Stop Loving You by Toto

by Yachov

Another Toto great.  "Stop Loving You."  Have you ever gone through a break up and realized that stopping the loving is easier said than done even if you generated the break up.  It is amazing what kids do to themselves.  :)  My remedy, and I know this is bad, was to quickly find someone else kind of like, "Forget about that and think about this."  :)  Listen to the whacking Rickenbacker bass.   It sounds like a Roto Rooter on meth.  LOL 


Here is Uncle Phil's version:


{Poor Phil can't get a word in edgewise.  What the heck is up with that?}  LOL

Back to Toto here is "Hold the Line"  I remember the bass player in my band wrote a song that began like "Hold the Line" where a guy is pounding on the keyboards like "chop sticks."  He was all excited.  I said, "I am not playing that third grade stuff.  Are you nuts?"  Seems to have worked for Toto though.  Go figure.  :) 



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