چپولان مصدق دوست


by Fred

بخشی از سخنرانی خمینی در چهارم آبان ۱۳۴۳ در قم:

"آمریکا از انگلیس بدتر، انگلیس از آمریکا بدتر، شوری از همه بدتر، همه از هم بدتر، همه از هم پلیدتر. اما امروز سر و کار ما با این خبیث هاست‌."

چند روز پیش حاج آقا اسدالله عسگراولادی مسلمان، ابر بازرگان نظام پربرکت مسلمین گفته:

"وقتی بداخلاقی‌های آمریکا و کشورهای غربی را دیدیم؛ چاره‌ای نداشتیم که کشورهایی را جستجو کنیم که در عرصه بین الملل خوش اخلاق باشند؛ در نتیجه به استقبال لبخند چینی‌ها در مقابل اخم غربی‌ها رفتیم. ناچار هم بودیم چرا که اگر این لبخند را نمی‌گرفتیم و آن اخم ادامه داشت شکست‌مان صد درد صد بود.. بنابراین ما در همان زمان ابتدا لبخند چین و سپس لبخند روسیه را گرفتیم.

بنا بر این باید بگویم که ما ناچار شدیم که به شرقی ها در برابر غربیها امتیاز بدهیم. "

به عبارت دیگر؛ نتیجه انقلاب خوش عاقبت با شعار "نه شرقی نه غربی" و داد و فریاد و اعتراض از جمله ثلاثۀ خبیثۀ اسلامیستها / یهود ستیزان هار، نوچه های شارلاتان علی شریعتی و چپولان به امتیاز دادن و وابستگی به غرب و خصوصاً آمریکا، چیزی جز وابستگی کامل و امتیاز دادن به روسیه (به قول خمینی از همه بدتر) و چین بنجل فروش نبوده.

سکوت گوشخراش ثلاثه، مخصوصاً چپولان ماشاءالله مصدق دوست غرب نشین را هم عشق است.



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Extinct species!

by Arj on

Thank you dear MK for your kind words, and yes indeed; the future belongs to pro-democracy forces in Iran -- whether leftist, centrist or liberal. Monarchists and Pahlavi worshippers in fact are an obstacle towards reaching that goal and they know it well themselves. That is why they still refuse to make peace with other political forces and keep blaming everyone and everything for the downfall of the Pahlavi regime but themselves and the despotic rule of HIM, MRP!


نرخ روضه؟


 والله!! من که فقط آسید علی روضه خوان را میشناسم! که انگاری همه جا حضور دارد!! با ساواک حجت میکند! با مصدق از فاطمه میگوید!!
سر آخوندها را اسرائیل گنده کرده! و شما که در اینجا همدیگر را به طرفداری از آنها متهم میکنید!!
خوب شد من با شما نیستم و متهم به طرفداری از آسید علی نمیشوم!!
عسگر اولادی اهل دماوند است و یک قبرستان بسیار قدیمی اهل دیانت یهود در کوههای مشرف به شهر وجود دارد.

I wear an Omega watch



by Fred on

The point of the blog was, and as proven by the lefties’ irrelevant comments to the content of the blog, that the hate for the defunct Pahlavi regime is what lefties are all about, it is the reason for their being.

Pahlavi regime is GONE, GONE and GONE.

The current regime is thousands of times worse than whatever Pahlavi was. And yet, the lefties are into rehashing their hate for Pahlavi.

Again, Pahlavi is GONE, GONE and GONE.

Ps. lefties are not to be mistaken for the progressive left; lefties are what you see here, if not allied with the current Rapist regime, nothing but mostly geriatric hate spewing machines for what has been and not much time for what is NOW.


Take care,

Masoud Kazemzadeh

Dear P_J

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Mamnoon.  Thank YOU for all your pro-democracy efforts.


Welcome BACK Masoud!

by P_J on

Thank you for your kind comment and informative essay!

People like Nokar and his/her ilk will continue living in their own fantasy world.   Creating an IMAGINARY king, queen and a CLOWN prince, as if nothing had happened 34 years ago; and as if these murdering traitors were NOT kicked out of the country in a most HUMILIATING possible way….and as if it was not true that no country would either want or take this HATED group in, including their masters Britain, USA and their other so called “BEST” friends….and as if they were not marooned and at the mercy of a murdering drug king pin like Noriega of Panama, who was every bit as corrupt as was the Pahlavi clan and most likely, Ashraf Pahlavi’s drug trafficking body.

Had it not been for the involvement of Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller, Noriega would have handed them over to the Mullahs in handcuffs, and for a price.

Then the only reason for the continuation of this SICK world of fantasy should have something to do with LARGE monetary pay off….the compensation that is coming out of the massive EMBEZZELED Pahlavi loot.   PUZZLE solved!

Since, those with sound mind would not be either FOOLISH enough to imagine things, or  commit self-deception, thinking that nothing had happened and ALL was HONKY DORY and Iranians were dying to replace ONE murderous regime with another.


Peculiar? Did you watch one flew over the cuckoo's nest F.A.?

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Peculiar such a great word, no?  You know, you got me to think about VPK, great guy, miss him, not seen him for a long time.  I had one issue with him, he would really pi$$ me o&^ when he would call the late shah a Dictator, when ever he would insist on it, it was like the ignoramus jamboree was in full swing with him.

What happened to him?


Yes IranLovesIsrael, I agree Shah was on a Progressive Path

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Though negotiating alliances is complex and at this point based on results it turns out that the late shah was on the wrong path, after what the brits did to his father and the US to him, his team and country.  Unless the unthinkable happens and the USA were to do a massive U-turn, that is after murdering the late shah, neutralizing the entire military and supporting extremists for Iran to dominate the region for 33 years, to go back & honor the pact the USA had with the government of Iran prior to the betrayal of 1979.  Realistically not happening, the USA actually doesn't have either the history or capability to mend alliances, so not looking too good on Shahs choices.  

It would have taken Iranians quite some time to honestly change and enjoy a democratic system, these things are planned and implemented as institutions are created to oversee systems working.  Russia has much more in terms of people resources to do it quicker than iran could and will probably be a democracy in just 20 years. Shocking to think, the way the media is representing russia.  The Goal for iran was like Sweden/Holland though the west wanted iran more like India, Haiti.

Mash Ghasem I think had his account shut down for personal attacks and bad language, I think he may have had a brother taken in by savak during the time his brother was in college, for not respecting the law (ie communicating with banned political activists and reading commie materials around the period savaki's were getting killed and tortured by iranian commie activists as the country was fighting them, not that I think the law was a good law) and this must have been traumatic for Mash as a little child and worrying for his parents, If its a real story, 99% likely his older brother was not traumatized by sleep patterns interuptions or tecniques used by SAVAK to get information.  And if his brother was not heavily involved and active with commies he would have had no record or future legal trouble.

First Amendment

"OMG, the ignoramus jamboree"

by First Amendment on

That's what I may call a Very Peculiar Komment...


AmirParviz, I am confused!


Who is Masht Ghasem? Was he helped and supported by SAVAK when he was a student? Had the Shah's regime survived the 1979 uprising by the subversives and terrorists, SAVAK would have tuned Iran more democratic than Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, France, Germany, and America combined!

Shlomo loves democracy true SAVAK!

Masoud Kazemzadeh

Read Oon Yaroo, READ

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Oon Yaroo,

Did you read my blog?????????



Please first READ my answer, so that we could have an intelligent discussions instead of exchaneg of mere empty slogans.




OMG, the ignoramus jamboree

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Mash Ghasem, returned as Zendanian, what a tragedy!  Still Preaching how Iranian Society was the most democratic and advanced civil society during Mossadeghs time?  Seek professional help in addition to IC for your own benefit.  

Demo, that is the extent of your knowledge????  "The Pahlavis were clear examples of the west's puppets running the
country in the past." So when the USA/UK/France/Japan/Germany all refused to honor signed agreements with iran to deliver a steel Industry and the shah orderd from the USSR instead, against the objections of all of the above which told him they would over throw his government if he tried and wanted to prevent Irans industrial Development, the Late Shah was acting as a puppet by defying them and being for the Independence and progress of Iran? 

Can you at least prove you graduated high school?

Zendanian/Mash Ghasem on Independence a Myth. "national independence in the traditional sense of the word, as it was understood in the previous century is gone and irrelevant."  So when the Shahs team was prevented from industrializing Iran by the USA/UK/France/Germany/Japan and his government accepted help from russia, and other european states against their will, this not an example of the Shah helping Iran become Independent of Foreign Domination????  Sure he was getting interdependent help from several other countries, but was he not alo successfully breaking foreign domination, who's goal was to force Iran to be an oil based controllable economy, unlike the complex economy envisioned? 

For your eyes only... //iranian.com/main/blog/amirparvizforsecularm...


Oon Yaroo

No Sir! It was a colossal error of judgment by JM & Chapp!

by Oon Yaroo on

No buts, no ifs, no my dog ate my homework! None of these nonsenses like Akhoonds stole the revolution from us! No this and no that! It was purely and squarely incompetence and lack of democratic values on the part of all the groups specially by JM and Chapp who fell for a 2-zari akhoond called Khomeini!
Now, that's called a true but a bitter reason! Ain't it?

Masoud Kazemzadeh

Oon Yaroo

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Here is my answer:



The Shah was nokar, khaen, and fascist.  He had to go. Period, no buts or ifs.

The Iranian people LEARNED that fundamentalists are more reactionary than the monarchists.  We have been struggling to send the fundamentalists terrorist to the garbage can of history next to the nokar fascist monarchists where both of them belong.




Masoud Kazemzadeh

Naa Shah Mikhaim Naa Akhund: Laanat bar har 2 ta shoon

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on


Khomeini should have been condemned and opposed for his reactionary opposition to the land reform, female franchise, and changing taking oath of office from the Koran to a Holy Book. But Khomeini’s opposition to the Status of Force Agreement with the U.S., which would grant criminal immunity to American military personnel who committed crimes against the Iranian people (murder, rape, theft, etc) was correct. The Shah should have been condemned for the this capitulations treaty. This is the context of the quote by Khomeini. He condemned the UK, US, and the USSR.

Now this reactionary TERRORIST savage says that the IRI has granted concessions to Russia and China.

Well, all of us should condemn the IRI for many many things, including this. The Leftist Iranians (with the exception of Tudeh Party and Fadaian-Aksariyat) have bravely fought against the fundamentalist terrorist regime and thousands upon thousands of these brave men and women have died, and been jailed by the terrorist regime.

The Iranian leftists have grown tremendously since 1979. Today, they strongly condemn Stalinism and the one-party dictatorship. Today, the overwhelming majority of our leftists support democracy, civil liberties, and human rights.

There are two main groups today that are worse than they were in 1979: the nokar and fascistic monarchists and the hard-line fundamentalist terrorists.

In my opinion, the primary enemies of us are the VF regime and NIAC as well as the fascistic monarchists.

The nokar fascistic regime of the Shah belonged to the garbage can of history. Hopefully, we will send the fundamentalist terrorist regime to the garbage can of history next to monarchist regime.




Oon Yaroo

Doostan Germai, Chetoreed!?

by Oon Yaroo on

Hope all is well. How come both the democratic left and the progressive nationalist front bowed to the greatest dictator of all times, Khomeini the maniac, 34 years ago? No pontifications please! 

Mash Ghasem, welcome back!

Masoud Kazemzadeh

A Note of Gratitude to Our Democratic Socialist Friends

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

I would like to thank my dear progressive friends Zendanian, CallmeRed, and Roozbeh (as well as Arj who is not present here) for their support for freedom and democracy as well as for Mossadegh.

I also thank my friend P_J.

In the analysis of INF-OA, we regard the democratic left as our strategic partners in the establishment and consolidation of a secular democratic republic based on democracy, civil liberties, human rights, and progressive transformation of our polity.

We are most delighted and grateful for the wonderful evolution of the Left in Iran. This is a wonderful development and most conducive for the establishment of democracy.

Again, my friends Zendanian, CallmeRed and Roozbeh. Mamnoon.

Best regards,




صحبت از ساواک و اسلامیون شد...



"Independence" in 21 century: A Myth.Interdepencence the reality

by Zendanian on

The US being the #1 economic power of the world, owes much of its economic performance, most of its daily finance and a lot of other aspects of its economy to how markets operate in China and Europe, and the same applies to China and Europe. All great economies of the world are so intertwined and interconnected that catagories and standards of yester years are simply too outdated. These rules apply not only to great economic powers of the world but all countries of the world, large or small. 

In other words, national independence in the traditional sense of the word, as it was understood in the previous century is gone and irrelevant. The entire world, currently globalized, whether we like it or not, is one single mess of a unit, that's either going to collapse all together or be held up all together. 

Having said all that, monarchists' foul mouth, most disrespectful vocabulary and prolonged schizophrenia still dominates and colors all their "statements."


Fred is Right!

by Demo on

The blog is neither about Pahlavi nor about Mosadegh. Please read it at least once before writing a comment. Fred rarely ever tackles an important subject in his blogs. He is here writing about the economic dependency of IRI with the Russia & China & its expected disasterous outcomes of such. The Pahlavis were clear examples of the west's puppets running the country in the past. None of The comments below, however, address the issue except for the earlier of mine which barely touched 'the corruption' as the common denominator of such foreign 'enslavements.' 

First Amendment


by First Amendment on

I wonder how much longer we should wait before we'll be able to separate the resident Pahlavist/Chalabist bunch from those who really think a monarchy system is most suited for our homeland?..........You want a king?...... fine...we'll find you one...........let's go there, and pick a king from there........on my dead body, you should be able to import the retarded boy to take the throne....or my deader body  :)


Dr. Mosadeq had many ...

by fanoos on

affairs and mistresses, at least that was the big rumor out of the early 1950's rumor mill. When I danced in Kafeh Soosan in 1953, Dr. Mosadeq and his entire cabinet members would frequent the place with women much younger them themselves! One of my fellow dancers used to tell about her spending time in Ahmadabad Karadj where Dr. Mosedeq had a weekend retreat. Who knows? Many of those kids borne out of the wedlock may be blogging on this site!


سلطنت طلبان پرت ترین، بی ربط ترین و منزوی ترین جریان "سیاسی" در


 متن بلاگ چی میگه: میگه سلطنت طلبان پرت ترین، بی ربط ترین و منزوی ترین جریان "سیاسی" در ایران هستند.
نشان نقل قول باین شکل " برای واژه سیاسی به این معنا است که سیاست برای این طیف چیزی به جز سرکوب و اختناق و استبداد مخالفان نیست.
ان زمانی که در قدرت بودند، ساواک مجری سیاستهایشان بود، و حال که در قدرت نیستند، تحریفات و فحاشی های روزمره بر علیه زمین و زمان.


Monarchists' schizophernia reaches new heights & their repulsive

by Zendanian on

so called "etiquettes" reaches the lowest.

As our resident obfuscator, IOI (aka FR, Anglo,...) forgets the very basics of logic and common sense in her daily obfuscation: Civil Society in ALL ITS DEFINITIONS is describes as: social institutions INDEPENDENT OF THE STATE.

Now, how in the world could an agency of state-police, an enforcer of State violence, be the "major force" behind any Civil Society, is a phenomenon that belongs strictly within monarchists schizophernic mind set.

Iranian Civil Societ was the most advanced during Mosadegh Era because in Iran we had the most extensive amalgamation of independent Trade Unions, independent Women's organizations, independent students' groups, a truly free press, all kinds of active religious institutions, and all other independent social groups and organizations that constitute a proper Civil Society, compared to any other country in that region, during that period, late 40's early 50's. 

After the infamous Coup of 1953, not only all these independent organziations were drushed and decleared illegal, SAVAK became the only "arbiter" of social activism. In this capacity entities such as Hojatieh and all those Mehdiehs, Hossaniehs, Masjids and Tekiehs were the only institutions and groups left free to be active. Combine this cesspool of religious reaction with the Fascist single party Rastakhiz sytem, and no one should be surprised that we all ended with Isalmic Republic of Hell.

Heck of a job!


پا بزنید.


چپولان ترجمه؛ مسخ شدگان حزب خائن توده، پامنبری های شارلاتان علی شریعتی و مابقی عزیزان که در طبخ آش دهن سوز انقلاب خوش عاقبت  نقش ور دست سر آشپز رو داشتن و بعد از گذشت تاریخ مصرف دک شدن، هنوز دل در نفرت به رژیم پهلوی دارند و با اون زهر افشانی های جوانیشون حال میکنن.

اینکه متن بلاگ چی میگه براشون مطرح نیست.

پ.ن. محض اطلاع عرض میشود که پهلوی پَر؛ یه سی و خورده  سال هم هست که پَر.   


Zendanian! VERY Well Said!

by P_J on

Especially when you uttered the words INDESCENCY, REPULSIVITY, absence of INTEGRITY and DIHONESTY; all true definitions of this “PAID” PROFESSIONAL crowd, pimping for something that no longer exists and it may have NEVER been!

M. R. Pahlavi, the TRAITOR, was an IMPOSED British stooge supported by the Americans, without any domestic popular or grass root support and lots of Iranian HATRED.

The Shahollahis/Hezbollah crowd having no place to go but down, as was the case for their VICIOUS, marooned leader, M. R. Pahlavi, THE TRAITOR; they are on their last BREATH of existence!

Same seems to be true for the IslamoFascist regime of the Mullahs!    


The strongest proponent of civil society was HIM M. R. Pahlavi!


Dr. Mosadeq fell victim to the inevitable forces of communism and Soviet totalistic ambitions in the eastern Europe, north Africa, middle east, south America, far East, and even America! Unfortunately, Dr. Mo was surrounded by the communists forces loyal to the Tudeh/Soviet front.

1953 events were all designed to save Iran and the Imperial government of Iran from the vicious Soviets and thank God they were saved. 

SAVAK was the major force behind the establishment of civil society in Iran and you can't deny it! Ask any SAVAK detainee and they would tell you they had the fondest memories during their relaxing time in SAVAK (ie., vacation resort!)

Shlomo salutes all SAVAK members!


Iran during Mosadegh had the most advanced Civil Society in

by Zendanian on

Entire Middle East, bar none.

Iran during monarchist Rastakhiz single-party Fascism, was a cesspool of Savak and Hojatieh, that gave us Islamic Republic of Hell.


Bed Sheet, Doroshkeh, and Tolombeh!


What an Iranian would wear, ride in, and drink water from if it weren't for the monarchists and the late Shah!

Shlomo believes in Monarchy!


Monarchists are nothing but a bunch of Fascists out of power

by Zendanian on

Just see how they have behaved when they're even in a small group of less than twenty people, recently in an anti-IR rally in Sweden.

They just behaved like a bunch of Hezbollah thugs, to the extent that event's organizers had to issue a statement, and explicitly reminding monarchists that if they show up again and conduct themselves in the same thugish manner, organizers will have no choice but to resort to police, to keep them out of anti-IR protest.

What was monarchists' response? Instead of issuing an apology, not only they have not apologized for their un-democratic behaviour, they recently posted and interview by the head thug who was in "charge" of that crowd in Sweden. Effectively telling all, this kind of thuggery is what passes for "leadership" amongst them. 

On top of all this their ranks has been so thoroughly infliterated by IR's agents, when talking with them you really don't know who you're dealing with. IR thugs or monarchist thugs? Needless to say as you correctly mention, they're all the same, blood thirsty agents of tyranny and despotism.



by CallmeRed on

کاملا موافقم. جماعت نوکرمآب و کم سواد سلطنت طلب که عاشق دولا راست شدن جلوی یک قدرت برتر --آن هم قدرت برتر قلابی- هستند.

همه این آدمها عقده خود برتر بینی دارند و دچار خود شیفتگی شدیدهستند. همه این سلطنت طلبها خودشون عقده شاه شدن و تسلط برمردم دیگه رو دارند. چون این آرزو عملی نمیشه ازاین که می بینند یک آدم دیگه برمردم تسلط پیدا میکنه لذت می برند!!ضمن اینکه فکر می کنند به عنوان نوکردربار بالاخره ممکنه به نون و نوایی برسند!!! برای همینه که با چپها که به توده مردم احترام میذارن دشمنی دارند. چون ارزشی برای توده مردم قايل نیستند.