گیر افتادن یک مزدور رژیم به دست ایرانیان آزاده در نیو یورک

by Tapesh

گیر افتادن یک مزدور رژیم به دست ایرانیان آزاده در نیو یورک. ۲۳ شهریور.



more from Tapesh
Maryam Hojjat

All Iranians must react to such a situation like

by Maryam Hojjat on

the talking genteman. 

Ali P.

Baby steps

by Ali P. on

There was a dialogue(well,...mostly a monologue),between two men with opposing points of views( let's just assume that) and no one got physical, and no one was yelling or cursing.

(And I further assume the quiet guy was Iranian, able of comprehending the talkative guy's speech)

Practicing democracy.

I like it!

We're getting there :-)

Jeesh Daram


Jeesh Daram

ما نفهمیدیم کدوم مزدور بود و کدوم هموطن؟  از کجا فهمیدین که اون مزدوره؟ شرحی داده نشده بود، فقط طرف ساکت بود 


دم این هموطن گرم که ابروی مزدور رژیم رو برد...


This islamist regime supporting mozdoor walked away with his head hanging down in shame. A warning to all mozdoors :) 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


 Excellent. Couldn't have

by vildemose on

 Excellent. Couldn't have said better myself. Dorood bar in agha....

Reform requires the consent of the corrupt


Thanks Tapesh...

by پندارنیک on

...'had never seen a pink limo before.........