تمسخر شاه توسط مردم در تابستان ۱۳۵۸ شمسی

by Tapesh

تمسخر شاه توسط مردم در تابستان ۱۳۵۸ شمسی,پارک ملت تهران.


more from Tapesh

yes Arj, people around the world challenge authority, but....

by Shirzadegan on

But eventually they will be happy with what they challenged for. They greet, welcome  and cherish what they were fighting for. 

 Are you happy with what you were fantasizing since age 6 !! ? 



شعار مردم ایران: --رای من کو--


تاریخ ما عجین شده با زور و رای یک نفر فرا تر از همه جامعه.   ایران -
کشوری که از نظر فلسفی در منطقه خاور میانه از   پیشگامان بوده - حالا با
تجربه سخت ولی ارزشمند حکومت اسلامی --  به اسلام سیاسی/حکومتی  --نه --
گفته و در مرحله بعدی آن را به تاریخ خواهد سپرد.   در مقایسه با کشور های
پیرامون، مانند پاکستان - افغانستان - عراق - سوریه - عربستان - مصر و حتی
ترکیه که هنوز در رویای یافتن راه حل در "حکومت" اسلامی هستند.    پس 
ایران از همه اینها جلوترخواهد بود اگر از تجارب تلخ گذشته -- شاه سالاری و
ولی  فقیه سالاری به مردم سالاری و اداره دولت و کشور با رجوع به رای مردم
رو آورد

. دور نیست روزی  که به ولی فقیه هم بخندیم.

 آن که را طاوس خواهد جور هندوستان کشد.

ایران برای همه ایرانیان

دولت ایرانیان - فقط با رای ایرانیان

نه ولایت وقیح نه پادشاه سفیه





by Fatollah on

حالا اگه  زنده بودی، خودت و بچه ات دنبال سوراخی برای فرار از مملکت فلاکت زده هستی،
در کشوریکه عده کثیری از مردمش عادت به زرنگی و مفت خوری وعرق زور و بازو را معیوب میدانستن،
در کشوریکه روزنامهٔ رسمیش از قول آخوندی، خانه نخرید همه را صاحب مسکن خواهیم کرد انتظاری نیست،
خلایق هر چی لایق



by Arj on

Haven't we been through this before (albeit under your old handle)? 

FYI, your psychobable doesn't mean a thing to me. However, your "argument" or whatever you think it is, is self-defeating, for people all over the world challenge their ruling authorities to restore their rights -- including the Syrian people against Assad, Lybians against Qadafi, Egyptians against Mubarak, and last but not least; Iranians against Khamenei and IRI!

areyo barzan

How Convenient!

by areyo barzan on

When the debate is lost our friends resort to more MAGHLATEH misrepresentation of facts and sarcasm.


Well sir this debate is not all about Pahlavi’s or even bringing them back, as anyone with shred of intelligence knows that is neither feasible nor to the best of our interest as the circumstances of today’s Iran is very different to the Iran of 1979.


What is being addressed here is the matter of a nation and its intellectuals will or rather lack of it to acknowledge their errors and apologize for it when due and to do it for the sake of generations coming after them so that they  can role up their sleeves and clean of the mess made by their fathers instead of having to live with consequence of these errors or even worse repeat them, just to service the arrogant eager of a generation of bigots.  


After all as I remember it was people like Banisadr, Yazdi, and Ghotb Zaadeh who surrounded Khomeini in Paris and ushered him into power by organising his media interviews and writing his speeches for him. Not to mention the Todeh party and other communists that became devoted Muslims over night and where shouting in the streets of Iranian cities

“Allah-o Akbar Khomeini Rahbar”


How funny that now a days the same crowd are desperately trying to distance themselves from the Islamic BS they where promoting at the time and portrait the last regime whose member were declared as infidels by the veryleader they were following and condemned to death.


Who the hell you think you are kidding here mate.  Just go and read a bit of history.  I recommend the books  written by Mr Banisadr (Istadeh bar Armaan) and Ibrahim Yazdi (Akharin Talaash-haa dar akharin roozha) for start.


Furthermore I believe the only delusional day dreamers were those who followed one dictator theocrat called Khomeini to the hell that IRI without knowing who he was what he was standing for or even listening to what he was saying, in the hope that by following a religious dictator theocrat they can get into a secular democracy or they can turn Iran to a Western Democracy without educating people to the level of people in the West.


Now you tell me mate who was out of their freaking mind here and more disconnected from realities of life


Fighting authorities

by Shirzadegan on

Some individuals who were raised by authority figures in their families have personal issues rather than promoting any specific political agenda. For example, take a look at this statement:

"Shahollahis keep day-dreaming as to what if the army had intervened in 1979 and killed a few hundred thousands of these "traitors" who dared to question HIM's authority". Arj

or the other part:

"The more these dimented egomaniacs try to exert their authority, the more they become the object of ridicule" Arj

 Obviously, the point for this writer is fighting with authority. it doesn't matter who is in charge. Dariush the Persian singer, Angela Davis marxist-leninst american scholar and many others who are opposed with authrity figures could be classified in this catergory. The issue is psychiatric, not a political.

Any rational and reasonable person can see that progress, modernization during Pahlavi era is NOT comparable to destruction of Iran under bunch of the Islamic thugs for last 33 years. No one need to be Einstain to see that.  Anyone can see that, except whose who has problems with authorities figures. For them, fighting with authority is important, not the political system in charge.  


    "Shahollahi" is an oxymoron term. "Allah" belong to nomad, bare feet arab tribe. it can not co-exist with "shah" who is reflection of Persian empire and Iran's history. Mixing "shah" such as Koroush Kabir with "Allah" is an insult to Iran's rich history.


Perpetual day-dreaming!

by Arj on

Unfortunately, supporters of the Pahlavi regime still, after more than three decades, fail to realize that Shah and his regime have joined the dustbin of history and nothing's going to bring them back from the dead. Just as supporters of the Islamic regime are incapable to realize that IRI is pretty much finished and on its last feeble leg!

Since both these crowds see people as mere minors who need the father-figure/guardian to decide what's good for them, the last thing they give a hoot about is the public opinion. To them, kipping the "unruly" population in line is nothing that can't be fixed with a little bit of more violence. Little do they know however, that violent crack down could only prolongue an unpopular regime's life-line for so long and that its demize is an inevitability!

That is why Hezbollahis believe in violence and crackdown as the only solution to counter social and political dissent, and that is why Shahollahis keep day-dreaming as to what if the army had intervened in 1979 and killed a few hundred thousands of these "traitors" who dared to question HIM's authority!

Indeed, Shah was a dimented individual who believed that Abolfazl/Hazrat Abbas saved him when he fell off his horse on his way to pay pilgrimage to Emamzadeh Davoud (that is a fact and no B.S.) and yet had the over-blown ego to decide what he thought is good for an entire nation, just as Khamenei is a psychiatrically derranged individual who wants to determine the fate of a nation all on his own!

The more these dimented egomaniacs try to exert their authority, the more they become the object of ridicule and the butt of jokes of their people. Perhaps if history has thought us anything, we should shift the blame from people and search for the cause of such ridicues and contempts!  


Areyo barzan, great response/ Comment

by Azarbanoo on

You wrote it elequently.  In Addition, I heard that Dr. Nourizadeh today on Chanel one TV saying that 1357 Generration were sick that could not see the progressed made by Shah & his father in IRAN for IRANIANS rather focused only on his shjortcoming.  We Iranians are very UNgrateful & Absent minded.  We forget our HISTORY as well.


A nation incable of

by Khebedin on

A nation incable of latheral thinking. I hope we have learnt a lesson.

areyo barzan

Arj Geraami

by areyo barzan on

Please note that the time for this type of philosophical BS has long passed.   This is not 1357 and our people have moved away from this mambo jumbo long ago  

Iranian people and especially the younger generation are now mature enough to know that there is no such thing as perfect and no one even dreams of claiming the Shahs era was perfect or even good enough. .

However we are realist enough to recognise the fact that given the national and international circumstances, people’s level of education and the prospective of their own history and the history of western imperialism, it was as good as it could get at time.

The rest was mainley up to us the people it was us who had to clean up our acts open up to new ideas, embrace education over superstition, modernity over religious bigotry and technology over backwardness. We needed to start being a responsible citizen and taking responsibility towards our own action and our society instead of expecting the government to do everything (including wiping our mouth after evey meal) for us.

And we failed spectacularly in all those issues, educated and illiterate alike. 

The very fact that no one even stopped for a second to ask themselves why BBC, a British entity paid for by British Tax payers, working for the British government and advancement of its interest suddenly became so concerned about Iranian people their human right and the national interest while the very same broadcaster started the whole non sense about the name of Persian Gulf by refusing to call it by its real and proper mane. that issu alone shows how politically matureand internationaly aware we were as a nation..  


Now! if you could not sense the stink of that from a million mile away you are not even alive.

No! the time of Shah and Pahlavi era was not Perfect. In fact perfect does not exist.

Here in the real world, where the rest of us live every thing is measured relevant to what was before and what came after it and for anyone who have a shred of decency and fair play in their whole being there is no doubt that Pahlavi era was one of the best periods of our modern history both in terms of industrial and economical advancement and in terms of health, social mobility and education leap that the generation living at the time enjoyed compared to their parents or their children as the matter of a fact not to mention our international and national interests and border integrity.


However as I understand it would always be easier  for some to shift the blame to some one else, deny ones own guild and errors and no to acknowledge what hs been lost though shear arrogance and stupidity. or alternatively create a martyr (Mosaddegh) without being fair and realistis enough to see let alone recognize his errors and conviniently hide behind him.    This is especially true about us Iranians who suffer from having and over grown cancerous eager which will never allows us to see our own errors let alone acknowledging, diagnosing and rectifying them in order to be able to move on and prevent their reoccurrence.


At the end of the day neither I nor anyone else can ever enlighten those who do not want to be enlightened. But rest assured my friend when I tell you that the new generation of Iranians have already recognised the error and the cock up performed by the 1357 generation and know very well who is to blame for it. 

Furthermore they are realistic enough to know what is the duty of government, to be expect from people in power and what is the duty of ordinary citizen and unless embracing the fact that unless each and everyone of us attend to our national and social obligation democracy and social justice will be another illusion and another meaning less term inside the useless books no one bothers to read


The B.S. OD!

by Arj on

This is a perfect example of people's backlash against an egotistic despot's B.S. being shoved down their throat. They did back then against Shah who tried to burrow legitimacy from their natioanl history, as they do now against Khamenei burrowing from their religion!

 No matter what, nothing's going to make them drop one in favour of the other. They nonetheless keep searching until they find the elusive balance between the two, and neither the Islamists nor monarchists will be any help towards that endeavour, but rather impediments!

Even if these people are all dead by now, it doesn't mean people are hungry for more bulshit from pahlavis! On the contrary, people want to be treated as adults so that they don't have to put up with anybody's B.S.!


You know!

by Faramarz on



He is either dead and buried at Khavaran, or escaped through Turkey to the west or is a professor at Columbia! And in all likelihood, he probably misses the good ol' days!


I wonder

by MRX on

how many of them are alive and lauging now!