS on

This is so amazing. Am i missing something here or having a flight attendent telling to jump off the wing, aafter she has done so herself, sounds kind of odd? Come to think of it, it does not even matter who jumped first, the fact is that most of these injuries were caused while the plane was on the move...

Organic NUTritionist

very sad :(

by Organic NUTritionist on

i hope all survivors fully recuperate...


Bravo! Trying to

by Anonymouse on

Bravo! Trying to speakup at any chance.  Like "what difference does it make what I say or what happened? Did they make any changes when the other plane crashed couple weeks ago?" There is so much shortcomings yet the regime just ignores.

I remember when I was there they had several reports and interviews on TV about the so-called civilian airplanes which they had built or building themselves.  Next thing they'll talk about "exporting" them before they are even "used" in Iran! Mother******s are good about boasting but shy, rather porroo (shamless) about addressing the real issues.  

Everything is sacred.