From its extraction through sale, use and disposal, all the stuff in our lives affects communities at home and abroad, yet most of this is hidden from view. >>>
26-Feb-2009 (3 comments)
I recived this email with no link to the original source. But I thought it is important to let everyone read it. همه چيزه اين خاطره واقعيه به جز اسامي. چون اصلا عموم اسمهاي اصلي رو به من نگفت (فقط اسم ليلا واقعيه). >>>
26-Feb-2009 (3 comments)
تا به حال از خودتان پرسيده‌ايد که علت رخ دادن اين همه فجايع، نسل‌کشي‌ها و جنگ‌ها چيست؟ مگر ممکن است که اين فجايع بدون همکاري ميليون‌ها نفر از مردم يک جامعه به وقوع بيپوندند؟ >>>
Kamkars - The Nobel Peace Prize Concert 2003 >>>
21-Feb-2009 (6 comments)
Mirza Mohammad Ali, better known as Hajj Sayyah (meaning the traveler), was born in 1836 in the town of Mahallat in Iran. His studies exposed him at a young age to modern and democratic ideas>>>
10-Feb-2009 (one comment)

Ahmad Batebi explains how he got out of Iran with fotage of the escape taken with his cell phone.

Rocketboom spotlight: Iran: A nation of bloggers by Aaron Chiesa, Toru Kageyama, Hendy Sukarya, and Lisa Temes, students the Vancouver Film School>>>
21-Jan-2009 (7 comments)
در گذشته های دور پادشاهی بیگانه بر سرزمین مادری مسلط شد. او بد خواه و در عین حال زیرک بود. و وزیری داشت از خودش بسی بد خواه تر و زیرک تر>>>