احمدی نژاد : ایران مشکل اقتصادی ندارد

by Tapesh

در حالی که بسیاری از کارشناسان اقتصادی و نمایندگان مجلس نسبت به ورشکستگی اقتصادی ایران هشدار می‌دهند، محمود احمدی‌نژاد می‌گوید که کشور هیچ مشکل اقتصادی ندارد و از ثبات کامل برخوردار است.



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مثل کبک سرش را زیر برف می کند


به طور کلی جملات نامفهوم و بی معنی و خارج از موضوع را دری وری  می گویند  د

Arash Kamangir

Mamoor: why do you criticise your president?

by Arash Kamangir on

I should think people like you and your likes have got the right president and don't deserve anyone better! 


مامور جان آخه مادام تاچر این شکلیه؟!!



بعلاوه کسی‌ که به تقلید از مامور ۰۰۷ ساعت امگا دست میکنه باید به اینگلیسا یه احترامی بگذاره. آخه عزیز من یا درست تقلید کن یا ساعت وستندواچ دست کن! در ثانی‌ احمدی نژاد راست میگه تو ایرون "همو سکشووال" نداریم. واسه اینکه همشونو اعدام کرده! 

Siamak Asadian

$$$in Swiss accounts of mullahs,absolute poverty for the people

by Siamak Asadian on

of Iran.

Mamory as usual you're wrong, again. But its your job to lie and distort, right?

Here's some numbers, you seem to always forget to mention:

According to IR's own Center for National Statistics:

10 million Iranians live below absolute poverty line.

25 million live just below poverty line (not absolute, just 'relative).

The latest poverty level in Iran, inflation adjusted is 800,000 Toman. The official minimmum wage is 320,000.

They don't "lack" good managment, their entire bloody rule is based on imposition of absolute poverty and destitution to Iranian workers and people. With the aid of Western Oil companies ofcourse.

Reserves of foreign exchange and gold:   $109.7 billion (31 December 2011 est.)

country comparison to the world: 22

$78.9 billion (31 December 2010 est.) Debt - external:   $17.9 billion (31 December 2011 est.)

country comparison to the world: 81

$22.1 billion (31 December 2010 est.)



right on the point Mrs Tacher

by مآمور on

hoo haaayy, once for change I can agree with some british!! 

Ahamdi said " we dont have a problem -like western world do- with homsexuality . there are people in Iran with that kind of sexual desire and they are practicing it too, in their homes. However,u may not know, Iran is a conservative society and this issue is offensive to many many people of Iran(remember democracy)

just like fianacial problem with lack of good managment, we suffers of lack of managment in that field. 

I wear an Omega watch


$$$$ in saving account

by مآمور on

Iran, as Mr Ahmadi rightly mentioned, has no economical problem. It has one of the biggest reserve fund in the world, It owes almost nothing to any international banks and institutes. There is more than enough money for the country to function, no wonder it has stood so firmly on the face of the hardest sanctions.

what Iran suffers is the lack of a good financial managment and fair distribution of wealth

I wear an Omega watch


One wonders

by MRX1 on

what this guy olaghnejad inhales.


anglophile, Well said

by Azarbanoo on

Very logical comment.


عمامه و یا هاله نور


از اثرات جانبی گذاشتن عمامه و یا هاله نور در فرق سر: مکر و تخیل و خودفریبی!


He said the same thing about gays

by anglophile on

"In Iran we have no gays" - he said. The logical conclusion is that in Iran, economics is gay!