Jesus for President


by Siah

I live in North Texas, a confusing combination of racism and Christianity on the Bible belt. As an Iranian who studies here I sometimes face the ugly side of the Americans here, especially after our presidential election back in 2005. Boy, we really messed up on this one. I always wonder how on earth, amongst all those worse candidates, we managed to elect the WORST!

And this Ahmadinejhad-Bush mishmash is the worst thing that could happen to the world at this time of the history. Kind of like a “Universal Bi-polar Disorder”. A crazy, religious, moron on this side of the earth and another crazy, religious, mindless moron on the other side. What a synergy!

While I think any other president for 2008 is by far a superior alternative to the current one (Bush) I strongly believe that another idiot can put the Iranian community in a more difficult situation and segregate us even more.

I like Obama, I guess in the long run he has the charisma, and the vision to take this broke country to where it was before the Bush administration. I like Hillary too, despite all her hypocrisy; I believe she can help this country too. She has what Obama probably lacks to possess, “Arrogance”, and that’s what Americans originally like to see in their president.

I have never voted Republican. But, this time I have found a crazy Republican who makes Republicans and Neoconservatives think, Ron Paul. As crazy as it sounds, I believe he has given some thoughts to what he is saying and among all the other candidates he is the only one who demonstrates integrity in his slogans, and never been swinging back and forth in what he is saying.

I like to see Iranians register Republican and vote for him :)

**The title comes from a conversation I had with a friend of mine the other day. He said his mom thinks no one in this election possesses Christian values and she will vote "Jesus" for the office. He reminded me of my home country where people vote "Emam Zaman" for a seat in Majles!!!


more from Siah
Rosie T.

What do you mean, you submitted an article and they

by Rosie T. on

didn't permit you to access it in your own blog?  Do you mean they didn't allow you to PUBLISH it as a blog or they didn't allow you to RETRIEVE it once you sent it?  Or both?

 What do you mean, CUrious Joe?  I want to know.  I don't care what you think of my socializing with Sasha and Maz...I want to know EXACTLY what you mean.... Please.

Anyway, there is no "they." There's only ONE person in charge of ALL editorial, that's JJ.  There IS no "they."


Curious Joe

The Ideal Ticket

by Curious Joe on

Talk about a bi-partisan ticket,  What better than Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul -- and I don't care which one is the President and which one is the Vice-President.  As long as we don't get the same old shit, who cares.

By the way, I submitted an article tonight to  It was entitled "Don't Immigrate to the US".  They decided not publish it.  Furthermore, they also prohibited me to access it in my own blog.  I wonder why?  I wish I had kept a copy to post it elsewhere.  It took me a long time to write it.  What a waste of time ...

I suppose it must have had something to do with the Patriot Act and the censorship in America.





by iii (not verified) on

Instead of wasting time on such matters,
suggest you get out of the Bible belt as fast as
you can: It's at least 50 years behind the rest of
America. Relocate to best area, the northeast.

Rosie T.

Paul is good...

by Rosie T. on

but he can't win.  Hillary's much too much of a hawk.  Some still think Gore should be urged to run, that Obama and Edwards lack the high level political track record....If we get another Republican (other than Paul, who...we won't...) our goose is really cooked.



Obama is the fall guy

by دختر قوام السلطنه (not verified) on

mark my word, you will see if he becomes a President. The March surprise will assure Republicans the election. There is a plenty of time to yet still another election in this two-party dictatorial.