واکنشهای چپولان ترجمه، مسخ شدگان شارلاتان علی شریعتی و اسلامیستهایی مانند ملی-مذهبی های هاج و واح به جشنهای ۲۵۰۰ ساله شاهنشاهی ایران که از ۲۰ تا ۲۴ مهرماه ۱۳۵۰ در دوران شادروان محمد رضاشاه پهلوی با هزینه ای بالغ بر ۲۲ میلیون دلار سال ۱۳۵۰ ( نزدیک به ٣٠٠ میلون دلار امروز) برگزار شد؛ چیزی جز استهزاء و محکوم کردن مکرر آن که تا زمان انقلاب خوش عاقبت و پس ار آنهم ادامه داشته نبوده.
بحث سود و زیان آن مراسم برای اقتصاد، دیپلماسی عمومی و وجهه بین الملل ایران نمیباشد؛ غرض امر دیگری است.
چند روز پیش؛ از ٥ تا ١۰ شهریور، اجلاس دوره ای کشورهای غیر متعهد در تهران برگزار شد. بنا بر منابع خود نظام نکبت مسلمین "اصلاح طلب" و غیره، هزینه مستقیم و غیر مستقیم برگزاری اجلاس نزدیک به چهار میلیارد دلار برای مردم ایران آب خورده.
با در نظر گرفتن سخنان رئیس جمهور مصر و دبیرکل سازمان ملل در طول اجلاس تهران که چیزی جز سرافکندگی جامع و کامل برای حاکمیت نکبت مسلمین نداشته، سئوال:
آیا سکوت چپولان و اسلامیستها و عدم محکوم کردن مستمر بریز و بپاش چهار میلیاردی توجیه پذیر است؟
سرچشمۀ این یک بام و دو هوایی چپولان و اسلامیستها که بیشر دل در گرو حمله به اسرائیل دارند تا تلاش برای اتمام حاکمیت نکبت مسلمین "اصلاح طلب" و غیرۀ ایرانی کُش و ایران ویران کُن کجاسا؟
پ.ن. حرفهای سوگلی از چشم افتاده در مورد "آبروی ایران" بودن مخارج در اینجا.
Recently by Fred | Comments | Date |
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Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Facts are stubborn things.
by Zendanian on Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:45 AM PDTBrazil specially under Workers' Party (PT) leadership has had great achievements in reducing poverty.
Single-Party Rastakhiz monarchy was not exactly the greatest democracy.
If these shanty towns were so irrelevant, how was it that, in less than five years after 2500 celebrations, they became the center of opposition to monarchy which led to its PERMANENT overthrowing.
You claim that IR just bought the lands for shanty towns and got rid of them. Not true.
How aboout Islam Shahr uprising around Tehran?
How about the uprising of slums in Mash'had in 1992?
All studies of slums and shanty towns under IR point out to their growth, and development of secondary and tertiray slums around large cities.
No only fact are stubborn things, so are slums and shanty towns, not to mention that they could also lead to your overthow.
Just in case you forgot, Brazil has been led by a Socialist, workers' led political party, PT, Workers' Party, Partido dos Trabalhadores
Shanty town obsession!
by MRX on Sun Sep 09, 2012 09:55 AM PDTSo based on your fine analysis Mr zendanian, Brazil should not hoast world cup 2014 and olympics because it has famous shanty towns (favelas) in their major cities!!! what you fail to underestand is major events bring public relation, tourism, money and investments which in a long helps the society and specialy the poor people.
my guess is you have your own economic model that works on hot air.I love to hear how that works?
آفتاب آمد دلیل آفتاب
FredFri Sep 07, 2012 01:32 AM PDT
بجای پاسخگویی به سئوالات، دهان دریدگی و قره قره شعارهای کلیشه ای در باره رزیم سابق که سی و چهار سال است که به تاریخ پیوسته تنها هنر چپولان ترجمه است.
نازنینان؛ این واکنش شما اثبات ادعا مطرح شدۀ این نوشته است.
پا بزنید!
Shanty towns and slums proved to be weak spot & ultimate
by Zendanian on Thu Sep 06, 2012 06:56 PM PDTEnd of monarchy in Iran. In retrorespect wouldn't it have made more sense to spend the monies on people who needed the monies rather than some fat cat "foreign dignitaries."
IR has faced its own revolts of slums and shanty towns: from Islam Shahr in Tehran to half the city of Mash'had getting burned in 1992, to...
In our beloved country somethings just never change, from dictators to all their colorful apologists and defenders.
Looking forward to three paragraph rehabilitation of SAVAK and Rastakhiz in this space!!!
As i recall
by MRX on Thu Sep 06, 2012 06:39 PM PDTthe 2500 year celeberation was and still is the only event in more than 2000 years of history honoring Iran and it's history.(Let's not even talk about it's public relation benefit. countries and companies spend zillion these days tofor public relation)
Now I underestand that some of you would have been much happier instead to have events like tazieh, rozeh, sinah, ghameh zani, ramaly, bozorgdasht lenin, stalin and of course money for those events would have been no object!!! After all nothing is better than enriching the shiekh o omati psychee that has enslaved a nation more than 1400+ years now....
And for the fellow who keeps talking about shanty town. (apparently we are the only country that had shanty town!) you will be happy to know one of the first things this glorious regime did was demolishing the shanty town and selling the land under and pocketing the money! now how stupid the shah was that he did not think of doing that!
Zendanian! What we are witnessing here are….
by P_J on Thu Sep 06, 2012 04:58 PM PDTThe failed remnants of the despicable and despotic tyranny that was Pahlavi regime with its culprits.
Some of these people are blatant paid Israeli/MOSSAD agent(s), worshiping their GOD like idle, degenerates like "BIBI" and cultishly follow his orders, others are paid Pahlavi PIMPS/hustlers that are, have been benefitting from the embezzled Pahlavi loot.
This shameless crowd of Shahollahi/Hezbollah would do anything, go anywhere, commit to any lies, just to cleanse the 37 years of M R Pahlavi’s treason, theft and murder and to rewrite that miserable segment of our history, not realizing that everything is and has been memorialized on papers, tapes, films and by HISTORIANS.
This feeble minded psychopathic mass has even justification for mass murders committed by SAVAK, which I am sure some of these losers are or once were proud members of.
They also do not either have the moral turpitude, knowledge or intellect not to use IDIOTIC parables in comparison; like saying because the IslamoFascist regime has plundered millions, than the Criminal Pahlavi Enterprise was justified in stealing billions.
These IDIOTIC arguments are as affective as Reza Pahlavi’s recent israeli visit, cow towing to the apartheid government of Israel, a pariah nation.
Every penny spent on 2500 year Shahhanshai celebration was wort!
by IRANLOVESISRAEL on Thu Sep 06, 2012 04:33 PM PDTworth it! Thanks to the great Shah of Iran for having this festive event. And more thanks to SAVAK and its personnel for unfolding many ill-intended attempts by the terrorist leftist and MEK to sabotage it!
Three massive Heep Heep Hoorays to this great event!
Shlomo salutes all those who worked hard to bring this event to reality!
To all naysayers on this site
by mahmoudghaffari on Thu Sep 06, 2012 02:12 PM PDTto freddie's blog. the point is not to exonerate the Shah's regime. Although by all acounts his records has been expunged and he has been exonorated. But the point is not to say that what was wrong in that era ws good. What he is saying is that every so called vice, from his 2500 anniversary celebrtaions to his SAVAK (which turns out to be angels in comparison to this regimes) and so on, was the reason for the revolution and what these guys have done is to take the same vices to unimaginable extremes. Extremes not even Hitler could have imagined.
Before long we'll also have Rastakhiz and SAVAK resurrected here
by Zendanian on Thu Sep 06, 2012 01:07 PM PDTWhat our 'dear' writer, with a not so strong memory, can't recall are all those slums and shanty towns growing around Tehran and all other major cities in Iran, while shah was claiming to herald the path to so called great civilization, (and invited teh whole world to watch) all those slume dwellers were asking when could they get electricity and running water. Also recall that in less than six years after those gargantuan "celebration" we had a full scale insurrection aganisnt monrachy in Iran.
Recall that first urban protests against shah started from these shanty towns around tehran.
Then again remembering historical facts are not the monarchist crowd and apologists of SAVAK, Rastakhiz and "2500 yeras celebrations," strongest point. Might as well just keep on justifiying why Iranian people needed a single-party system by Rastakhiz and getting tortured by SAVAK. Good luck!!!
Before long we'll also probably have Rastakhiz and SAVAK resurrected in here. Just can't wait. NOT.
از قلم افتادگان
anglophileThu Sep 06, 2012 09:12 AM PDT
جناب فرد دیدم از لیست "واکنش کنندگان" یک فقره کوچک از قلم افتاده بود گفتم جهت اطلاع آن جناب اضافه کنم: مصدق اللهیون همیش حاضر در صحنه،
by Fred on Thu Sep 06, 2012 08:56 AM PDTدر پی نوشت همین بلاگ؛ با عرض سپاس ذکر شده بود که ایده مقایسه دو رویداد زمان شاه و وحوش از یکی از کامنت های شما گرفته شده بود، از قرار در کپی و الصاق به صفحه پریده و متوجه آن هم نشدم.
Non-Aligned and Much-Maligned Meeting!
by Faramarz on Thu Sep 06, 2012 08:29 AM PDTAt least under the late Shah, Tehran was not locked down and you could drive around and see the street lights.
hah hah
by Fesenjoon2 on Thu Sep 06, 2012 08:23 AM PDTتازه این دفعه اولشون هم نیست که میلیارد میلیارد ولخرجی میکنند تا رای چندتا پاپتی گرسنه افریقایی را در شورای امنیت و مجمع عمومی بخرند.
it all reeks with hypocricy