
Arsalan Kazemi

Plans to be first Iranian to receive U.S. college basketball scholarship

PHILADELPHIA ( One week ago, in an episode of U.S.-Iran relations that did not make anyone's evening news, the 18-year-old captain of the Iranian junior national team took a pass from an American teammate, drove to the basket and dunked with such authority that some Division I coaches in the gym began curiously examining his bio page in the Reebok All-American Camp's handbook. Coaches from Seton Hall and Oklahoma State -- two of the first schools to offer him a scholarship -- looked on as well, perhaps realizing that the secret of Arsalan Kazemi was beginning to get out of the bag. He arrived in Houston in February, and plans to become, in 2009-10, the first Iranian to play college basketball in the U.S.>>>


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Women's college basketball player

by AnnoymousBBallgirl (not verified) on

FYI, He would NOT be the first Iranian college basketball player. Check out the roster on Womens basketball (UOP). There is a girl on the team that is iranian. She is a sophomore point guard on the Women's basketball team!!!


The first?

by ProudToBeAnonymous (not verified) on

I believe in the past, Amir Iliavi (I hope the spelling is correct) also played for a US college (I don't know which one). He used to go back to Iran frequently to play with the National Team. This was over 30 years ago. If anyone else has more info, it would be nice to read it hear.

American Wife

I posted about Kazemi

by American Wife on

a couple of months ago.  Haven't heard anything about him recently though.  Might do a little checking up on it if you don't know the latest.  I hope he gets picked up.  Wouldn't that be cool!

I agree... I don't think the video is about the same guy at all.

behrang barzin

baba this is NOT a video of him

by behrang barzin on

i heard about this guy. we heard about him when we were in utah for irnaian national team. some NBA guys told us they will be going to Iran and want to pick players from Iran's junior national team for colleges here in states, you can check it out here:



this video is from soem kid in Junior high, her ein states, his name happend to be arsalan too, it has nothing to do with Arsalan Kazemi