شیرین عبادی و حمایت از ظالم

عبادی نمی‌فهمد که اهمیت غنی ‌سازی برای ایران درست به اندازه‌ی اهمیت تامین آب و تلفن و نان شب مردم است


شیرین عبادی و حمایت از ظالم
by hoder

ظاهر حرف‌های اخیر شیرین عبادی (که انگار در لندن و واشنگتن بیشتر طرفدار پیدا کرده تا در همان تهران) درباره‌‌ی صلح‌دوستی خیلی قشنگ است، ولی عمیق‌تر که به آن نگاه می‌کنم چند پیش فرض مشکل‌دار و چند سفسطه در آن می‌بینم:

اولین مشکل استدلال عبادی آن است که در خدمت قدرت است، نه در خدمت قربانی. یعنی درست به همان روشی که مردسالاران وقتی مثلا زنی مورد تجاوز قرار می‌گیرد بجای ملامت مرد متجاوز، زن قربانی را سرزنش می‌کنند که چرا مثلا با زن بودنش (که طبیعتا حق اوست)‌ باعث تحریک مرد متجاوز شده است، عبادی هم ایران را سرزنش می‌کند که چرا با استفاده از حق‌اش بر اساس قوانین جهانی آمریکا را به تجاوز تحریک می‌کند.

دوم اینکه خانم عبادی پیش فرض می‌گیرد که مشکل آمریکا با ایران غنی‌سازی است. در صورتی که تاریخ نشان می‌دهد که مشکل آمریکا با ایران در واقع از اول انقلاب شروع شده و اصل آن هم دو چیز است: اولی اینکه ایران تنها کشوری در این منطقه‌ی مهم از دنیا است که تصمیماتش را بر اساس منافع خودش می‌گیرد، نه مثل بقیه‌ی کشورهای دنیا بر اساس منافع آمریکا. ایران تنها کشوری است در خاورمیانه که حاکمانش خود را به آمریکا بدهکار نمی‌دانند و مساله‌‌ی استقلال (که اولین کلمه در شعار اصلی انقلاب یعنی «استقلال، آزادی، جمهوری اسلامی» هم هست) از بزرگترین انگیزه‌ی مردم برای سرنگون کردن شاه بوده است. دوم اینکه جمهوری اسلامی مدل بسیار وسوسه‌انگیزی برای مردم کشورهای مسلمان منطقه است و شاهان و حاکمان مستبد آن را به شدت نگران کرده است.

مشکل آمریکا انقلاب ایران و در پی آن موجودیت و ثبات جمهوری اسلامی است و هدفش سرنگونی این حکومت و به شکست کشاندن این انقلاب است. ولی اهرم‌هایش برای فشار و رواج بی ثباتی تفاوت می‌کند. یک مدت که جنگ و صدام حسین بود، بعد تبدیل شد به تروریسم و حقوق بشر و حالا هم ماجرای اتمی. شکی نیست که اگر به فرض ایران از غنی سازی کوتاه بیاید آمریکا به اهرم‌های دیگرش یعنی گفتمان‌های تروریسم و حقوق بشر رو می‌آورد و تا روزی که جمهوری اسلامی نابود نشده یا از معنی تهی نشود، آرام نمی‌شود.

عبادی نمی‌تواند تضمینی بدهد که اگر ایران از غنی سازی دست بکشد موضع آمریکا در برابر ایران تغییری خواهد کرد. آمریکا از سالها قبل از اینکه اصلا مساله‌ی اتمی مطرح شود در فکر سرنگون کردن حکومت ایران از راه نظامی یا غیر نظامی بوده است و پس از حل این مساله هم خواهد بود. تجربه‌ی عراق هم نشان می‌دهد که برای آمریکا مهم نیست که مثلا بمب اتمی داری یا نداری، حتی اگر هم نداشته باشی به دروغ همه جا جار می‌زند که داری و در نهایت کار خودش را می‌کند، همان‌طور که با عراق کرد.

سوم اینکه عبادی جوری حرف می‌زند که انگار آمریکا همین فرداست که به ایران حمله کند. در صورتی که تقریبا همه‌ی کارشناسان امنیتی و نظامی می‌دانند که آمریکا حداقل تا زمانی که بوش بر سر کار است امکان ندارد کوچک‌ترین تعرض نظامی به ایران بکند. بنابراین از نظر زمانی هیچ منطقی برای گفتن این حرف در این شرایط وجود ندارد، مگر این منطق که این آرزوی آمریکا و انگلیس و فرانسه است تا با پراکندن این استدلال‌ها در داخل ایران و بین مردم شکاف بیندازند و اتحاد موجود بر سر برنامه‌ی اتمی را بشکنند.

چهارم اینکه عبادی نمی‌فهمد که که انرژی اتمی نه تنها حق ایران است بلکه روز به روز بیشتر نیازی حیاتی تبدیل می‌شود. تحقیقات خود آمریکایی‌ها نشان می‌دهد که درآمد نقتی ایران تا سال ۲۰۱۵ به صفر خواهد رسید، اگر ایران نفتش را با همین روند رشد فعلی در داخل مصرف کند. بسیاری از کشورها با گران شدن قیمت نفت و بالا رفتن مصرف بطور جدی به فکر تولید انرژی اتمی افتاده‌اند و این واقعیتی انکار ناپذیر است. عبادی نمی‌فهمد که اهمیت غنی ‌سازی برای ایران درست به اندازه‌ی اهمیت تامین آب و تلفن و نان شب مردم است و اگر ایران از تلاش برای تامین انرژی اتمی دست بکشد تا پنج، شش سال دیگر از نظر اقتصادی ورشکست خواهد شد.

خلاصه اینکه استدلال عبادی را دقیقا می‌توان درباره‌ی ماجرای ملی شدن صنعت نفت در دهه‌ی ۱۳۳۰ استفاده کرد و اصل حق ایران را برای استفاده‌ی عادلانه از درآمد نفتش زیر سوال برد. درست است که احمدی‌نژاد هیچ شباهتی به مصدق ندارد، ولی پروژه‌ی غنی سازی و پروژه‌ی ملی کردن نفت و واکنش ابرقدرت‌های وقت به آن بسیار بسیار شبیه است. با این حساب فکر می‌کنم اگر خانم عبادی زمان مصدق زنده بود حتما طرف انگلیسی‌ها را می‌گرفت، نه مصدق را.


more from hoder

Aabe shoorist, bedaheed beravad

by Javid (not verified) on

Listening to, and reading the statements of some of the Iranian so-called “intellectuals” who are so eager to capitulate their national rights and surrender the nation’s long-term interest in favor of a short-term peace and tranquility reminds me of another period of our history.

During the reign of Fat’h-Ali Shah Qajar, after he lost most of Iran’s northern territories to the Tsarist Russia, Russians demanded that Iran forfeit the right of its ships navigating all of the Caspian Sea and her coasts. Then, much like now, Iranians debated the merits of such one-sided and onerous demand on their country. But, at the end, the inept and corrupt king under the treat of further war and humiliation declared that “Aabe shoorist, bedaheed beravad”.

Now, 180 years after that infamy, another generation of Iranians has to despair over that loss and long for the right that is given to every nation for full use of her coastal waters. At least, Fat’h-Ali Shah, gave up that right after fighting and losing the war. Our modern patriots are willing to bend over and give up their national rights only because of Bush’s verbal treats and saber rattling. What courage and wisdom! Sad rahmat be Fat’h-Ali Shah!

Indeed history repeats itself; once again, we are going down the path to surrender our national rights. And after a 100 years, when the oil is all depleted and oil fields are abandoned, a new generation of Iranians would despair and long for the right that is given to all countries to utilize their natural resources and produce nuclear energy inside their borders.


RE: Opposition

by Ahmad Bahai (not verified) on

Lets not forget that this same opposition (e.g., MKO) during the Iran-Iraq war called Saddam the murderer "Pedar Saddam" (Father Saddam). With their proven lack of skill and insight/vision, and proven loyalty to Iran's enemies, can you imagine if they were in power over the last 30 what we would have as a country? Obviously, we iranians deserve better than Mollahs, but unfortunately, there is no opposition that can fill that gap.


Interest of our nation is Iran and Iranians

by (0^0) (not verified) on

Listen sorry soul. This is what Ebadi said: "It would be worse than unwise to insist so hard on one right so that we lose all other rights in one go."


RE: IR does not have interest of Iranian nation.

by Anonym789 (not verified) on

Mr. Genius Can you illuminate us and tell us who has the interest of Iranian nation? MKO? W? RezaII?



by babak123 (not verified) on

i think nuclear issue is one of the reason that the whole iranian opposition lost credibilty. about 80% of iranain in iran support nuclear energy and lots of them sopport nuclear weapon. a lot of peaple in here have not been in iran for the last 20 years. they accept the poll on cnn. i think opposition made a mistake by jumping on bush train before thinking. i think bush,s mistake in iraq has compeletly destroyed their credibilty with iranian people. mko, reza and democrat by supporting sanction against iran for nuclear dossier mad a big mistake same as siding with saddam during ira-iraq war.


RE: to the Ledeen hater

by anonym987 (not verified) on

AT "But will you not admit that the IRI’s agenda in the region, support for Hezbollah and its anti-Israel stance has contributed to the American animosity?"

No AT I don't agree with you. IRI has been trying to compromise, not once but many times. Among others Trita Parsi is one of those how has written many artcles about this.
One of the reasons that IRI has failed is because extremist supporters of Israel (not the moderate ones such as George Soros) want Iran destroyed. Even the 22 year CIA veteran Michael Scheuer has explicitly objected to the control of US foreign policy by groups such as AIPAC.
My point here is not whether AIPAC influence is wrong or right, my point is that IRI has been trying to compromise but AIPAC does not want anything less than confrontation. Regardless of IRI internal policies and mistakes that is a fact.
See //www.nybooks.com/articles/20030 by Geoge Sosros, he is Jewish and not an IRI supporter.

No Comment

just be quiet for once

by No Comment on

Hossien, you are the biggest idiot i know. there is no reason behind your arguments just a need to attract attention


Islamic Reublic does not have interest of Iranian nation.

by (:-)) (not verified) on

Nonsense. Islamic Republic does not have interest of Iranian nation. We as a nation believe this is an illegitimate government.

Iranians can not be Iranian in their own country. Iranians can tolerate Islam but Islam can not tolerate Iranians. Our Iranian culture and our Iranian existence are in danger of genocide.

Stop spreading non-sense


You had forgotten a point...

by meganima on

It is true that Iran's oil producing process's efficiency is decreasing
rapidly because of all United States sanction since 1981. The questions
remained to be answered are: Is it not really reasonable for a country
like Iran to think about substituting new energy with oil with a future
view of possible energy crisis? Is it not better to for Iran to
cooperate with USA and effectivize its oil producing power plants
rather than bullying USA against its either peaceful or not peaceful
nuclear program?

According to the following Analysis, Iran's oil
revenue will reach to $0 in 10 years. Iran's sick economy is
dramatically dependent to oil's revenue and this dependence increase
every year. Fortunately the oil price is rising enough to cover the
economic weakness factors in the country's economy system, but will it
continue forever? Anyways, if Iran's profit reaches to $0 one day,
there would be no point to produce oil any more. Is USA trying to
divert the world's consensus to Iran's nuclear program because he is
aware of this future or he believes Iran is trying to make nuclear

Finally, to hoder, Even if we accept that the analysis you have referred to is true, according to that, Iran's oil revenue will diminish in 10 years but the domestic share of oil providing the cuontry's industries with energy, will not be $0!



by BANDEH (not verified) on



to the Ledeen hater

by Anonymous-today (not verified) on

No one is naive here. The position of likes of Ledeen is clear. Of course the question is how to live with a superpower bent on controlling the world. The late Pierre Trudeau, Canada’s Prime Minister, once described co-existence with the US as sleeping next to an elephant. Like it or not, you have to live with this elephant. Making heroic speeches on behalf of the downtrodden while sitting in comfort of North America and Europe doesn’t mean much while inflation, unemployment, exploding population and a host of social problems is ravaging Iran. But will you not admit that the IRI’s agenda in the region, support for Hezbollah and its anti-Israel stance has contributed to the American animosity? One may agree or disagree with these policies but you can’t deny that they affect American approach to Iran, regardless of what Ledeen and company want to accomplish. American foreign policy is not monolithic. But instead of taking advantage of potential splits, say between Democrats and Republicans, Ahmadinejad and his clique deliberately provoke. Just as Bush and company thrive on fear and conflict, the likes of Ahmadinejad also thrive on conflict. And that’s why you can’t trust Iran’s national interests to fundamentalist revolutionaries like Ahamdinejad.


Ebadi is the Instrument of Iran’s Enemies

by Anonymous280 (not verified) on

I am grateful to Mr. Darakhshan for this article. However, I believe that Ms. Ebadi is not smart enough to understand the significance of her actions. As the article says, Ms. Ebadi is not able understand that enemy’s problem with Iran has nothing to do with nuclear issue. It is possible that Ms. Ebadi is too consumed in her own shelf-admiration to be able to evaluate her own action. Now it is abundantly clear that she was awarded a Noble Prize to do precisely do what she is doing: to be an instrument of Iranian enemies.


che khoshtippi!

by sarekar (not verified) on

bedoone ammame.


RE: To Be_Fair

by Anonym978 (not verified) on

AT: I agree that one should not make enemies unnecessarily, but are you so naive not to know that guys like Michael Ledeen (//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Ledeen) have been advocating "the new Middle East" ideas long before Ahmadinejad came to power and MKO exposed Iranian nuclear plans. Direct quot: "Although Ledeen was in favor of regime change in Iraq, he believed that Iran should have been the first priority. Ledeen's phrase, 'faster, please' has become a signature meme in Ledeen's writings and is often referenced by neoconservative writers advocating a more forceful and broader 'war on terror'."
AS for the Europeans, we saw in the case of Iraq that the British Blair actually worked closely with Bush to cook up the case for war.


Blah: throwing up

by EDS (not verified) on

The very first sentence of this article is about how little Shirin Ebadi understands; and it is on a silly assertion too. Hoder you constantly attack the character of other rather than an aspect of what they write.

This may help serve your own ego but it makes your articles a bore and pain to read. And slowly but surely others will come to the same conclusion. It takes time but it sure will happen.


To Anonymous_Today

by Anonymous_Tonight (not verified) on

Chill out bro! You are on the money!
Couldn't have said it better myself.
So gladly you are not "shahi". I am smarter than what you think too ;-)

you have are on right side. your criticism of Ahmadnejad is correct.
I love my fellow Iranians who are patriot and smart!!

Thank you...


To: Be-fair

by Ardeshir Keyvan (not verified) on

No country specially USA don't say Iran is not entitled to nuclear energy. They say Iran mustn't enrich uranium that could lead them making atomic bomb.
So your question is paradoxical.
i consider myself a patroitic Iranian and that's exactly why I don't want to see Mullahs in Iran armed with atomic bomb because in that case the best scenery I can see for my country is another North Korea.
Please don't say they are not going to make a bomb because I've heard from "Peshgelinejad' that he was saying soon we will join to the 8 atomic countries.
I remind you the countries which have nuclear energy are much more than eight and even the countries which are enriching Uranium are more than that, eight is just the countries which they have atomic bomb.
I want to make short the long story otherwise evidence of the mullahs struggle
for making bomb is a lot.
Believe me Atomic bomb doesn't bring power for us but a good regime and a good infrastructure can do it. Compare Germany or Japan to North Korea, Pakistan and even India.
Wake up buddy, regardless of our political preferences we are Iranian.



by rahaii (not verified) on

some of these idiots live in the past. They haven't realized that many of us Iranians, Muslim and non-Muslim, don't want to see our country destroyed by US because IRI does not welcome Bushe's nightmare for the region. THANKS Hossein, keep up the good work!


To Be_Fair

by Anonymous-today (not verified) on

How the hell do you assume anybody that criticizes Derakhshan is a "Shahi"? Can we then assume you are a Hezbollahi? Come out and tell us, dude? Are you a Hezbollahi? By the way, is there anything in Ebadi's statement that says Iran should give up its right to develop nuclear technology? She only says that Iran should work with the UN and respect the international law. Sure, international law is compromised and the deck may be stacked but we all know why the so-called West gets antsy about Iran's plans. Ahmadinejad's moronic statements for foreign consumptions about Isreal and so on. Why give the US the public relation amunition? Why antagonize Europe? why play this stupid martyrdom game? Why is that in the national interest of Iran, Mr. Patriot? I'm all for solidatiry for Palestinian cause but why is antagonizing Isreal in the interest of Iran? if patriotism is what you're selling.


Did you fall on your head?

by Ali (not verified) on

Man nemidunam in arajif az kojast???Shoma ke injuri nabudi?Aslan chi shod ke yeho tahlil gare masaele siasi shodi?Khanoome ebadi nemifamad va to mifahmi bache!!!in che tarze harf zadane!!??biroone gowd neshasti, harfe moftam mizanai!jamesh kon yare...



by Be_fair (not verified) on

Why are you guys ganging up on this fellow?
Most if not all his premises makes sense.

Even If you are a "shahi" you must admit we are behind 30 years in utilizing Nuclear energy. After all he started this 30 years ago.

Don't be a coward and attack the messanger.
Tell us like a man:
Are you for Iran's right to Nuclear enery or not?


You are Clueless

by anonymous-13247890 (not verified) on

Every time I see your articles, I get disgusted. I just hope you pack up and go home.


Hossain: Thanks for voicing the concern that most Iranians have

by Ahmad Bahai (not verified) on

Hossain Agha,

We have read Ebadi's statements on BBC.com and other media. It is sad that Shirin Ebadi who is suppose to be an elite of the country does not understand the value and contribution of nuke power for Iran. On the other hand, she can claim that she got her "nobel prize" for "peace", NOT in "economy", and "efficiency", and other aspects of life for Iranians. So, she can be excused of making a stupid comment.



Iraqi lesson

by anonym987 (not verified) on

As widely publicised in US media during Valerie Palme's case, Niger-Iraq nuclear story, and a number of other scandals (many of which were exposed by Seymour Hersh), Bush-necons, and AIPAC allliance started the war based on plans that were in place as early as late 90s.
WMDs etc were just excuses, the objective was and has been to create a new Middle East as Bush says it explicitly.
In fact among the necons, Michael Ledeen, was trying to convince Bush et all to first attack Iran in 2003 and he is still upset that they didn't follow his advise(//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Ledeen). The issue as always has been the control of the region and it really has nothing to do with Iran's nuclear's ambitions. As Greenspan explicitly said Iraq war was for oil. US will attack Iran if Iran shows any weakness, pleasing US will just encourage Bush neocons to push their plan earlier.


What is this shit????!!!

by fozool (not verified) on

i used to read your stuff years before, i am realy shocked about this shit you have written. don't you know what you are talking about?! i never believed that you are a JASOOS but after reading this crap i am pretty sure you are an agent!



by masoudA on

Shame on you (the author) and Shirin Ebadi both.   You both have one thing in common - you can strive only in mediocracy and havoc created by the mullahs.   Enjoy your times because soon after Iran is taken back by Iranians, people like you will have to go back to your old jobs of selling gerdoo or watching cars on roadsides.     



RE: A real stooge

by Anony1 (not verified) on

Iranians would have been suffering much more deeply if IRI had allowed Bush-Cheney do what they have been doing to Iraqis. Are you watching the news?
There is no comparison between the suffering of the Iraqis and the problems that Iranians are facing.


I have just listened to Ms.

by Anonymous-today (not verified) on

I have just listened to Ms. Ebadi’s brief telephone interview. There is nothing in her statement that hints at complicity with the US position on Iran. In fact she ends her interview with a defiant statement of loyalty to Iran and against any possible military attack by the US. Her point is however clear: Iranian people are sick and tired of war and conflict and if achieving this goal means compromise then they should be willing to do so rather than the empty rhetoric of Ahmidinejad and his gang. The narrowly elected president of a highly compromised election has as much right to take Iran into a devastating confrontation with the US as the narrowly elected president of the United States has the right to involve his country in foreign adventures. Just as the war with Iraq was prolonged because of Khomeini’s insane ambitions at a devastating cost to Iran, this incompetent gang’s desire to re-ignite their tired revolution’s fire may inflict great damage to this traumatized country. There is no doubt that the stewards of US foreign policy seek confrontation with Iran but to give free hand to Ahamdinejad and his incompetent gang and allow them to speak for Iran in the name of tired old anti-Imperialism is unforgivable. Derekhshan is guilty of doing this over and over again, as is his gross misrepresentation of Ms. Ebadi’s words. I wonder what interview he listened to. Not the one whose link he has provided in his piece. And by the way, Ms. Ebadi has as much right to sound off on this issue as Derakhshan and any other Iranian. Besides, she lives and works in Iran which is more than we can say about Derakhshan.


To yeknafar

by Aredeshir Keyvan (not verified) on


If Derakhshan or any regime supporters go to Iran and live there I would say you know what, I respect their opinion however they don't respect any opinion at all. I can't stand people who are living out of Iran because of the shitty situation in Iran and support the regime.
If it gives you some relief you can suppose I like Gorge Bush.



A real stooge

by Noori (not verified) on

The author is a real stooge of the criminal IRI. Such articles in the current condtions when people are deeply suffering from Mullahs is a pure procoaction. He is even more traitor than Ayatollah Ebadi!Shame on all supporters of this anti Iranian regime.