A View from Iran

Why they think the US hasn't attached yet?

I'd like to share with a piece we recently produced here in light of the US elections that sheds some light on how Iranians perceives the state of affairs living in Iran and it's current politic position in relationship to the US.

When America invaded Iraq in 2003, residents of border countries like Iran wondered what would happen to them if the US ever invaded. Some attribute the growing nuclear threat from Iran as a response to fears of a US lead invasion. In response to Iran's uranium enrichment program, the UN has imposed various economic sanctions. What does this all mean for residents living under these tense conditions? Golboo Fiuzi, a young resident of Tehran, Iran, sounds off about her experiences living in constant fear, and what life is like now. She also talks to fellow Iranian citizens about why they think the US hasn't attached yet, their political views, opinions about globalization and their lives under UN imposed sanctions. Collective Journalism, Current's citizen journalism program, works by combining perspectives from contributors like you around the world. All month until Election Day, CJ will be airing special www.current.com



This is for those IRI

by Anonymous500 (not verified) on

This is for those IRI apologists who make these type of propaganda films hoping that the world will be hoodwinked that these criminal mullahs are not all that bad!!

یكى از مقامهاى رژیم آخوندى به اعدام 33هزار و 700نفر در جریان قتل عام سال1367 اعتراف كرد
12:52:45 PM 1387/7/30
كشف گور هاي جمعي

معاون تحقیق و بررسی وزارت اطلاعات آخوندها در دوران آخوند فلاحیان در یك نوار ویدئویی كه اخیرا منتشر شده برای اولین بار در یك اعتراف تكان دهنده اعلام كرد رژیم آخوندی در جریان قتل عام زندانیان سیاسی در سال 1367، 33 هزار و 700نفر را اعدام كرده است. اعدام شدگان در گورهای جمعی دفن شدند وی كه رضا ملك نام دارد و از همكاران سعید امامی بوده، پس از مرگ سعید امامی در جریان افشای قتلهای زنجیرهیی و درگیریهای باندی برسر آن، دستگیر شده و در بند 209وزارت اطلاعات نگهداری می شده است.

رضا ملك پس از هفت سال در سلولهای انفرادی وزارت اطلاعات در یك نوار ویدئویی خطاب به دبیركل ملل متحد به اعترافات تكان دهندهیی از جنایاتی كه توسط وزارت آدمكشان صورت می گیرد، اذعان كرده است.
به اعتراف معاون سابق اطلاعات آخوندها، 170تا190گور جمعی در نقاط مختلف وجود دارد. تنها در تهران بیش از 100زندان و شكنجه گاه مخفی مربوط به وزارت اطلاعات دایر شده است.
به بخشهایی از این اعترافات توجه كنید:

عالیجناب 209 با بیش از یكصد سلول مدتی است وسعت پیدا كرده، تعدادی سلول جدید و بیغوله ساخته اند، دو اتاق ساختند و تعدادی از سلولهای قدیم را دو تا یكی كردند. اتاقهای شكنجه و آگوستیك حتی درهایش ایزوله است، مگر سیاهچالی وحشتناك زیر ساختمان كه در و دیوارش آگوستیك است، صدا بیرون نیاید و این تازه یك نمونه كوچكی در اوین است. ساواما بیش از یكصد زندان مخفی و اقماری در تهران دارد. آری عالیجناب این سیاهچالها را در كل كشور هم‌چون سلاخ خانههای سنتی اداره می كنند. و تعداد سلولهایشان در كل كشور
عالیجناب اگر شما به دنبال نسل كشی و جنایتكاران می گردید، در ایران بیش از 170تا 190 شاید هم بیشتر گور دستجمعی وجود دارد. عالیجناب در واقع از یك كامیون كوچك تا سه چهار كانتینر حتی در صد بسیار زیادی از گورهای از گورهای از جنازه است. اونها را خالی و تهی از جنازه است. آنها را خالی از جنازه تحویل خانوادهها داده اند. توضیح بیشتر بدهم، عالیجناب در بعضی از آن لباس را زیر مقداری بتون آماده مدفون كردند و سنگ روی آن گذاردند كه خانواده حتی نتواند نبش قبر كند. اجساد این گروهها عمومی به طور دستجمعی در عمق زمین مفقود گشتند. جوانان و نوجوانانی كه از یازده و دوازده ساله به بالا البته زنان باردار نیز شامل می شود. عالیجناب این جنایتها به دست همین انسان نماها كه شعار دروغین اسلام و انقلاب و صدور آن به دنیا را می دهند انجام می پذیرد، بله به دست همین آخوندهای فریب كار و مستبد صورت می گیرد.

عالیجناب جنایت این رژیم به حدی است كه در طی چند شب در سال 67 بیش از 33هزار و 700نفر زندانیان دارای حكم پنج سال دو سال، یك سال حكم داشتند، اعدام و در گورهای دستجمعی توسط كانتینرها و بلدوزرها به خاك سپرده شدند. و در مقابل این رژیم سفاك و ملایان فریبكار و جنایت پیشه بسیار مظلومانه به خاك سپرده شدند. این است ثمره حكومت ولایت مطلقه فقیه همه چیز انسان را به كام مرگ و آتش كشیده است.

I guess this "proud" young generation has not learned about this face of Mullah-JAANI-terrists in Iran.

Darius Kadivar

IRI Apologists Look into the Mirror ... ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on


Esha Momeni Equality activist arrested


Darius Kadivar

Subtle Propaganda by the Regime itself ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Its simply sums up to the known motto in leadership :


This style of interview is as Old as the profession itself. Out of context everything these people say are true and noble. You gather views that are politically correct and that you cannot refute any of their arguments because there is no room for debate. Besides the people themselves are sincere. What it fails to say is why we are having this discussion in the first place. Who started the War of Words in the begining if not the current president with his controversial comments on the Holocaust and Wiping Israel from the surface of the earth ? Now if I say this, I am sure that I will be immediately brandished as Pro Israelian Right ?

Where is the Debate then and the confrontation of ideas ?

The irony is much in the fact that the regime simply uses our feelings, fear and emotions rather than reason to claim that their stand in foreign policy is just as opposed to the "Corrupt and Imperialistic West and America." who wants to bomb us. They used the same during the Revolution to spread their unproven accusations. Fear of inside or outside enemies is what this regime has been thriving on and these young men and women's feelings are simply being manipulated to a precise purpose and we all know what that is: IRI's SURVIVAL 

I'd Like to know what Golshifteh Farahani thinks of all this ? ;0)


All this is just Spooky Talk to convince the mass who just gets one side of the picture and discouraged to question their own media. 

Spooky Isn't It ? LOL 



PS: I suppose you meant "Attacked" and not "Attached"




A great push for those with low self esteem

by Amused (not verified) on

Thanks! it was fun to watch these poor kids. It made me feel much better about my own life (which seemed miserable before)!
Please keep posting more of these videos so we can really and truly and deeply appreciate our lovely peace and quietness!


state of fear

by Anonymous675 (not verified) on

"people are living their everyday life with no fear or insecurity" MY ASSS, yea they might not be scared to be attacked by the US. but i was in iran this summer and during the whole 39 days i was in a state of fear, fear of gashte "ershad", fear of what to say in front of whom, fear of my family business going bankrupt for the new sanctions. please this is bullshit, so idealistic. its not even worth my time to critisize


off course

by kurdish Warrior (not verified) on

these people won't critisize the government, unless they have dead wish. These interviews that only takes place in Tehran under the Mullahs watch dog will give us nothing but empty words. What a waste of time...As concerned Iranian puts it..If they blur their faces and add sound effect to their voices then we will def see another POV.


Nothing is worse than the

by Arion Barzan (not verified) on

Nothing is worse than the confinement of a water tank when the fish sees the world only to the extent of these walls - the opinions in these interviews.

Break the walls of water tank then the world becomes full of dreams and possibilities - making the blinds see the light.


Well done

by Anonymous123 (not verified) on

i really enjoyed this. thank you for sharing.


These interviews are useless!

by Concerned Iranian (not verified) on

Why do would anyone bother asking people in a dictatorship to see if they would crisitize their government. Of course they are not going to when their faces are showing. They will be exposed and arrested. So, as you can see, they all speak in an esoteric code manner. They can't (and they should not unless they are nuts) speak their minds in front of a camera. This is similar to the interviews that the western reporters were doing with Iraqi people in 1993 but before the war. No one criticized Saddam because they were all terrfied of him.
It's like interviewing a hostage during captivity and asking him or her to express their feelings. They will of course say that"everythng is great, we are enjoyng our captivity, blah blah, blah." Give me a break!
If you want real answers, don't show their faces and and ask them to speak with muzzeled voice. Then they will tell us how they really think!



by Anonymousiranian (not verified) on

The only people who are brainwashed are you people.

God Bless this young and vibrant generation of IRANIANS.

The lousy expatriots should just keep to their children of "Persia" parades.


> I agree with Jaleho

by Another Lost Irani in 16th Paris (not verified) on

As opposed to iranians living abroad, these kids are proud. They're not ''persians'' or whatsoever, they're not trendy, they're iranians.

Dameshon garm, they give us hope for a better future.


Does it really matter?

by irannostalgia.com on

I really don't see the purpose or usefulness of these interviews.

First of all lets put things in perspective before we start. The iranian government only allows their citizens to have one view, which has to be the same as the one the goverment dictates. People are literally brain washed with the ayatollah dictated views from school books to television to constant visits to the police station, etc. It will take any of these "KIDS" years outside of Iran to put the world and their own life into perspective.

Also regarding globalization, well these iranian kids know relatively little about it.  Iran is not an open country. It has sharia law. Many of these kids haven't visited other countries thanks to the fact that being iranian will make it pretty hard for them to get a visa to go anywhere. Few foreign companies will go to iran to "globalize" since it is not a secure country to invest.

 Therefore, unfortunatelly I don't see these kids as having sufficient perspective of life to be talking about issues like these.

What are you trying to achieve interviewing them?  Are you trying to see how efficient the ayatollahs governments brain washing machine is working?

Do these very young kids really know what the word "fear" means? Is she really in fear or some inocent political presoner held up at the Evin prison?







I love them!!

by Jaleho on

As opposed to many Iranians in the US who are ashamed of being "eastern" or "muslim" who feel base because of unwestern look of Ahmadinejad's hair or his wife's chador or the way he might sit on a sofreh....


Of course all claim a funny pride in "pershia"of 2500 years ago :-)

but hidden in that pride is the deep down shame instilled in them by centureis of western colonialism. They love to remember how they used to be Zartoshti few thousand years ago, and have to announce publically and loudly at the first opportunity that they are "atheists" if they are ....anything but the religion of their parents and grandparents and grandgrand parents who were toff toff non-western Ayrabs!!! God forbid such a low for the white Aryan nation whom some "toadly uneducated Americans" confuse with Ayrabs !!!


But, the young generation in Iran is PROUD of themselves, their achievements. They are unapologetic for who they are, yet they are not arrogant. Real joy to see the young and new generation of self-confident Iranians holding their heads up.


yeah right!!!!

by ali1348 (not verified) on

she's saying people are now living their lives with great peace and security!!! give me a break, like the mullahs/akhoonds are really treating our people with respect!
if there is so much peace and freedom, I dare her to go out into the street and make fun of khamenei or some other dirty akhoond....and see what happens!
either she has a gun pointed at her during the interview, or she is extensively brainwashed.
fact is, in 2003 when iraq and afghanistan had fallen, the mullahs were peeing their abaas! that's why they wrote the letter begging bush not to attack them and that they would do anything in return! too bad bush didn't give them an ultimatum of holding free election within 24 hours, or they would be next!